Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 157: fulton and the ship

This "recruitment" operation brought huge gains to Xiao Jie, and easily controlled the two largest underground forces in Paris. With their support, the National Security Bureau's control over the situation in Paris will be greatly deepened in the future. At the same time, Xiao Jie is also preparing to provide them with a lot of support, allowing them to go out of Paris and develop to the whole of France, and the National Security Bureau will also expand to the whole country as they expand. And Xiao Jie unexpectedly found a little beauty, which cannot be regarded as an unexpected gain. Although he has not been able to eat Sophie yet, Xiao Jie believes that Sophie will never escape from his palm, and it will be a matter of time before she is eaten. The only ones who are somewhat regretful are Xiao Jie's subordinates. They are all combat madmen specially selected from the army. Originally, they thought that this time they would have a chance to give them a good fight. By the way, they would test the new weapons this time. However, they did not expect Xiao Jie to subdue these two forces peacefully in the end, which made them very depressed. At the same time, they also despised Abel and Andrew in their hearts. They were not like men at all, so unexpectedly so quickly I surrendered.

In the next few days, Xiao Jie sent a large number of people to rectify the forces of Abel and Andrew, and cleared out all the villainous hooligans, and the rest were not serious and could repent after education. . At the same time, Xiao Jie also gave them a lot of financial support, and also provided them with non-weapons. Because the management of guns in France is very strict now, and at the same time, they are also afraid that these guns will fall into the hands of hostile forces, so Xiao Jie directly supported them with a batch of controlled knives, which also improved their combat effectiveness a lot.

On September 25th, after a week of preparations, the work of the National Security Bureau began to achieve certain results. During this week, many restaurants, hotels and bars that were branded by the National Security Bureau opened in Paris. Most of the employees are trained gypsies. They are a group of young men and women who can get rid of the bad habits of gypsies. After training, they can pass on the various information they hear to their responsible staff People, that is, agents placed by the National Security Agency in these places. In this way, not only the gypsies have work income, but also make up for the shortage of manpower in the National Security Bureau, killing two birds with one stone.

That night, Xiao Jie hosted a banquet for Abel and Andrew in the most upscale hotel in Paris. Only Xiao Jie, the two invited He Sixes, and the two secret service leaders Beaucras and Myerson were present. This can also be regarded as a secret gathering of senior officials of the National Security Bureau. Of course, there is another attendant who is indispensable, and that is Sophie. I haven't seen you for a week, but I miss Xiao Jie badly.

One of the reasons why Xiao Jie invited them to dinner was that Abel and Andrew were formally included in the leadership of the National Security Bureau. Conflict between Bell and Andrew. They have been fighting for many years, and it can be said that the two and the two forces are in the same situation. It is basically impossible to eliminate the conflict between them, and Xiao Jie has no such extravagant hope. I just ask them not to make trouble for me, otherwise, I will never spare them lightly. Of the two, since Andrew swore allegiance to Xiao Jie, Xiao Jie should have favored his own people, but who made Abel have such a beautiful younger sister? So Xiao Jie simply didn't help each other, and gave the same support for future development, letting them each rely on their own abilities. The hostile attitude of the two parties is also more beneficial for Xiao Jie to control them.

This meal can be said to be a feast for the host and guest, and their respective interests have been taken care of. Of course, Xiao Jie also had some indescribable and **** things with Sophie during the banquet. The two of them can say that they did everything they should and should not do except the last step. Of course, other people also noticed these small actions of the two, but Sikes, Beaucras and Myerson all turned a blind eye to it, Abel just let it go, but Andrew was a little jealous, and he felt that Abel used his own My younger sister is very disdainful to please Xiao Jie, but at the same time she is also jealous: Why don't I have a beautiful younger sister?

The meal was finished quickly, and finally Xiao Jie reluctantly bid farewell to Sophie. He didn't want to use this opportunity to have an "in-depth" exchange with Sophie, but today he just received a call from Napoleon's secretary, Dilloch. Napoleon will meet him at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and ask him to report on his work during this period of time. For this reason, Xiao Jie had to cancel the event scheduled for tonight. At the same time, he is not in a hurry, he and Sophie still have a long time to go, if he really has a passionate night with Sophie tonight, he will definitely be late tomorrow.

In order to prepare for Napoleon's interview tomorrow, Xiao Jie didn't go to Angel or Mary's tonight, but went home directly to prepare the content of the report to Napoleon tomorrow.

