Mystic Dominator

Chapter 512: normal negotiation

"You came quite fast..."

Looking at the two investigators with very complicated expressions on their faces, Ronald said hello.

In the face of Ronald's attitude, although the two investigators did not put down their pistols, the expressions on their faces softened a lot.

"Mr. Ronald, you should know that Springs has not been very peaceful recently."

"It's not an easy job for us to deal with the kinds of events that happen."

Ronald nodded in approval.

You must know that this is the outskirts of Springs, and the location is not within the range that the Bureau of Investigation can react to immediately. To be able to come here immediately after the battle with Rumil is over is definitely an efficient work ability.

At this time, Heloise also spoke:

"Mr. two investigators, did you meet Heidi when you came?"

One of the investigators has no intention of concealing:

"The lady didn't seem to be in a good state of mind, so we protected her. And—Mr. Ronald, wouldn't you mind explaining the situation to us?"

After the words came out, the expressions of the two investigators became a little nervous again.

The hands holding the pistol also tightened.

Ronald's answer was crucial to them.

If Ronald's answer is 'no' now, then due to the duties of the investigator, the two of them will probably die tonight.

In the investigator system in Springs City, Ronald is now a powerful original holder in the first echelon of force.

According to the results estimated by the experts in the bureau, at least three ministers and the chief director, or several ace investigators will take action together, and then it is possible to take down this man. This is by no means an existence that ordinary or elite investigators can handle.

Ronald naturally saw the nervousness of the two investigators.

With the help of the power of 'Rage', he could even sense the determination in the hearts of the two of them.

Even knowing that he is not Ronald's opponent.

But out of duty and obligation, they have prepared everything in their hearts.

So, Ronald said earnestly:

"Up to now, my position and attitude in Springs are obvious to all, and the two of you don't need to worry so much. As for today's shot, the enemy I want to solve is actually recorded in Springs..."

There is no need to hide things too much about Rumil.

The two investigators finally breathed a sigh of relief when Ronald told the investigators clearly about it.

The Heidi I met before, the ordinary people in the mansion who were only subdued but not killed, the environment that fits the description of the battle outside, and the absolute strength of Ronald himself...

These conditions add up to enough to temporarily confirm that they are credible.

So far, the investigator finally put away the pistol, and then saluted Ronald according to normal social etiquette:

"Thank you for your answer, Mr. Ronald."

Ronald smiled and nodded:

"this is necessary."

After a few simple courtesies, the investigator immediately went back to work.

One of them walked up to the shards of wood that Ronald had just sorted out, and started looking at them.

"These wood..."

"On the relatively new pieces, you can see the traces of bullet damage; most of the old pieces of wood are broken or smashed; the relatively intact pieces of wood basically have the complete structure of the puppet's limbs."

"Mr. Ronald, is this what you just sorted out?"

"That's right." Ronald nodded, then pointed to other fragments around him, "I just found some representative ones among the fragments here. After Rumier acquired new spells, it seemed that the process was continuing. Experimentation and modification of puppets, these things fully demonstrate that."

The investigator had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Is that so... Then when you were fighting on the ground before, how many puppet guards were there, and what were their attack strengths?"


This is to evaluate Rumir's actual destructive ability.

Ronald immediately realized the purpose of the investigator's question, and made plans in his mind at the same time.

For now, it is better to provide accurate data as much as possible.

"In the range where the ground is scorched by flames, there are such puppets almost everywhere. As for their attack strength..."

Having said that, Ronald turned his eyes to Heloise.

After understanding what Ronald meant, Heloise immediately stepped forward:

"We captured two puppets in the previous battle, and I sealed them before Lumir lifted the spell. If you want to find out the destructive power of this puppet, you can take one and study it."

The investigator glanced around, but could not see any trace of the puppet:

"The puppets sealed intact? Where are they?"

Heloise took the initiative to walk to the ground and explained to the two investigators at the same time:

"It's the size of an adult, so it's inconvenient to carry. When I was moving upstairs just now, I found a rope to tie them up."

The group left the basement and led Heloise to the corridor of the bedroom on the first floor. The previously captured puppets were **** and lying on the ground. The normal active magic fluctuations also proved that they are now in good condition.

"By the way, you have to study and remember to be careful."

"This kind of spell has actually been canceled by the caster. If the seal is lifted and if not dealt with, they will become useless wood."

"Thank you for your answer." The investigator nodded in understanding, then immediately walked over to carry a puppet on his back, "You two, will the manor be handed over to our investigation bureau?"

"Follow-up investigation results, we will inform the two of you as soon as possible."

Ronald replied to himself:

"No problem, I'll leave it to you here."

"Me and Phyllis have to go to work tomorrow, so let's say goodbye."

Seeing Ronald speak so well, the two investigators naturally smiled:

"Thank you for your understanding."


Another few polite words to each Ronald and Heloise said goodbye and left the manor.

That's what it should be.

Ordinary people who were brought over by Rumir's magic, in the final analysis, are the people from the Bureau of Investigation who are the most suitable. The two of them are really responsible for this kind of thing, and they have to lose a bunch of hair.

Under the night, Ronald carried the other puppet on his back, leaning on the tied rope. After walking some distance from the manor and seeing no one around, he spoke to Heloise beside him:

"Heloise, is the thing you dug out just now still there?"

"Of course!"

Hearing Ronald's question, Heloise's steel-blue pupils showed a hint of complacency. Holding the manual that was released on the workbench in front of her, she immediately waved at Ronald:

"I think this thing is quite useful to us."

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