Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 135 Return to Backlund

However, complaints are complaints. On the surface, Abner still agreed with the "greedy" remarks in a gentlemanly manner: "Both ladies took great care of me, and I am very grateful to the two ladies for helping me achieve my goal."

After hearing this, "Gluttony" glanced back and forth between "Lust", "Greed" and "Laziness" for a few times, and then said after careful consideration: "I know the information about a ruins. It is likely to hide a great person from the Solomon Empire." The secrets of the nobility...the authenticity of which can be 'notarized' by the president.

"I am willing to take out this information as a reward and ask Miss Greed and Lazy to take action..."

Having said this, he paused, looked at Lust, Fury and others present, and then said: "Of course, others are also welcome...if Miss Greedy doesn't mind sharing."

Information about the ruins of great nobles during the Solomon Empire? Not to mention others, even Klein and Abner who were watching the live broadcast were interested.

"Which noble family is it?" The mouth on Ms. Greedy's mask seemed to be more curved.

"Speaking of which, this great nobleman is not famous, and there are very few relevant records in history. I only got the information about the ruins by chance... Well, that nobleman is the 'Silver Eyes' who was canonized by the Solomon Empire. Earl', Carnaldia...

"Although he is only a count, after many years of research, I have confirmed that the ancestor of the Carenldia family should also be an angel... I just don't know how."

Mr. "Gluttony" briefly told the general situation of the ruins he used for trading, and then looked at Miss "Greedy": "What do you think?"

Isn't "Earl Silver Eyes" Rhine?, was it "me" who left some relics? I do not know how?

Moreover, wasn't Rhine killed by the descending god of the "Eternal Fierce Sun", and his body was left to Lilith and became her container?

Hmm...could it be that "my" "home" in the Solomon Empire has become a relic? How much value can that have?

While he was thinking secretly, Abner heard Miss Greedy ask in a solemn tone: "You offer such a high value of reward, what do you need me to do?

"If it's too dangerous, I will refuse even if I overcome the 'greed' in my heart."

Speaking of this, she seemed to have remembered something, and added: "If it involves secrets, we can chat privately..."

"Gluttony" smiled and said: "No need to chat privately... The commission is not too dangerous, and I don't have the courage of Mr. Lust to dare to reveal my true identity...

"So, I only need you and Miss Lazy to arrive at Indo Port within a month and stay for at least a week."

"Is it that simple?" Greedy's tone rose, somewhat in disbelief.

"It's that simple! For safety reasons, I will not meet you... Maybe you may think that I am using you and Miss Lazy to divert the attention of the enemy... But even if that is the case, there is an angel relic as a reward. , I think such a risk is worth it... What do you think?" "Gluttony" said calmly.

"Greedy" fell silent for a moment, and looked at "Lazy" across from him for a few times, as if they were having a private conversation.

At the same time, Klein and Abner, who were watching the "live broadcast" above the gray fog, immediately understood Gluttony's plan and said in unison: "0-08!"

"This Mr. 'Gluttony' really has no good intentions! He probably wants to lure the two ladies 'Greedy' and 'Lazy' to Induo Port, and then join forces with Ince to use the Sealed Artifact '0-08' to create coincidences and arrange Their actions." Klein told his guess.

Abner nodded. He had similar thoughts and thought to himself: It may be difficult for Mr. Azik and Karen's actions to succeed. After all, "0-08" exists, and they may have been exposed.

The only good news is that Klein and I are still in the dark. When it’s time to face off, we might be able to give them a surprise!

However, matters involving Ince Zangwill are likely to be planned by the ancient god Angelweed, the "King of Dragons". Before you figure out what he wants to do, it is best not to get involved easily, lest you Being calculated.

That old dragon suffered a loss at the hands of the goddess last time, and he might come back with revenge at some point...

As soon as Abner thought of this, he saw that "Greed" in the picture had finished communicating with "Laziness", agreed to "Gluttony"'s request, and agreed to appear at Indo Port on time one month later.

