Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 504: Klein's First Experience in Politics

The current Klein is no longer the little white who just entered the extraordinary world and didn't understand anything. After having many exciting and dangerous experiences, he has a preliminary understanding of the danger of the moon.

In the mysterious world, there are three gods who can point to the moon. Among them is the ancestor Lilith who has fallen in the history of the Silver City but still exists in the history of the blood race, and there is also the Evernight Goddess, one of the seven righteous gods. Contains the "Crimson Lord", and the last one is the unknown "Original Moon".

In addition to these three, Destiny Councilman Richjord of the Life School also said that the relationship between the "mother tree of desire" and the "primordial moon" is delicate. However, according to Bethel Abraham, Mr. "Gate" who is closest to the true God, the "Moon" card was still empty in the era of Emperor Roselle more than a hundred years ago.

[To tell the truth, I have been using Changing to catch up and change, changing source and switching, and there are many voices for reading aloud, both Android and Apple can be used. 】

It is precisely because this path is too complicated that Klein instinctively doubts the status of the "Queen of the Blood Moon".

You know, in this gray fog, he has divined the two true gods, the Eternal Lieyang and the True Creator, and he has also divined Mr. "Gate". The three experiences of dying have given him ample experience in this regard. In addition, this time, he can even make a leaderboard, but the feeling of divination Olnia surpasses that of the Eternal Blazing Sun. It is almost on the same level as the real Creator, and the degree of weirdness is even higher.

Could it be that the "primordial moon" affected the revived Olnia? Or is there something else?

Klein has not forgotten the series of mushrooms, wheat, and forests, and the path where the Mother Earth Goddess is located is the adjacent path of the "Moon" path.

Maybe it's time to find a chance to remind Emlyn?

As soon as this idea came up, Klein shook his head and denied it. He is not sure about Olnia's status now. If those big figures of the blood race know, it will damage Mister Fool's identity.

Suddenly, the crimson star pointing at Miss "Magician" began to expand and contract, and the illusory prayer sounds also reached his ears.

No way? Another "Blood Moon"? Didn't it already happen two days ago?

Could it be me again this time?

Last time when Emlyn hunted down the "primordial moon" believers, Klein shot and destroyed a "moon puppet" and then a "blood moon" happened, and this time it might happen again, which made him very concerned about Olnia The status of the increasingly suspicious.

Hundreds of nautical miles east of the White Whale Sea.

With the arrival of mid-May, there is only more than one month before the whaling season. As usual, many whaling houses that are not very profitable have already begun to send ships, hoping to get income as soon as possible. In fact, this sea area is whaling all year round, but with the decrease in the number of whales, as well as factors such as seasons and anti-whaling parades, the period after the start of large-scale whaling activities will be called whaling season.

But this year is a bit different. Most of the whaling houses have already started to send out ships for hunting.

The reason is that at the end of last year, the "Admiral of Blood" led a fleet to attack Nas, the capital of the Gargas Islands. Thousands of people were bloodily sacrificed. This huge shadow shrouded the people of the islands for several months, and the whaling activities stopped. Some time ago, it was reported that Senor was hunted down by the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow.

Therefore, people on the island are celebrating and making up for losses as soon as possible. This year's whaling season started early.

But they were not without worries. Shortly after Senor was hunted down, another pirate general, "Admiral Hunting Demon" Andreevich, appeared in this sea area, and Vladimir Vladimir stationed in the Gargas Islands. The Sark navy clashed and then sailed into the depths of the sea.

However, judging from the actions of "Admiral Demon Hunter" in the past, the other party did not like to rob ships, but always clashed with the Feysac fleet, which also minimized the worries in the hearts of the people.

With this in mind, Bazel Whale House dispatched three whaling ships in one go. It's just that after ten days of trying, there is still no gain, and they encountered the last thing they didn't want to encounter.

In front of them, a 100-meter-long three-masted sailing ship stood in front of them. The skeleton on the sail proved that it was a pirate ship, and the two crossed silver-white rapiers indicated that the ship belonged to the "hunters". Admiral Andreevich, a pirate general who killed two pirate generals.

