Myth is Coming

Chapter 271 Start the story of Journey to the West!

Did Bian Ji ever leave Master Xuanzang? How did he go to the underworld and get acquainted with himself and Li Shimin?

Even fell into the volcanic hell and suffered for many days?

No matter how you look at it, it feels strange!

However, if you think about it carefully, there is a saying in Buddhism that you can travel three thousand worlds a day by sitting in meditation. If the body meditates, the mind and soul can travel to the underworld, it seems that there is nothing impossible...

Shaoyang couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only suppress his thoughts for the time being.

He returned to Chang'an with Master Xuanzang and his party, and it was inevitable to talk about Buddhism along the way.

Master Xuanzang is profound in Buddhism, Shaoyang listened to him talk about Buddhism, and immediately gained a lot of understanding of the current situation of Buddhism in this fragment of time. Moreover, although what is taught at this time is still only the "Hinayana Buddhism", even the Hinayana Buddhism has many foundations in it, and Shaoyang has benefited a lot from referring to it before and after.

There is no "system" appraisal, so Shaoyang doesn't know the extent of his Buddhist attainments.

Master Xuanzang also learned a lot from Shaoyang.

After all, Shaoyang came from the real world, and many of the various Buddhist classics he saw in the real world have the shadow of "Mahayana Buddhism".

Even though Shaoyang's understanding at this time is not enough, Xuanzang is also refreshed in many places.

Xuanzang couldn't help asking again and again.

Naturally, Shaoyang couldn't elaborate, so he could only vaguely get over it.

Return for more than one day.


Lingshan, Daleiyin Temple.

But the Tathagata Buddha called all the Buddhas, Aluo, Jiedi, Bodhisattva, Vajra, monks, nuns, etc., to hold the Yulan basin meeting, set up a treasure basin, in which a hundred kinds of strange flowers and thousands of different fruits bloomed, and the Buddha will These wonders were distributed to everyone, making everyone full of praise.

Speaking of teaching the Dharma in the world, the Buddha entrusted Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to the east to find someone who is destined to learn the scriptures... If Shaoyang can have the opportunity to be here, you will find that the various plots are similar to the original.

But the Bodhisattva begged the Buddha for advice, saying: "My disciple is going to the East. I don't know what the Buddha has to say?"

The Buddha said with a smile: "This is also a fixed number of days.

You will go here and everything will go smoothly..." Unexpectedly, just as he said this, the Buddha suddenly had a sudden impulse, and he let out a startled "Hey" with a look of deep thought on his face.

Bodhisattva asked again.

The Buddha said: "There seems to be some differences. You just go and play by ear. You and I have six treasures that can help people who learn scriptures go west to learn scriptures."

Bodhisattva thanks again, and took these six treasures.

But I saw two of them, the same brocade cassock, and the same nine-ringed tin rod, both of which are secret treasures of Buddhism.

Both offensive and defensive.

But the remaining four pieces are all one kind. The Buddha said: "This treasure is called the ban hoop. Although there are four of them, they have different formulas. I have four mantras of 'golden, tight, forbidden, and secret'. If you meet a predestined spirit on the way, you can persuade him to become a disciple of the Buddhist scriptures; Swollen headache, cracked forehead."

When a bodhisattva sees the clear nature of her mind, she will naturally be enlightened without the Buddha saying much. Therefore, put away these six treasures with you, thank the Buddha again, and then leave the hall.

I want to teach you all to know that the Tathagata Buddha can know the past and the future, understand the cause and effect of the three realms, the Dharma is boundless, and the supernatural powers are boundless. If there is a change between heaven and earth, that's why I gave the Bodhisattva four restraints on a whim! It has changed greatly from the original plot.


However, Shaoyang escorted Xuanzang and his party all the way to Chang'an. When they saw Li Shimin and the civil and military officials, everyone listened to Xuanzang's teachings.

Immediately, Li Shimin had asked Xuanzang to preside over the water and land ceremony.

All these plots are the same as the original plot, so there is no need to say more.

But on this day, Xuanzang was teaching the Dharma at the Huasheng Temple in Chang'an City, but Avalokitesvara turned into an old monk and was looking for it on the street. After she saw Xuanzang, she immediately recognized that the latter was the transfer of Jin Chanzi, so she naturally knew that this was the person who was destined.

However, just as the Bodhisattva was about to step forward to enlighten Xuanzang and present him with strange treasures, a thought suddenly occurred to him——

She stopped immediately, and pondered: "Before this trip, the Buddha gave me six treasures. The brocade cassock and the nine-ringed tin staff were all given to the Buddhist scriptures. Needless to say; only the four forbidden hoops , but it is intended to be given to the Dharma protector who escorts the Buddhist scriptures to the east, and three pieces have been given out before, and the last one is left, who should it be handed over to?"

The Bodhisattva had a second thought, and it would take a few days until Xuanzang's Water and Land Dharma Assembly, so there is no rush, it is better to search for it first.

The Bodhisattva can also clearly observe cause and effect, and with a thought, he has already counted three predestined people——

Among them, the first one was Bianji, Xuanzang's disciple.

Even though he is entangled with evil karma, but seeing that he has enlightened to the Buddha nature, and even went to the underworld to endure the calamity of the volcanic hell, it can be regarded as washing away the evil karma and reshaping the Buddhadharma; It is for Buddhism to value.

Is a predestined person.

And the second person—Bodhisattva Miaomu has already looked towards the Yuanfa Temple in Chang'an City, the monk Yuance.

She calculated that Yuan Ce and Xuanzang had a master-student friendship, and that Yuan Ce was the grandson of the Silla king. Since he went to Chang'an, he has been obsessed with Buddhism, staying behind closed doors, devoted himself to the scriptures, and is also proficient in Bitan and Chengshi. , Jushe, and Posha's various treatises, and being proficient in six languages ​​​​including Sanskrit and Tibetan, it will be of great help if you travel west with Xuanzang.


The Bodhisattva turned his head to look again, but he saw a child named Yuchi Hongdao in Yuchi's home.

Although he is still only a young child at this time, but with his perennial roots, he already has supernatural powers at ease. Moreover, Kuiji must have had a karmic relationship with Xuanzang in his previous life, and he should be Xuanzang's disciple, so he seems to be one of the candidates.

The Bodhisattva hesitated for a moment.

Since the Buddha bestowed four forbidden hoops, it is natural that this number should be no more and no less.

Who should I choose?

While the Bodhisattva was thinking about it, he suddenly glanced and saw that in the Water and Land Dharma Assembly and the surrounding "common people", one person stood out like a chicken, outstanding, and his Dharma practice had already been well established.

More importantly, the Bodhisattva could tell at a glance that his practice of Buddhism actually had the shadow of "Mahayana Buddhism"!

It's just a little superficial.

The Bodhisattva was immediately moved. The Mahayana Dharma of the Eastern Land was not taught, so this person naturally had no way of learning it; but he was able to comprehend the essentials of the Mahayana from the Hinayana Dharma, and he really has extraordinary understanding in the Dharma.

Moreover, the Bodhisattva silently calculates cause and effect, although the cause and effect of this person and Xuanzang's disciples are not very strong, they are also inextricably linked.

Nature can also be considered as one of the candidates.

The Bodhisattva couldn't help being both happy and sad, and got four predestined people at once. Who should he choose? It is necessary to find a way to test these four people.

The Bodhisattva thought in his heart.

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