The next day, Xiao Jie tidied up and set off towards the palace under the **** of the guards. At 8:30, he arrived at the Tuileries Palace, half an hour before Napoleon's interview. Dilloch asked him to wait, Napoleon seemed to be receiving someone.

Not long after, I saw a middle-aged man walking out of Napoleon's office with a face full of disappointment. Xiao Jie was very unfamiliar with this person and had no impression at all, so he asked Diloc curiously: "Who is he?"

Dilloch glanced at the man and said, "He, his name seems to be Fulton."

"Fulton." Xiao Jie became excited when he heard the name. That was the invention of the steamship, but what is he doing here? Could it be to sell his invention to Napoleon? But shouldn't he be in the United States now in history? In March of this year, he was supposed to launch the "Clermont" ship in the Hudson River in New York City. Was it a success? At that time Xiao Jie was still thinking about how to get this talent into his hands.

"Is there anything?" Seeing Xiao Jie's excitement, Dillock couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, nothing." Xiao Jie said. He has already realized that history has changed a little bit. Now Fulton, who was supposed to continue his shipbuilding business in the United States, actually appeared in France again. Could it be that God gave him another chance to recruit this talent into his hands? ? It seems that God is really good to me. "Your Excellency Diloc, can you send someone to invite Fulton to my place? I need to find him."

Dilloch didn't understand what Xiao Jie was going to do. Since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ordered, he would of course follow suit, so he sent someone to invite Fulton, and he accompanied Xiao Jie to see Napoleon.

Fulton (1765~1815), a famous American engineer. In 1807, he used British machines to make the world's first steam engine ship "Clermont", and he was the pioneer of ships in the world. He has made outstanding contributions to the development of human navigation in the world.

In 1999, Fulton came to London, England from the United States. He got acquainted with Watt, the inventor of the steam engine, and inspired his enthusiasm for inventing the steam engine ship. In 1999, he built a steam engine ship, which caused a sensation when it was tested on the Seine River in Paris. However, because the hull of the ship was too weak, the hull broke off. His failure attracted cynicism from many people, and some even attacked him personally, which the French government at the time did not think was right. But Fulton was not discouraged. He believed that the steam engine ship would have a bright future. He returned to the United States from France and continued to develop the ship.

In September 1999, the "Clermont" ship designed by Fulton was launched on the Hudson River in New York City. The boat is about 1 meter long, more than 1 meter wide, and has a displacement of tons. The ship's engines were built by Bourton and Watt, Birmingham, England. Fulton designed two paddle wheels for the two sides of the boat. The steam engine drove the paddle wheels to rotate, and the blades on the paddle wheels moved in the water to push the boat forward.

The original history is that after Fulton succeeded in the "Clermont", Fulton continued to stay in the United States to continue his shipbuilding business, and successively built 17 ships. But due to the appearance of Xiao Jie, history has slowly deviated from the original track. In 1803, Fulton went to France, hoping that Napoleon would support his development, but Napoleon rejected him. Now he succeeded, so he came to France again, hoping to get Napoleon's affirmation and avenge his shame, but Napoleon rejected him again. But this also gave Xiao Jie a chance. If Xiao Jie can retain the inventor of the, it will be of great help to his future new navy plan. Warships powered by steam engines will overwhelm the current sailing warships. In that case, France can close the gap with Britain, which is very beneficial to Xiao Jie. Moreover, France's artillery technology is now far ahead of Britain, and the warships manufactured by combining the two will also be far ahead of all British warships.

It is now September 1807. According to Xiao Jie's prediction, Napoleon will soon invade Iberia. General Juno will lead 12,000 heroic French soldiers to defeat the French and have maintained good relations with Britain. Relations of Portugal. Then, the Spanish king and his son will fight for the throne. Both sides ask Napoleon to send troops to support, and Napoleon will also take this opportunity to put Spain under his control. Later, Spain became chaotic and became a war quagmire where countless French troops were buried, and Xiao Jie's father Joseph would also be appointed as the new Spanish king.

And Xiao Jie intends to take advantage of this opportunity to quickly extinguish the flames of rebellion in Spain, and then build Spain into his own rear, so as to break away from Napoleon's control. Even if history repeats itself and the King of Rome is born, Xiao Jie will There is capital to compete with him for the world. The navy is also an important part of Xiao Jie's plan. Therefore, the person Fulton was very important to him.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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