"That's the 'Iron Anchor', it turned out to be the ship of the 'Vice Admiral of the Deep Sea'!" An elderly crew member trembled uncontrollably and recognized the ship.

In the Fusac sea area, information about Andreevich had already spread to everyone. The pirate admiral had two ships, his former captain's Dusk, and Vice Admiral of the Deep's Anchor.

The former are all elite crew members of Andreev, who are said to have power beyond ordinary people, and they also have rewards. To know some small pirate ships, only the captain is eligible to have a bounty.

It’s just that anyone who knows about the “Admiral Hunting Demon” knows that although there are not elite pirates on the “Anchor”, there are a large number of them, and most of them are pirates recruited by this pirate general. Instead, they hunted Bazel. Houses are more of a threat.

The three whaling ships quickly adjusted their positions, so that the side was aimed at this side, and the artillery was ready to go.

At the same time, the whaling cannons that fired javelins and harpoons with explosives also turned in the same direction. The tall, blond-haired fishermen of the Gargas Islands held forks, held guns, stood, or squatted, unusually alert.

In the captain's room of the "Iron Anchor", he observed the changes of the whaling ship with the help of a monocular, and the second officer of the "Twilight" "Conspirator" Wagner, who was temporarily in charge of the ship, raised a sarcasm:

"It's really a group of guys who don't know how to live or die."

He put down the binoculars and shouted to the pirates on the deck:

"Fire and force them out of this sea."



There was a sound and sound, and the pirates immediately took off the gun coats of the artillery on the deck. More than a dozen artillery pieces aimed at the sea area in front of the whaling ship. Under the command of the "navigator", they let out a deafening roar. The shells flew out of the barrel, creating splashes of water one after another.

After a round of shelling, Wagner ordered the shelling to stop, picked up the binoculars to observe the reaction on the other side, and smiled with satisfaction after seeing the three whaling ships evacuate. Then he walked to the window on the other side, looking at the sparkling sea, with a heavy expression on his face.

Whether it is the "Twilight" or the "Anchor", most of the crew members have come to this sea area for the first time and lack experience. Last Saturday, I almost sailed directly into the dangerous sea of ​​ruins. If the first mate did not remind me urgently, there would be a big problem.

After exiting that sea area, it didn't take long to find the first officer of the "Death" "Heart Eater". The other party found a pirate ship from nowhere, and there were also a group of pirates on board.

Among the four pirate kings, the "Immortal King" Agaritu is the most special. Although the other pirate kings also have flagships, they will also serve in other fleets, but he only has one "Death", and all the crew members are there. on a ship.

After discovering this, Andreevich, who called himself the "Admiral of the Demon Hunter", immediately launched a pursuit, but the "Twilight" itself was not good at speed, and lost the trace of "Heart Eater". But he did not give up, and began to continue wandering in this sea area, and even asked Wagner to temporarily lead the "Anchor" to drive away the whaling ships in order to prevent other whaling ships from entering his hunting grounds.

Originally, Wagner thought that the captain's actions would definitely be interfered by the forces behind him. After all, the gap between the Pirate General and the Pirate King was not that big, but after nearly a week, there was no change. While this made him breathe a sigh of relief, he also became more worried about the captain's dangerous behavior.

"We have a ship coming from the north!"

The shout made Wagner recover from his worries, and he looked to the north with a telescope, and saw a dark pirate ship with a black tombstone on the flag.

This is the banner of the "Undead King", but this ship is not the "Death", nor the previous "Heart Eater".

Something is going wrong.

Wagner's expression became more serious, and he turned his head and shouted:

"Let's get out of here and go find the captain!"

160 Berklund Street.

Watching the bishop, the congressman, and the congressman's wife leave, the smile on Klein's face faded little by little, but it didn't completely disappear.

He is quite satisfied with the current progress. The Evernight Goddess Church is connected behind Bishop Electra, which is the main purpose of his return to Backlund this time. Councilor Maury Macht is a retired soldier, the current councilor, absolutely Undoubtedly, belonging to one or several officers' clubs will help him continue to investigate the Backlund Great Smog incident. After all, he can't just trust the words of Mr. "Emperor".

