Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 552: Southern China

"Princess Delina's wedding report..." "Crown Prince Ma Xi was crowned and coronated, and the pope participated in the ceremony..." "Newlywed and enthroned, Princess Delina's gift to Ma Xi..." Newsboys carried coarse cloth bags on their shoulders and waved their hands Newspapers, one after another, echoed in the streets and alleys, which made many passers-by interested. They knew that Princess Delina officially married Crown Prince Ma Xi only yesterday. There must be a special report today, but how did she become the throne thing? Change the source app, and view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time. ] One by one, they took out their pennies and bought a newspaper from the newsboy. When they saw the photo of the bride and groom clasping their hands and smiling at each other in the carriage, they couldn’t help showing a smile, but they were caught by the two immediately. The crown worn on the head attracts attention, especially the scepter still held in the groom's hand. "...the presence of Pope 'Great Master' Albert Mendoza of the Church of Knowledge, and the coronation of Rawls, the bridegroom, in St. Continue to pay attention to the follow-up related reports of this newspaper..." Closing the newspaper, Leonard's originally slowed pace stopped completely, and his brows were furrowed. As a "red glove", he knew more, and knew that a big man like the Pope, How difficult it is for a real angel on earth to leave the headquarters and appear on such an occasion. He looked around and found that almost all the passers-by and passengers in the carriage were holding newspapers, so he picked up the newspapers by the way, tilted his head and asked in a low voice, "Old man, what do you think?" "Hehe, what do I think?" ? This is just a small scene. More than a thousand years ago, when the 'Night Emperor' Trunsost and the blood race's 'Blood Moon Queen' Olnia got married, the popes of the six major churches were all present." What?" Leonard's voice suddenly rose before he realized that he was on the street, and he smiled apologetically at passers-by who looked at him, and then hurriedly left the street with a newspaper and walked to the nearby subway station. Because he got a few rare spirits from "The Hermit of Destiny" a few days ago, he went to the suburbs to practice in order to use them proficiently. As the "Requiemer" of Sequence 6, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to store the dead and natural spirits on his body, but now he has the "Soul Singer" that Viscount Drian lent him, which can be temporarily stored on it. He has already made a decision to buy this sealed item. If Rawls is unwilling to sell it, he can only rely on the method taught by the old man to use spiritual materials to make something that stores the spirit body, but it is the same as a spell, probably only Maintaining it for a week will also damage the natural spirit. For the latter, he can ask Ms. Daly for help, but the former is a little more troublesome. Of course, the biggest problem is not enough money. Although the weekly salary of "Red Gloves" is higher than that of "Nighthawks", he has not been a "Requiem Master" for a long time, and he has no sense of savings. Although the strange vampire who was a priest in the Mother Earth Church bought the sealed item "Tinder" from him last time, it was far from enough for a "Soul Singer" corresponding to Sequence 5. The old man's proposal to him was to persuade the Viscount Drian to treat him as an investment in him, but the experience of the last conversation made Leonard really not confident in convincing someone who was likely to be at least equal to himself "lawyer". Therefore, he can only take one step at a time. After boarding the subway, Leonard found an empty seat, covered his face with a newspaper and asked in a low voice, "Old man, is what you just said true?" "Do I have to lie to you?" That's not sure... Leonard curled his lips, but he knew that the Sequence 8 of the "Thief" path was "Trickster". However, he continued to ask with great curiosity: "Is this also a political marriage?" "Do you think that the marriage of a Sequence 1 angel and a true **** is true love between them? You didn't work hard when you read Roselle's anthology!" Sequence 1! God! Leonard's eyes widened in an instant. It was rare for the old man not to hide it today, but this was really, really... He shook his head violently, threw those thoughts out of his mind, and drew a picture on his chest. red moon. He no longer dared to continue to ask, and leaned on the seat to re-read the relevant reports of the wedding, but his mind was still imagining what the scene would be like at that time, the wedding between the true **** and the Sequence 1 angel, what should the participating demigods and angels do? How many? Did the old man also go to participate? O six popes! Didn't they fight? Uh... He shook his head again, which was really beyond his imagination. Suddenly he frowned slightly: "Old man, didn't the **** of steam and machinery ascend to the throne at that time?" "Well, I can only tell you that she also attended that wedding." Pallez's words made Leonard stop After getting off the subway, when he came to the entrance of St. Samuel's Church, his head was still a little confused. He didn't react until his teammate Albert called him from behind, and turned around to look over. Albert is in his thirties today, with yellowish hair, slightly pale skin, and an unfit physique. He trotted over with a puzzled face, and asked with concern: "Leonard, are you okay?" Because Leonard has not been promoted for a long time, and his friend Daly has problems again, so he has always been valued by the Soster team. Worried about the negative effects of potions. "It's okay." "You weren't home last night?" Albert didn't relax his vigilance. "No, you went to my house to look for me just now?" Seeing Albert nodding, Leonard pulled the hem of his windbreaker and said with a smile, "I went to the suburbs to practice my ability." "That's right." Albertson After a sigh of relief, he is also a "requiem master" and understands Leonard. "What do you want from me?" "A meeting." The two walked into the church and into the underground area while talking. As soon as he entered the meeting room, Leonard's eyes widened. He saw that Ms. Daly, who should still be in the confession room, might have been out for a long time, her face was extremely pale, but she looked very energetic. "What? You don't want to see me?" Daly's mouth curled up, and the corners of her eyes were smiling. "How come!" Leonard didn't know what to say for a moment, and then he saw Captain Soest, who was sitting next to Ms. Daly, cough and wink at him. He turned his head stiffly, and found that Archbishop Anthony Stevenson was already standing at the door of the conference room, his shadow reflected in his deep eyes, which scared him and Albert to quickly find an empty seat to sit down. St. Anthony looked around, walked to the long table and sat down first, with an extremely serious expression: "There has been a mistake with the Southern Continent Spiritual Sect, and you need to go there." Spiritual Sect? Leonard subconsciously turned his gaze to Ms. Daly, understanding why she was allowed to leave the confession room early. "Daily has initially obtained the approval of '1-93', and will accompany you to go." In this regard, the captain of the "Red Gloves" team Soster was not surprised. After nodding, he wondered: "What happened? Wrong?" He remembered that the actions of the Southern Continent were in charge of the "Eye of the Goddess" Her Excellency Yin Liya, who was a demigod of Sequence 3 just like Saint Anthony. "The death of dozens of members of the 'Artificial Death Sect' caused the senior deacon Yin Liya to misjudge, and took a gathering place belonging to the 'Royal Family Sect' as an important gathering point for the 'Artificial Death Sect'. It even attracted ' The leader of the Royal Faction, Shia Palenque Eggers, who calls herself the 'Pale Queen', possesses a '0' level sealed item, which makes Senior Deacon Yin Liya unable to continue the investigation." St. Anthony's complexion was as usual, and his voice was steady : "However, she will take advantage of the contradictions between the two factions and will try her best to limit the prying of the 'royal faction'. You will get the cooperation of MI9 to continue the investigation. But the place you investigate is in the colony of Intis, and you can get Support is very limited." "Yes."... Outside St. Samuel's Cathedral, Daly Simone and Leonard, who were wearing hooded robes, walked slowly through the square. . "What are you looking at?" Daly gave Leonard a sideways glance. "I always feel that something is wrong with you today." Leonard did not avoid it as before, staring at Daly's side face, "Are you sure His Excellency the Archbishop said that you have no problem?" "Are you afraid? Right?" Daly didn't answer directly, stopped and met Leonard's gaze, "If that's the case, I can help you apply to the archbishop not to carry out this mission." "How is that possible?" "Then hurry up Let's go!" Seeing Daly's back and the obviously much easier steps, Leonard scratched his hair, could it be that he felt wrong, or was it because Daly got the "1-95" approval? …Hillston District, East Balam Veteran's Club. The illusory prayer sounded by his ears made Klein subconsciously rub his lower abdomen, with an apologetic expression on his face, he