Mystic Holy See

Chapter 116: invite

Now that it is night and in the city, even if the opponent has a strong control ability, the environment is more favorable for Sunderland.

Most importantly, because of the previous disaster, the underground gas pipelines in the entire Rolle district were damaged, and there were almost no lights on the street!

Although Sunderland was a little flustered by the discovery, his mind was still awake. As long as he led the Beyonders away from home, he could even come back and take some assets, which was why he provoked the opponent.

The only worrying problem is that there is more than one person on the other side.

Sunderland nimbly walked through a dark alley, and two thin white spider silks shot straight from the building beside him. He nimbly avoided, and quickly changed angles to get into the darkness.

As an assassin, it would be very troublesome if he lost the first chance. He had not revealed his deeds just now, but was forced out of hiding by the other party. The other party probably had a special method to restrain him.

Sunderland burst into the highest speed, trying to open the distance.

"Damn, this female spider has the ability to ignore terrain!"

Sunderland was a little panicked. No matter how he ran, the other party would always hang tightly behind him. When he looked back, the other party was following him at a high place along the wall!

As long as his speed doesn't exceed her too much, this female spider can easily follow him with less movement.

"But, why isn't this guy in a hurry?" Sunderland suddenly realized a problem. She didn't shoot with all her strength, but just shot a few spider silks from time to time.

She is driving him away!

Shit! Sunderland felt the shame.

Sunderland was about to stop, but the spider silk shot from behind his head, side and center forced him to lean against the wall to the left, but he immediately sensed something was wrong - his left shoulder was directly stuck !

He took a closer look, but it wasn't. The wall was covered with a thin layer of white and slightly transparent liquid.


Sunderland heard a sneer. The female spider had come to the street and was walking towards him step by step, rubbing a white mucus-like substance with her hands on her chest.

Then she pulled her hands, and a fine cobweb was formed, and she moved forward. The cobweb was like ammunition in a musket. After it was unloaded, it shot directly at Sunderland at an extremely fast speed!

Sunderland tried his best to undress, but with every extra move he made, more positions were stuck, and he didn't have time to dodge!

It's over, Sunderland's eyes are full of despair.

The mother spider was about to show a triumphant face, but her head instantly fell back, her eyes burst open, and the blood mixed with mucus was bent and thrown forward.

It's actually dead!

Sunderland didn't wait for the cobwebs he expected. He turned around and saw that there were a bunch of dense black particles floating in the dark night in front of him, but the cobwebs just now were no longer there.


There was a sound of a body falling to the ground, and Sunderland took a closer look, and the female spider had fallen to the ground just now.

Who helped me?

Sunderland was dazed for a while, and then he keenly heard footsteps. From the alley not far away, the sound was getting quieter, and it sounded far away.

He quickly pulled himself out of his clothes, never looking at the female spider again, and hurried to the entrance of the alley.

When he stopped, he could see through his dark eyes only a silhouette of a man wearing a pure black gold-trimmed dress, holding a luxurious cane, and surrounded by black mist. He stood at the other end of the alley, with a strange black mist face. Turn to him, as if smiling!

"Tutor, Mr. Tutor..."

Sunderland couldn't help but murmured, but the figure on the opposite side didn't stop and walked out of sight in a blink of an eye.

Actually, Mr. Tutor saved me!

It's actually Mr. Mentor whom I haven't seen for a long time!

Sunderland felt moved from the bottom of his heart - God knows how desperate he was just now, but his respected mentor, Mr.

Me, should I follow along?

Sunderland hesitated as soon as he took one leg. If Mr. Tutor wanted to see him, he would naturally meet him, but Mr. Tutor obviously didn't want to see him just now.

But what if Mr. Mentor just wanted him to follow him?

Sunderland was in a mess and didn't know what to do.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to follow. Now that he has nowhere to go, maybe Mr. Tutor can show him a clear path!

Sunderland ran across the alley to the alley, but where is Mr. Mentor's shadow on the street?

He regretted for a while in his heart, why was he hesitating just now?


Sunderland suddenly noticed a letter on the ground! Familiar black cover, familiar font.

Ignoring the ecstasy in his heart, he quickly crouched down to pick it up, and involuntarily used both hands in a gesture of respect.

"Sincerely, Mr. Sunderland Yasso"

The black cat stuffed himself back into the darkness, carefully opened the envelope, took out the expensive letter paper, and read it carefully in the dark:

"February 1st, Spurzy, Scepter of the Waves."

The content of the letter is very little, very little, but this content makes Sunderland feel up and down, how could he not understand?

This is an invitation letter!

Invite him to join the queue where Mr. Tutor is, and invite him to follow Mr. Tutor's back.

I don't know how many times Sunderland has guessed the identity of Mr. Mentor, UU reading www. He thinks it is most likely that Mr. Mentor is a high-level organization, or simply the leader of an organization.

Sunderland's face was uncertain:

He does have respect for Mr. Mentor, but if he is allowed to join an unknown organization and go to the far south of the empire, this...

Sunderland was not a decisive enough man, he hesitated.

However, he thought about his own situation.

Wanted by the Church of the Mother Earth, which has enormous power in the entire empire, if he wants to continue to be happy in the sun, he estimates that it will be impossible for him in this life!

He had nowhere to go, and Mr. Mentor even killed the Extraordinary of the church for him.

Sunderland gritted his teeth, his eyes turned firm.

"I waited for two nights, but luckily it didn't go to waste."

Aldrich returned to his residence, took off his clothes in front of the mirror, and said to himself with a chuckle.

He met Sunderland not by chance, but by game.

Sunderland was wanted, but he was temporarily invited by the church to estimate that he didn't have much assets on him. Aldridge thought of Sunderland's safe, and speculated that he might take a risk and return to his residence.

In addition, his extraordinary ability is 'Hidden', so there is a high probability of acting at night.

Aldrich came to his residence and used Baron Lonnie's pocket watch to confirm the existence of the Extraordinary, which was most likely an Extraordinary of the church, because he hadn't moved for an hour.

This indicates two pieces of information:

First, Sunderland has not returned to her residence. Second, as long as the Extraordinary of the Church moves, it must have discovered Sunderland.

And the reason why he decided to shoot, on the one hand, he needs to pass the message, on the other hand, he needs to deepen the impression in Sunderland's heart.

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