Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 131: Hugh's choice of development

Seeming to see Pansy McCain's doubts, Xio said softly:

"God is a **** who has just awakened from an ancient slumber. The end is coming. He will save those who are suffering, and you are one of them. It is God who guided you to find me."

end? Isn't this more of a rhetoric that promotes the real creator... Pansy McCain blinked, but now that Hugh has to solve the trouble for himself, he can't say anything, so he also learned from Hugh's previous The gesture is perfunctory:

"Praise God."

Of course, Hugh also heard Pansy McCain's perfunctory, but she was not in a hurry. Anyway, take it slow, she was going to find a few loyal people who were willing to believe in God, and after making them Beyonders, there were Plan to go to the Eastside to spread the light of God.

She had known for a long time that there were people in the East District who were promoting the 'True Creator' and some other secret existences.

Without saying more, Xio stood up and walked out of the pool room, out of the bar, onto the street, and walked in one direction.

Not long after, she came to a house and knocked on the door three times and four times.


The door was opened, and a young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old in a felt hat showed his head, his eyes full of vigilance.

When he saw Xio, he instantly turned into a surprise. He hurriedly turned sideways and let Xio in. After Xio went in and locked the door, he said happily:

"Boss, you're here, I've already confirmed everyone."

The young man in the felt hat is called Josie Hess. When Hugh was a bounty hunter, he collected information for Hugh, and now he only collects information.

The reason is that when Josh Hess collected information about a hostile gang leader for a gang leader in the East District, the other party successfully killed the hostile gang leader. As a result, when Josh Hess asked for the promised reward, the man denied it. It was Josie Hess who collected information for him, saying that the information was collected by his own men at risk, and he beat Josie Hess severely and was hospitalized for a month.

Later, he found Xiu and asked Xiu to help him 'arbitrate' in private. As soon as Xiu heard about it, he broke into the room of the gang leader that night, cleaned up the other party severely, and also helped Josie Hess. The requested information fee and medical fee were finally handed over to Xiu.

Since then, Josie Hess has stopped collecting information for others, only for Hugh, and the bounty that Hugh gets will also be distributed to him.

And God let him develop a secret organization. The first thing Hugh thought of was Josie Hess. She knew that Josie Hess would not betray her, so she told him selectively about God.

When he learned that by joining Catholicism and believing in God, he could become an Extraordinary, Josie Hess immediately chose to join. If it was someone else, he would definitely doubt whether it was true or not, but this was what Hugh told her, and he believed that Hugh would not lie to him.

Josie Hess was not alone in collecting intelligence, but a team. The team headed by him also knew most of the people in it. She knew a few of them well, and she believed that they could develop. of.

In addition to these people, she asked Josie Hess to find people in his team who had no bad deeds, trusted people who were willing to join the 'Catholic'.

In the future, 'Catholicism' will use these people as the foundation and begin to spread the brilliance of 'God' in Backlund. Especially these people are very good at observation, and they will selectively and targeted to find people to promote, that effect would be very good.

"This is the list."

Xio sat on the single-seat sofa and took the list handed over by Josie. There were four names in total. If so, plus the other three people designated by him, there would be seven people in total.

One of them was a woman.

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to give them potions to become Extraordinary. They can only give them after they have harvested enough believers for God and made enough contributions. At that time, she doesn't want to become a hunter, and she can use her merits for other ways."

Xio thought so in his heart, and then said:

"Okay, I see, call them all over at night, and have a mission to act together."

"Boss, what mission? Do you want us to collect information?" Josie couldn't help rubbing her hands.

Xio smiled, "No, this time let you guys go to arbitrate others with me."

"Ah?" Josie looked terrified, but he knew that every time Hugh arbitrated in private, the people were ruthless, otherwise he wouldn't need to arbitrate in private, and his mouth trembled:

"But...but we...only collect intelligence."

Hugh looked at Josie's terrified face, and couldn't bear to scare him, stood up and asked:

"Have the tools I asked you to prepare ready?"

A few days ago, Huo gave him a sum of money to buy the tools needed to make the potion, but he didn't know why he wanted those things. Josie nodded and said:

"It's ready, all in the basement."

"Take me, I didn't say that after you hand me the list, I'll make you a Beyonder." Hugh said with a hint of pride on his face.

"Really?" Josie's face was full of surprises. Although Xio said before that as long as he was willing to believe in God, he could get the gift of God to become an Extraordinary, but he really wanted to become an Extraordinary, and he still couldn't believe it.

An hour later, Josh and Hugh came out of the basement, and Josh was still a little unsteady on his hands and feet.

Xio was talking to him about the things you need to pay attention to when you just become an Extraordinary, "Especially meditation, you must do it every day, understand?"

Josie nodded again and again, indicating that she already knew.

"First meditate to familiarize yourself with your abilities, and when you can control it well and can't hear the phantom words in your ears, go and call all six of them."

"Okay boss, then I'll meditate first." Josie walked into a room looking a little and went to meditate quietly. At this time, there were whispers in his ears, It feels like everything around me is distorted.


After Klein told Dunn about the revelation he had obtained in his dream, they, together with Leonard, Old Neil, and Frye, came to Riel Bieber's house, only to see a giant.

Klein spat out the overnight meal on the spot.

Fortunately, when he returned to the Blackthorn Security Company after completing this matter, the butler paid for him and Leonard's search yesterday, and he received ten pounds!

This made Klein's originally not-so-good mood instantly brighten up.

In the afternoon, seeing that the captain had not returned, Klein pretended that he was still looking for the notebook, and dangled on the street again.

With 10 pounds, he no longer needs to wait for funds to be allocated, and can go directly to the divination club!

The whispers and visions that occasionally appeared in meditation and spiritual vision made him eager to start "acting" to alleviate these annoying phenomena.

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