Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 139 Room allocation

In an alley in Trier, the figure of "Red Saint" Margaret appeared out of thin air, and then she crushed a silver ring on her finger.

But she herself seemed to have lost the ability to move, and she could barely stand by holding on to the wall.

"Fortunately, I have the talisman given by the emperor, otherwise I would really be caught by 'lust' and experience the terrible experience of Catalina...

"How come my physical strength is so depleted? My spiritual energy is almost exhausted... Could that space still absorb people's physical strength and spirit?

"Well, the 'chaos' effect there will last for a while, and Owen shouldn't be able to catch up for a while...

"And Daphne is nearby. She will be here soon after receiving my signal."

As soon as she thought of this, there was a flash of fire in front of her eyes, and then the figure of "ancient scholar" Daphne appeared in front of her.

"What happened?" Daphne said coldly, but in fact she knew what happened to Margaret after just one glance. After all, she had the same experience a few days ago.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Please take me to a safe place first." Margaret said weakly.

"Okay." Daphne had already received the instructions from the "God Envoy", so she directly supported the "Red Saint" and entered a pre-prepared safe house with a few "flame jumps".

After "Red Saint" Margaret used "meditation" to fall into a deep sleep for an hour, she finally recovered most of her physical strength and energy.

At this time, she took the coffee handed over by Daphne. After taking a sip, she briefly talked about what she had just experienced:

"...In the end, I relied on an angel-level 'chaos' spell to finally invalidate the 'rules' of that space and took the opportunity to escape... Otherwise, I might have become Owen's puppet by now!"

After hearing these words, Daphne looked serious on the surface, but she wanted to laugh in her heart, because the situation Margaret told was completely different from the facts she had seen with her own eyes.

Of course, this was not Margaret lying, but Lord Owen, after catching her and drawing her blood, used the ability of the "manipulator" to implant false memories in her.

And because she is very superstitious about the power of Emperor Russell's spell, the effect of "hypnosis" can be said to be very good... After all, even she herself is willing to believe that things will develop like this.

Seeing that she was gnashing her teeth after speaking, Daphne remembered the task assigned to her by the Lord God Envoy, so she asked casually: "How are you going to respond to Owen Delion's unprovoked attack? Are you going to take revenge?" "

"Of course!" Margaret nodded heavily, "I had no intention of intervening in the dispute between him and the 'White Saint', but now that he provoked me first, I naturally want to take revenge!

"I will report this matter to the sect and request that more saints be sent to Intis to deal with this Mr. Lust!

"In addition, I know the secret of the Delien family's 'Black Knight' Cero. I can ask him to act as an internal agent and join the crusade against Owen... If he refuses, I will spread the secret."

"Red Saint" Margaret instantly came up with the prototype of a plan.

"Cello Delien? Since he is also a demigod of the Delien family, he would attack his own clan because of a so-called secret?" Daphne asked in surprise.

She was indeed a little curious about this, but mostly she wanted to get more information through asking questions.

"Of course!" Margaret's tone was very sure, but she didn't explain the reason. She looked at Daphne again and said: "By the way, Daphne... I hope you can join in, I will pay corresponding rewards... In addition, after the Delien family is destroyed, I can also strive to let the Secret Order take the lead in selecting their property."

"This..." Daphne pretended to hesitate and thought for a while. During this period, Margaret continued to analyze the shaky current situation of the Delien family and the various possible benefits.

In the end, the vice-president of the Secret Order seemed to be unable to resist the temptation. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll join!"

"But you have to sign a contract with me and inform me of your plans at any time... I don't want to become a member of your 'Witch Sect'... Well, in the words of Emperor Russell, I am a 'cannon fodder'!"

"No problem!" Margaret agreed readily.

Then, she walked to the window, looked in the direction of Delien Castle on the outskirts, and thought to herself: Owen, you let me use a precious charm left by the Great Emperor... Are you ready to pay for it with your life? ?

But somewhere she couldn't see, Daphne glanced at Margaret vaguely with pity... This "ancient scholar" always felt that if this continued, the great Lord might be able to gather all the seven colors of the Witch Sect. Maybe "Saint" too.

