Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 191: night battle

"Come here, what's going on outside." The sound of the roaring guns awakened Castagnos, who had already fallen asleep. He has been in a bad state these days, so he went to bed early every day.

"General, it seems the French are attacking," reported a junior officer.

"The French are attacking." Castagnos was a little flustered: "Go and invite General Canel and General Misend." At this time, he had to send someone to call his trusted people. coming.

"Okay, general, I'll send someone right away." The officer ordered. But he didn't know that Misend had betrayed Castagnos, so he only invited Canel.

"Canel, how is the situation now? Can we withstand the French attack?" Castagnos asked anxiously as soon as he saw Canel: "By the way, why didn't Misend die?" Come?"

"General, don't mention that traitor, Misend that **** guy betrayed us, he colluded with Otis, Simta and Saxon, put the French army in Madrid, and sent people to try to catch us secretly. "When the West Gate shot, Canel realized that the situation was wrong, and quickly sent someone to find out the truth of the matter, and smashed Otis and Simta who wanted to capture him and Castagnos quietly. intention of.

"What? Misend, he betrayed me." Castagnos was shocked by the news at once, and he was so exhausted that he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, but then, Anger overwhelmed his rationality, and he would never allow others to betray: "Canel, no matter what, you must kill Misend and the others. I want them to know the consequences of betraying me." Castagnos gritted his teeth Said.

As Castagnos' most loyal subordinate, Kanel naturally did not dare to disobey Castagnos' orders, and immediately mobilized troops from various places to attack Misend and the others.

At the same time, the six regiments of the 88th Army that were preparing to be stationed at the West Gate all entered Madrid, with Dugor himself serving as the frontline commander. Misend and his subordinates also gathered here. They wrapped white cloths around their arms to show their identities, and led the French army to attack an important stronghold in Madrid.

For a while, the Spanish rebels were stunned, and they didn't know what was going on. It was clear that the French army launched an attack in the east, south, and north directions outside the city. How could the flames of war spread to Zhengli in a blink of an eye. Since Canel was now called by Castagnos, he could not make timely deployments. Some generals believed that the French army in the city should be eliminated first, while others insisted on defending to prevent the French army outside the city. When they invaded Madrid, none of them could persuade the other, and they couldn't resolve the dispute, so they had to lead their own troops to exercise, which caused chaos in command and was taken advantage of by the 88th Army.

At the beginning of the battle, taking advantage of the fact that the Spanish chaos had not reacted, Dugor ordered the six regiments of the 88th Army to launch a fierce attack and achieved brilliant results. With the cooperation of Misend and their troops, Occupies the entire western district of Madrid. But Kanel quickly reached the front line. He quickly organized a counterattack, stabilized the front line, and announced to the soldiers the shameful act of betrayal by Misend and others, which aroused the anger of the soldiers. His hopes were quickly dashed as the will to fight drove the French out of Madrid.

For fear of causing serious damage to Madrid, various large-caliber weapons were restricted from being brought into Madrid, including 80mm mortars, etc., and even the number of 37mm mortars was strictly controlled. The offensive capabilities of the soldiers of the 88th Army who entered Madrid were greatly reduced, but their defensive capabilities were not greatly affected, because the cumbersome heavy machine guns were not restricted weapons.

After the attack was blocked, Dugor did not order the soldiers to attack, but gave an order to defend on the spot. He knew that at this time, the generals of the Spanish rebel army were more anxious than him, and they would definitely attack them. With a fierce attack, at that time, the 88th Army's advantages in weapons can be brought into full play. After the vitality of the Spanish chaos is exhausted, it is time for them to perform.

As a result, on every street in Madrid, simple barricades were quickly built, heavy machine guns were quickly arranged, and even erected on the buildings on both sides of the street. Under the cover of night, the snipers became midnight ghosts. They were active in various positions on the front line, looking for their targets with the faint light.