A month? It seems that "Gluttony" is quite confident that Mr. Azik and Karen can't catch him at all... Well, his plan may not only be to lure out me who attacked him, but may also have other purposes...

When I went to ask Lilith about the "God of Steam and Machinery" deal, I also mentioned the hidden dangers in this commission, lest Crossfiya and Kseniya really suffer.

"Lust" Owen, who was sitting next to Miss "Lazy", glanced back and forth at Miss "Lazy" and "Greedy", but did not immediately stop the transaction. Instead, he raised his hand and said, "I want to join, too. "

Gluttony had seen Owen's "sexy" mask scanning the two ladies before, so he misunderstood his purpose. He only smiled and repeated his previous words: "As long as the two ladies don't mind sharing, I It doesn’t matter.”

After the last joint action, "Greedy" naturally knew that the current fake "lust" had a deep background and had a close relationship with his "master", so he deliberately said after thinking for a moment:

"It's not impossible to join in... But Mr. Lust, you have to pay some price... After all, the more people know about the ruins, the more people there are to distribute the treasures."

Owen smiled and replied: "Madam, in fact, I also have a lot of research on 'Earl Silver Eyes'... I can use some of my results as a price for sharing the secrets of that ruins."

After hearing this, "Greedy" pretended to have a private conversation with "Lazy", and then nodded and said: "Deal."

Seeing that they had reached an agreement, Mr. "Gluttony" also smiled and continued: "Very good, with the participation of Mr. Lust, not only the risk has been reduced again, but my confidence has also become greater!

"If everything goes well, you will be able to get detailed information about that ruins at the next Supreme Council meeting."

——The supreme council meeting of the "Psychological Alchemy Society" is not as frequent as the "Tarot Society". It is usually held only once every two to three months. If there is nothing major, it may even be more than half a year apart.

After this topic was over, the president, Mr. Dellau, issued several more tasks, but these tasks were mainly focused on Loen and Feysac.

For example, one of the tasks is to continue to lead the conflict between the new party and the old nobles with "arrogance", so that the upper level of Loen will continue to be in a state of chaos.

Mr. "Gluttony" even suggested that he could do something about the newly promoted Viscount Abner Brain, but "Arrogance" rejected it without hesitation.

This gentleman is not stupid enough to scheme against others in person.

After the meeting entered the free exchange stage, each committee member successively introduced things worthy of attention in their respective regions and exchanged information.

During this process, Abner thought for a while and said:

"The prime minister of the Delien family seems to be brewing a very terrible plan. Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, the political situation in Intis will usher in major changes."

Because they were both in Intis, Mr. "Jealous" immediately asked: "What's so scary?"

"That Mr. Prime Minister seems to be planning to drag Intis into the first level of the abyss." Abner said "tell the truth".

After a short silence, Mr. "Jealous" sighed:

"What a madman! I'm afraid the Delien family is doomed this time!"

He agreed with Abner's previous judgment and did not think the Prime Minister could succeed. Unless the "Eternal Scorching Sun" and the "God of Steam and Machinery" were blind, how could such a thing be allowed to happen?

The other members also agreed. Only Miss Lazy, who knew the identity of Lust, pretended to say, "Be careful."

Next, the conference officially entered the third stage of academic exchanges.

About twenty minutes later, when Klein above the gray fog wanted to materialize a pen and paper and start taking notes, Delao patted his palm lightly and said:

"Okay, this jury meeting ends here."

Everyone immediately stood up and saluted, and then took their soul-embodied vehicles and left this dream city.


With the sound of the whistle, the long steam train clanged into Backlund.

On Saturday morning, Klein, who transformed into "Dwayne Dantès", carried his suitcase in one hand and supported Miss Sharon, who transformed into his pregnant wife, with the other hand, and once again set foot on the "City of All Capitals" , the land of "Hope", Leonard Mitchell, who lives at No. 7 Pinster Street, also welcomed two unexpected guests.

This pretty good-looking "poet" calmly glanced at Hazel with the metal arm, and then turned his attention to the sister of his former colleague:

"Miss Moretti, what do you want to see me for?"



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