"Since Bonova knows that the underground treasure house of the Delien family's ancestral home is very dangerous, other people from forces such as the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' and the 'True Creator' should also know... They may not be willing to go to this mine.

"But the 'original witches' of the 'Witch Cult' are still sleeping, but those witches are the best pathfinders.

"I hope Margaret can be more helpful. It would be great if we could bring in an angel-level saint!"

In the Delien family's manor, Abner was thinking about the "conspiracy" in his mind while recalling the memories he saw when he invaded the mind of "Red Saint" Margaret Constantine not long ago.

"Margaret was an orphan adopted by Russell. Her surname of 'Constantine' was actually 'given' to her by Lao Huang, and she respected Lao Huang very much, so she always emphasized it deliberately.

"But in fact, she didn't know the meaning of this surname... Even if she later found out that the original witch family name was 'Constantine', she only felt that this was a 'beautiful' act done by the emperor to her." Expectation'...

"Well, judging from the time... The emperor gave her this surname after he found the "Book of Natural Disasters", took out the "Box of Gods", and sealed Cohinam into the "Temple of Trials"...

“In other words, she was originally the ‘mobile blood bank’ that the emperor found and trained to help Coshinam escape from trouble?

"I just don't know where Lao Huang found her, and how many 'remnants' of the 'Constantine' family there are like her..."

"Old Huang, you were really contradictory in what you did in your later years... You gave me help, but you also always made trouble for me."

Sighing, Abner found that he had no right to blame Huang Tao. After all, his previous lives had left him with more troubles!

Don't mention anything else, just talk about those angels, gods... how to get along with each other in the future, it makes me feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.

In Backlund North District, outside No. 160 Berklund Street, servants lined up in two rows to welcome their master.

Dwayne Dantès, who has white temples and deep blue eyes, is wearing a tuxedo formal suit, a silk top hat, and a gold-encrusted cane. He is accompanied by the butler Asnia and a man who has put on makeup and has some southern continental racial characteristics. Accompanied by servant Ludwell, he held the hand of Miss Sharon, who had changed her appearance, and passed among the servants to the entrance of the three-story building.

As for the housekeeper, Klein hasn't had time to hire one yet. Firstly, as the hostess, Miss Sharon can manage the accounts. Secondly, he instinctively wants someone who can be budget-conscious to control the family expenses.

For some reason, the first thing he thought of was his sister Melissa...

"It's a pity that Melissa is not familiar with the consumption of the upper class. Let her manage money, and the life of a rich man may become that of a small bourgeoisie."

After complaining in his heart, Klein gave up this unrealistic idea. Even though Melissa had entered the extraordinary, he didn't want her to get too close to him.

"The best candidate is actually Lina... She is a believer in The Fool, so you can rest assured, and she is also a former aristocratic young master who is no stranger to the expenses of the upper class...

"Of course, the most important thing is to hire her as a housekeeper, for free!

"Even if she is still hiding with the prince in Disi Bay, it's hard to call her here...

"As for my 'food lover'... let her continue to shine in the culinary world!"

While he was thinking wildly, Klein, who had taken off his coat, had already arrived with Sharon in the semi-open bedroom on the third floor.

The most eye-catching thing here is a full-length mirror with a silver frame.

After sending away the housekeeper and servants, Sharon took a picture in front of the full-length mirror and returned to her original appearance. Even the small soft hat and the same color palace dress also appeared on her body.

But this was just an illusion. She was actually still wearing the same dress that Ms. Daly usually wore.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Klein came to the large balcony, looked at the scenery of the surrounding neighborhoods, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Sure enough, expensive still means expensive, so the rent of 315 pounds is not too wasteful...

"And when I wake up and see this view every day, I feel very happy."

He had paid one year's rent yesterday afternoon and could only force himself to become more and more comfortable with this place.

But after hearing his emotion, Miss Sharon blinked and said in a ethereal voice: "After the wife is pregnant, it is better for the husband and wife to sleep in separate rooms.

"Your bedroom is downstairs."



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