Since the feint attacks on the east, south, and north sides were very realistic, the artillery of the Spanish rebel army was confined to those three sides. Otherwise, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble for Dugor and the others. Also because of this, Cannell only allocated 40,000 people for offense without affecting the defense in those three directions, but whether these 40,000 people will work, even he himself does not know. Although he was foolishly loyal to Castagnos, it did not affect his judgment on the situation. He knew that this time they were probably doomed. But everyone has the instinct to survive, so he still chose to struggle to see if a miracle would happen in the end.

After the troops were assembled, Canel gave the order to attack. Without leaving a reserve personnel, 40,000 people were sent to the battlefield by Kanel at one time. He is ready to fight to the death, success or failure depends on this blow.

40,000 people may seem like a lot, but for Madrid in Nuo Da, this is nothing at all. The 40,000 people are like a river flowing into the desert. After entering the streets of the west city of Madrid, they disappeared in an instant. Of course, this is just a visual impression.

The 40,000 Spanish rebels, who were very crude compared to the 88th Army, launched their desperate attack, but at this moment, they realized the fragility of the human body in the storm made of steel. The unique roar of the heavy machine gun echoed over the streets of Madrid, and tongues of flame spewed out from its ferocious mouth, tearing apart the fragile bodies.

There was no place to hide on the empty streets, so that after a large number of Spanish rioters were shot, they chose to lie motionless on the ground to reduce the exposed area. What kind of **** fighting enthusiasm is **** when life is threatened. No matter how chasing the supervising team is, no one is willing to attack anymore.

And those arrogant soldiers of the supervising team have become good targets for snipers. Regarding the terrifying range of sniper rifles, their so-called "safe zone" is actually not safe. After the supervisors, the others also wisely chose to remain silent, became more honest, and imitated the appearance of ordinary soldiers, lying on the ground in an indecent manner.

At the same time, Misend and other generals also experienced the power of the 88th Army at close range for the first time, which made them dare not rebel.

The same scene was played out on all the streets in the western part of Madrid. In the end, Canel reluctantly accepted the fact that he knew that under such a tight defense of the 88th Army, his goal of driving the opponent out of Madrid would not be accomplished. Yes, ordering a strong attack will only increase casualties. With a sigh, he was ready to order the withdrawal.

However, at this moment, a "bang" gunshot clearly entered the ears of most people present. It was the unique sound of the 88th Corps' sniper rifle. A high-speed bullet pierced Kanelle's head, leaving a hole the size of a thumb in his forehead. For a moment, Kanel only felt that he had been hit on the head severely, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything. One of the leaders of the Spanish rebellion left this world with an expression of unwillingness. And the one who killed him was just an ordinary sniper named Farragut from the 88th Corps. Taking advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, he crossed several streets and hid on the top of a building, looking for the ideal target. The unlucky Canel was surrounded by a large group of people at this Therefore, he was "honored" to be Farragut's target. Thus, General Canel, who had a prominent status, died in the hands of a little-known little man.

After Canel's death, the command of the Spanish rebels became confused again. Dugor seized this opportunity keenly and launched a counterattack against the Spanish chaos. I don't know who shouted the slogan: "Canel is dead, Castagnos has been captured, and the Spanish army has failed." So, under the instigation of Dougal, more and more people shouted All kinds of slogans were uttered. When the chaotic Spanish army heard such slogans, they panicked for a while. A large number of people put down their weapons and stopped resisting. The 88th Army's attack went very smoothly, and Misendi's troops are also people who can only fight with the wind. Seeing the 88th Army's continuous victories, they also launched a fierce attack on their former comrades-in-arms. .

The Spanish rebellious army retreated steadily, one by one stronghold, one by one position, constantly lost. Under the attack of the 88th Army, the south gate of Madrid became the second city gate to fall, followed by the east gate and the north gate, all of which were breached by the 88th Army. After a night of fierce fighting, except for the vicinity of Castagnos's general's mansion, which was still under the control of Castagnos's personal soldiers, all other areas have been occupied by the 88th Army.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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