stood up and said to Congressman Macht who brought him over: "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom. "ъ Seeing Councilor Macht nodding slightly, he followed the guidance of the waiter and walked through the crowd towards the bathroom. "Hehe, when Dawn was active in West Balam, he ate a lot of strange food, and he could resist it when he was young. Now..." Councilor Macht, who is Dawn's friend, explained to the people around him. "That's it..." The man whose epaulets indicate that he is an army colonel has his eyes fixed on the back of Dwayne Dantès, "Maybe we can leave that matter to him, because there is some good news from the country. , the 'Legion of Conquerors' may make some moves, and our friends in West Balam need help." "Don't you need to investigate again?" Macht frowned slightly. "A few days ago, Philip Negan retrieved information about the 'Legion of Conquerors', and Aidan Cape, Intis' ambassador to Backlund, also communicated with him." "I understand." Macht knew This is Calvin suspecting that the navy may also choose to intervene, so he doesn't care too much. ...above the gray mist. Klein, who was sitting at the head of the long bronze table, rested his hands on his chin, his spirituality spread to the expanding and contracting crimson corresponding to Miss Justice, and heard her prayer. "Dear Mr. Fool, at the wedding of Princess Delina and Crown Prince Rawls of Masik, Pope 'Grand Mentor' Albert Mendoza of the Church of Knowledge appeared...His Holiness reminds us that we are We may encounter trouble on the way back, we speculate that this should be revenge from the Aurora Society..." Miss "Justice" went to the wedding? Oh, yes, she is the daughter of the Earl of Hall, and it is very likely that she is going to be a bridesmaid... But what she said is different from what was reported in the newspaper? It was the former king who crowned the crown prince, and the groom put the crown on the bride. This is Napoleon! Klein rubbed his chin. Compared to Miss "Justice" asking for help, he still cared more about the Ma Xi Crown Prince, the current Ma Xi King. It's not that he doesn't care about the safety of the members of the Tarot Society, but that he has been reminded by the Pope of the Church of Knowledge, if something goes wrong, how stupid His Royal Highness the Eldest Prince of Loen must be. What's more, although Ma Xi is a small country, there are also demigods. It's not his turn to worry about it, just pay attention to it for a while. After all, the Aurora Society's revenge was caused by his actions, so make sure nothing goes wrong. On the contrary, Rolls Gonzalez, who was newlywed and crowned with double happiness, had a bigger problem. He also read today's newspaper and discussed it with his housekeeper, including some people in the club who were talking about it just now. thing. UU Reading Seizing power from a church with a real **** behind it, it went so smoothly, but it was not so easy? Could it be that the God of Knowledge and Wisdom is preparing something? Shaking his head and replying to Miss Justice, Klein returned to the real world. He didn't think what Ma Xi said could affect Loen, even that Viscount Drian had some plans Yihuan, who let Mr. "Emperor" already know about this! … After getting a response, Audrey was slightly relieved, and walked to the balcony to look at the green lawn and the square in the distance. The hustle and bustle of yesterday seemed to have completely disappeared, like an illusory dream. Because of Albert Mendoza's reminder, she and Prince Covington and his wife lived in Wende Palace. That's why she didn't dare to pray directly to Mister Fool last night for fear of being noticed by the Extraordinary guarding the palace, so she didn't pray for help until she was about to leave today. She walked to the head of the bed, picked up a small box from the pillow, and opened it to reveal a black gauze glove, which was the "Chaos Tutor" feature she bought from Mr. "World", and was created by Ms. "Hermit" Created by the "artisan" around you. Originally, Audrey thought that she would not be able to get it in a short time, and she was even ready to talk about it this year, but she did not expect to get it shortly after resisting the Nigan Family Castle in Sissen County. She named this sealed item "" Hand of Fear". After taking it out and stuffing it into her small bag, and giving herself a "comfort", Audrey left the room, led by the maid to a small hall, and saw the bride and groom sitting together, opposite Prince Govington and his wife With their daughter Charlotte, best man Carl and bridesmaid Princess Caroline. Besides, there were only servants standing not far away, and no elders of the Gonzalez family.

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