Mystic Dominator

Chapter 1164 Crash

Before dawn, Ronald and Patricia left [Don Jom] and headed for the capital of [Looney Kingdom].

For reasons of confidentiality and efficiency.

They did not rent the bullock carts or horse-drawn carriages commonly used in the local area. Instead, Ronald cast a spell and took Patricia directly to fly at low altitude to the capital of the [Looney Kingdom].

The capital of [Looney Kingdom] is called [Giorno].

Neither Ronald nor Patricia have been here, and their knowledge of the place is limited to what they asked about in [Don Jom].

Feel the speed of Ronald's flying spell.

On the way, Patricia couldn't help but ask:

"Ronald, at your flying speed, traveling alone might be faster than taking a boat, right?"

"That kind of thing can indeed be done." Ronald started to explain to Patricia, "But this kind of thing is just like you go out to buy something. You can reach the store on foot or on horseback, the latter It’s obviously faster, but when it comes to actual action, most people will still walk.”

Patricia burst out laughing:

"But Ronald, I think if we talk about nobles, they probably ride more horses!"

"Me? Noble?" Ronald smiled and pointed at himself, "In terms of status, I seem to be a noble. But unfortunately, I am a guy who has no sense of nobility."

Patricia praised without hesitation:

"Ronald, I really like this about you, it's great!"

Ronald continued the previous topic:

"And if I fly all the way to my destination, I will definitely miss a lot of things. Thinking about our journey along the way, the library in [Capone] City and the ruins of [Larchmont], these are all valuable experiences for me. .”

"Even the understanding of [Luni Kingdom] was established on this road. I just don't know what the capital of this kingdom ruled by cult warlocks is..."





A black figure appeared beside Ronald with the sound of wind, and then it quickly moved backwards like a scene seen on a train, and then there was an indistinct scream.

Both Ronald and Patricia were shocked by this sudden change.

After they stopped flying forward, they turned around and realized what had just happened.

——It was Gwendolen who showed up.

However, it may be that there was some error when condensing the body, and she was left far behind without being taken care of by Ronald's spell.

And what's even more frustrating - this is in the air.

Although considering the need for confidentiality, Ronald has been flying at low altitude, but this level of low altitude did not bring any benefits to Gwendolyn.

So after this guy appeared, he fell straight down. After landing on the ground, he bounced on the ground like a rag doll, and finally became completely silent amidst the wails and screams.


Ronald and Patricia looked at each other, and both saw the confusion in the other's eyes.

Is this guy okay?

From the moment she landed, Gwendolyn hid herself and never showed any sign of her appearance again. She suddenly appeared at this moment, and no one would believe her if she was fine.

After a few seconds of hesitation and confusion, Ronald approached Patricia with him.

Gwendolen's current appearance was as exaggerated as her previous wailing and the tragic fall.

As a human being, none of this guy's limbs are intact, and even an important thinking organ like his head has collapsed on the side.

Put it on any ordinary person, even most spellcasters.

This is definitely a fatal injury.


Ronald looked at this guy speechless.

He tried to use [Original Sin of Greed] to lock in this guy's information, but the spell had no response to him.

Feeling such feedback, Ronald was relieved.

Isn't this a message if there is no response?

If Gwendolyn really fell to her death, then there was absolutely no way that a mere corpse could resist the prying eyes of her original spell. This kind of 'nothing' proves that Gwendolen is nothing serious.

So Ronald stepped forward and nudged the opponent's body with his toes:

"Hey, are you still alive?"


Gwendolyn used her arms folded into four sections to push away Ronald's feet, and then she stood up unsteadily, her eyes filled with resentment:

"Your spell clearly failed to determine my life or death, yet you still treat me in such a rude way?"

"I did this because I have full trust in your strength." Ronald replied confidently, "So what are you going to do when you come out suddenly? It can't be just to fall like this, right?"

The expression and tone on Gwendolen's face were lifted:

"Hey, hey, hey, I have good intentions!"

"Didn't I hear that you are not clear about the status of [Looney Kingdom], so I decided to take the risk and explain it to you?"

"Then you can say it now." Ronald nodded, and then used the spell again to hold them in the air. However, it is a pity that just like [Original Sin of Greed], [Deremogene] is also unable to lock this guy now.

Ronald frowned:

"Let's talk as we fly, and you let me lock my spell."

"Oh." Gwendolyn nodded to express her understanding.

The next second, Ronald felt that he could lock onto this guy's existence, and then used magic to lead the three of them on their way.

From the air, Gwendolen began to tell her what she knew:

"According to local stories, this was a country established a long time ago by a slave warrior who resisted a tyrant and led a force of justice. Unfortunately, the slave warrior didn't seem to dislike the slavery system very much. Later, after establishing the [Luni Kingdom] , but instead greatly promoted the rules and regulations of the slave trade, and finally made this place a well-known slave country..."

Gwendolyn's narration mostly focused on the history and humanistic features of the [Looney Kingdom]. Once you hear a lot of information, you will know that it is something that only people who have lived here for a long time can know.

Because he really knew nothing about it, and with some intention of understanding the local history, Ronald did not interrupt the other party's narration.

Thus, Gwendolen's narrative continues into the country's modern times.

When the content reached the section 'Invasion of the Cult Warlock', Gwendolyn paused for a moment, then continued:

"The next step is the changes in the current [Looney Kingdom]."

The topic shifted to this direction, and Gwendolyn's tone finally became unusually serious:

"The king of cult sorcerers, Baproll, has summoned seven evil original code holders from all over the world, and they are responsible for the work of various departments of the country. Next, you must be careful when entering the royal capital. "

After telling the details of the cult warlock in [Looney Kingdom], Gwendolyn finally said with all sincerity:

"Ronald, you are so powerful that you are a bit unreasonable."

"But if we were to face these seven original code holders, plus that Baplor, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to please him."


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