Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 83: defend

"Witter Gold was charged with shooting and wounding Lancer Nozick at 10 p.m. on June 27. Wit Gold, do you deny the guilt?"

"Do not."

Hearing the conversation between the secretary and Werther Gothe, Rawls nodded with satisfaction. Mr. Gothe did not let his more than 20 minutes of communication go to waste. He was most afraid that Gothe would add something like "I am in self-defense" if.

Succinct speech will not allow a seasoned barrister like John Mueller to find a loophole.

Although Werther Gothe was in self-defense, he wounded Lancer after all. Rawls and Gothe did not evade this, nor could they avoid it.

But from the beginning, he admitted that shooting Nozick would have a certain impact on the jury.

People always have sympathy for the weak, even if the weak are disguised.

Judge Scarborough Gash has a serious expression. He has also been paying attention to this case in the past few weeks, and he has a fairly clear understanding of the situation of the case.

But he also had no way of determining whether Nozick's son was too stupid, or whether the bureau set up by Rolls Adrian below made Lancer dig in.

Scarlo knew that the game of this case was not in the trial court, but outside the court.

The judge who passed the last case was himself. He knew that the facts were not important. The case was basically settled.

John Mueller is a royal lawyer with rich experience, but Rawls has made up for the lack of experience through off-field means, not to mention that Rawls is not necessarily worse than John Mueller.

"John Mueller."

John Mueller, who was in his 60s, stood up and walked towards Werther Gold with some staggering steps. His old voice echoed in Tribunal No. 1.

Rawls narrowed his eyes, the sly old fellow.

"Mr. Gothe, do you know my client Lancer Nozick?"

John Mueller pointed to Lancer Nozick, who was sitting in the plaintiff's seat, a young man in his early twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes, a high nose, thin lips, and a bloodless face.

Normally, both the plaintiff and the defendant must stand in court, but considering that Lancer still had a gunshot wound, he was allowed to sit as an exception.

John Mueller looked at Lancer with a flash of anger in his eyes. According to his thoughts, Lancer was going to stand, and it was best to pass the trial halfway through.

Although he was guilty, he was able to win the sympathy of the jury very well.

He glanced at a plump, fair-skinned woman in her thirties in the auditorium, and sighed inwardly, Nozick's daughter spoiled her brother too much.

"I've met him a few times. He often comes to the club where I work to practice marksmanship."

"Then have you talked to each other?"

"Except on June 27th, we have never talked before."

The Mueller lawyer who knew the reason for the conflict between the two did not continue the topic, but asked about Werther Gold's work:

"Mr. Gothe, what is your job?"

"Director of the shooting range of the Cragg Club."

"Be specific."

"Club members apply for guns and ammunition through their shooting instructors or themselves. I am responsible for reviewing them, and I also take care of the warehouses with guns and ammunition."

"You live alone?"

Witte Gold frowned and sighed:


"Mr. Gothe, you live alone and are in charge of such a tedious job, don't you get tired of it at all? I think many gentlemen and ladies will hate this kind of work, and you have spent 20 years like this."

Mueller's lawyer's remarks sparked debate among the jury and the gallery, who would get bored if they did this kind of work for more than a week.

Rawls stood up and raised his hand to protest:

"Your Excellency, I protest that Mueller's lawyer's question has nothing to do with this case."

Before Judge Scarborough could speak, lawyer Mueller retorted:

"No, it's relevant. I suspect that Mr. Werther Gold has a mental illness."

Rawls sat down directly without protesting.

Mueller relentlessly continued:

"We can see that Mr. Gothe is missing a left arm. I think many people usually have a different opinion of you, right?"

"My arm is..."

Mueller was no longer like an old man in his sixties. He rushed to Werther Gothe and looked into Gothe's eyes:

"Mr. Gothe, answer my question, yes or no?"

Werther Gold wanted to say something, but nodded under Mueller's questioning:

"Yes, but there are..."

Mueller no longer listened to Mr. Gothe's words, but turned around, turned into a frail old man again, and said to himself:

"A man who has been alone for 20 years, doing an extremely boring job in the eyes of everyone, must have been affected mentally.

But he is like a dynamite keg, usually left there without any movement, but just a little spark can make him explode.

On the morning of June 27, my client had a conflict with Mr. Gothe, and Mr. Gothe was persuaded to go home. Just imagine that a person who has lived the same life for 20 years is suddenly disrupted, and may even be dismissed from work.

What will he do?

After 20 years of emotional accumulation, perhaps coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, he decided to take revenge on my client. And my client..."

"Protest, Mueller's lawyer's statement is all malicious speculation and no evidence."

Rawls stood up again and raised his hands in protest.

"The evidence may not be, but there are witnesses." Mueller smiled and faced the judge, "Your Excellency, I apply for witnesses to testify in court."


Soon, two bailiffs in similar police uniforms brought three witnesses of different ages and genders. (Note 1)

"Your names? And your relationship with Wirtgold?"

"Mike Joseph, Mr. Gold's neighbor."

"Vanessa Zerry, opened a grocery store in Xuefeng Street, and Werther Gold often came to the store to buy things."

"Karl Joseph, I'm a coachman, and I often wait for customers who hire a coach in Xuefeng Street."

Mueller walked back to his position and pointed to Mr. Witte Gold:

"Your impression of Werther Gothe."

"Mr. Gothe's temper is sometimes very good, but sometimes he is very weird. He even suddenly slams on my door and asks if there is anything wrong with my family?"

"He often comes to my grocery store to buy things, but he has a very eccentric temper. He decides to pay more and then regrets it. As long as you say more, his temper will explode immediately."

"Every time I parked my carriage on Xuefeng Street, as long as he passed by, he would quarrel with me, like a madman, saying that I don't take care of horses, and my horse has nothing to do with him."

Rawls listened quietly. He was not surprised by these testimony.

A person will always have various opinions and views on another person, and a person will also have personality flaws, which is normal, because they are human beings, and they are not "perfect people".

Attorney Mueller took a stack of papers and handed them to the marshals.

"Your Excellency..."

Note 1: In the UK, take the Bible under oath before giving evidence. But considering that there is indeed a true **** in this world, this link is omitted.

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