Klein returned to the small living room and found his butler Walter standing there, as if he wanted to communicate with him alone.

Arrods said that there would be extra expansion on Walter's body... He signaled his valet Richardson to leave with his eyes, and then sat back on the sofa.

"Sir, if you are interested in a new party?"

"It can be said like this."

Klein was already aware of this aspect when he was electing the housekeeper. On the one hand, he played the role of a rich man who believed in the Goddess of the Evernight, and the Church of Evernight clearly favored the New Party in terms of political stance. On the other hand, the New Party did indeed represent the current The future development trend of society.

"Then you should pay attention, the current situation of the new party is not very good, and it is very likely that it will continue to be bad."

Although Walter's political inclination is the new party, but as a housekeeper, he has to remind his master.

"Why is this?" Klein was a little puzzled.

He discussed the political situation in the Tarot from Miss Justice and Mr. Emperor, especially the repeal of the Corn Laws, the assassination of Duke Negan, and the internal strife among the three nobles who supported the Conservative Party, which led to the Conservative Party It should be the one that didn't develop well. In the past few days, he has also seen the propaganda about the general election, and it is obvious that the new party has the upper hand.

"Now the new party is facing a big dilemma..." Walter briefly explained the reasons, and finally couldn't help feeling a little bit, "In fact, after the assassination of Duke Negan, according to many people, including myself, the Conservative Party will Will lose this year's general election, but judging from the current situation, the final result is still uncertain."

"According to the analysis of many people, especially from the recent news, it may be Rawls Adrian, Viscount Drian, who was conferred this year's New Year's appointment for the Conservative Party."

The name seems familiar, doesn't it?

Relying on the spiritual intuition of a fortuneteller, Klein quickly remembered the barrister.

"This Mr. Viscount is a rising star in the political arena this year, and he is also controversial. He is also a believer in the goddess, but supports the Conservative Party, and his behavior style is different from many nobles. He rarely participates in banquets, but he has a high political Influence. A group of 'lifetime nobles' will be conferred in June, and the relevant proposal is said to be proposed by him..."

Walter seemed to know Viscount Drian very well, and listed some major events related to him, some of which Klein knew and some of which he didn't.

Although Klein listened seriously on the surface, he was thinking about another thing. Could this Viscount Drian be a member of the organization whose name he couldn't name?

As soon as Duke Negan was assassinated, the Conservative Party was in a difficult situation. The Viscount Drian turned out to save the Conservative and saved the Negan family. No matter how you look at it, this seems to be a problem?

However, the other party seems to be very experienced in politics, but there are also congressmen from both parties who are not very experienced in competing, and the way of publicity can only be limited to newspapers. If any party dares to do this in my world, it will only fail. result.

After Walter finished speaking, Klein said in a joking tone:

"Hearing you say that, I feel like I should choose the Conservative Party."

"No, I just remind you to pay attention to the current plight of the new party, and I believe that the new party will definitely win in the next general election. This time, it was just caught by the loophole that the new party wanted to win earlier."

What Walter meant was to let me wait another five years, which is worth waiting for at my age, and I can use this opportunity to gain the trust of more new party elders. It's just that I don't want to mess around in the political arena, the current Backlund is really too dangerous.

Nodding his head, Klein expressed that he understood.

As a keyboard politician, it is okay for him to make suggestions and find problems, but if he actually participates in it, he may not know how miserable his death is.

Joewood area.

Fors, who experienced another blood moon last night, stayed in her bedroom almost all day long. If there was no Mister Fool, with the recent blood moon that is almost once a month, this time it is only In two days, she might have lost control.

When the crimson rose, her heart also raised. Although the possibility of it happening again was very low, the frequency of twice in three days still made her very unbearable.

But instead of waiting for the blood moon, she waited for the notification from The Fool.

Ms. "The Hermit" wants to trade information about the direct descendants of the Abraham family with me?

What is she trying to do?

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