Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 242: 6th Coalition Against France

(The first chapter is here! There will be a second chapter later)

Gibraltar, a small city in southern Iberia, is also the only British stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula. Due to its unique geographical location, the development of the Iberian Navy has been severely inhibited. Gibraltar has also been the home of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet. Since Xiao Jie occupied the whole of Iberia, he has been thinking about how to pull out the nail that Britain left on the Iberian Peninsula all the time, but the conditions have not been ripe before that. First, the situation in Iberia is unstable, and Iberia is in a stage of development centered on economic development and infrastructure construction, so Xiao Jie has always been cautious about launching a war. The second is that the British navy is very powerful, and it was definitely not something that the Iberian navy at the time could resist. But now the situation is completely different. Britain has been attracted by the situation on the European continent. Iberia can take this opportunity to regain Gibraltar. In addition, the British Mediterranean Fleet was defeated by the Iberian Army and Navy in Valencia together with the Nelson Fleet after being defeated in Barcelona. The current British Mediterranean Fleet can be said to have lost its elite. Now there is only one second-tier battleship, three third-tier battleships, a few gunboats and three-masted clippers. In contrast, the Iberia Navy is much stronger. All 20 'Iberia' class warships have already entered service, and the three latest 'Bonaparte' class warships have also formed combat effectiveness, and are between' Due to the excellent performance of Bonaparte' class warships, Xiao Jie has approved the construction of three warships of this class. And the latest battleship named "Pre-Dreadnought" by Xiao Jie has also started intensive research work, and it is believed that construction can begin in the near future. With Iberia's current naval strength, although I dare not say that it can completely challenge the British maritime hegemony, it is still possible to drive the British navy out of the Mediterranean and protect the west coast of Iberia from British attacks. Combining various reasons, Xiao Jie decided to take back Gibraltar, take the gateway of the Mediterranean into his own hands, and make the Mediterranean completely his pond.

"Generals, don't worry, there will be time for everyone to play." Xiao Jie said with a smile.

The generals couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and Dugel asked quickly: "His Royal Highness, do we have a war to fight? Who will we fight? France or Russia?"

"Fight England!" Xiao Jie said.

"Britain? Is our navy strong enough to **** the army to England for landing operations?" Dougal asked suspiciously.

Hearing his words, the commander of the Iberian Navy, Vice Admiral Burt, couldn't help but blushed. Although the Iberian Navy is now much stronger, there is still a long way to go before landing operations against Britain.

"Does His Royal Highness want to attack Gibraltar?" Misend thought for a while and said.

Xiao Jie nodded approvingly. He is more and more satisfied with Misend. He has to admit that Misend is better than Eke in grasping the strategic direction, but he is a general, so Xiao Jie can only arrange him to be Eke's deputy.

"Yes, I have decided to recapture Gibraltar in the near future. This battle will be jointly launched by the army and navy. The army is mainly responsible for conquering the fortress of Gibraltar, and the navy is responsible for destroying the British Mediterranean fleet and supporting the army. In addition, the air force can also be used in this battle. As for the fire support mission, after practicing so many bombings, it is time to test the results on the battlefield. As for the specific tactical issues, General Dugel and General Buert will negotiate." Xiao Jie said.

"I think it is quite feasible to launch a campaign to recover Gibraltar at this time." Forbeck also agreed. Although he doesn't understand military affairs, he also knows that Britain's energy at this time has been dragged down by things on the European continent. It is definitely the best time to launch a war at this time.

"His Royal Highness, after nearly a hundred years of British construction, Gibraltar has completely become a fortress group. It is a hard nut to crack. I am afraid that even if it is defeated, we will suffer heavy casualties." Ai was a little cautious.

"Don't worry, I already have a way to deal with those fortresses, but it's just kept secret for now, I believe it will surprise everyone when the time comes." Xiao Jie said mysteriously. Confused others.

Conquering Gibraltar will undoubtedly have great strategic significance. First, Iberia can alleviate the threat of the United Kingdom to a large extent. Second, it will open the way for the Iberian navy to rush out of the Atlantic Ocean. Third, Iberia can cross the strait. , to enter the vast African continent, and fourth, it is related to Iberia's future entry into Latin America and the recovery of the traditional colonies of Spain and Portugal. Therefore, Xiao Jie is determined to compete with Gibraltar.

On the other hand, Campbell also returned to Paris on January 21. He reported the content of the meeting to Napoleon immediately, which was meaningless. What Xiao Jie said aroused Napoleon Raging rage. What suffered was the precious porcelain displayed in his office, all of which were smashed to pieces because of Napoleon's anger.

As for what happened that day, except for the two parties involved, no one else knows, even Napoleon's adjutant, General Dilloch, is not too clear. He only knows that Napoleon was very angry that day, and he dropped a lot of things. Cursing words such as "traitor" and "scumbag" faintly came out of it. Apparently, these were the venomous words Napoleon cursed at his formerly favorite nephew in his rage.

When he learned that Xiao Jie was actually planning to usurp his throne, Napoleon's first thought was that he must do his best to kill Xiao Jie, otherwise his throne might not be guaranteed, even if he saved it with his own strength. His throne, what about his son? Napoleon is now sure that once he dies, the throne will never fall into the hands of his son Francois, and he knows that his son will never be Xiao Jie's opponent. Just when he was about to issue an order to go to war against Iberia, he calmed down immediately. He is very clear that France cannot defeat Iberia now, and there are other European powers ready to move, so he has to focus on dealing with those countries, and he can only let go of Iberia. But the resentment towards Xiao Jie in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

One month later, news that was extremely unfavorable to Napoleon and France finally came from Berlin, the capital of Prussia. On February 18, the four countries of Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria, after three days of fierce quarrels, finally reached an agreement and announced to form an anti-French alliance again to resist France's invasion and oppression of other European countries. Sixth Anti-French Coalition. Subsequently, the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Saxony, and the Kingdom of Thuringia in the Rhineland Alliance also announced their participation in the Sixth Anti-French Alliance. After that, the small countries on the east bank of the Rhine all broke away from French rule and joined the ranks against France.

After discussion, it was finally decided that Russia would send 300,000 troops, Austria 250,000, Prussia 200,000, Bavaria 50,000, Saxony 30,000, Thuringia 20,000, and ten others. Several small countries, the Sixth Anti-French Coalition pieced together a powerful army of 900,000 people on the Eastern Front, with the Russian commander-in-chief Marshal Kutuzov as the commander-in-chief, the chief of the general staff of the Prussian army Clausewitz and Otto Grand Duke Charles was appointed as the deputy commander in chief. The British also promised that they will pay 35% of the military expenditure this time, and at the beginning of the war, they will have to send the navy to blockade the west coast of France and bombard important cities on the west coast of France. In addition, they will also send an army of 100,000 people to the Netherlands landed, threatening Paris directly from the north.

I have to admit that the opponent Napoleon faced this time is undoubtedly the most powerful in his life. His opponent is expected to invest a total of 1 million troops this time, while he only has 600,000, and there are 300,000 who have just been forcibly The recruits who enlist in the army Their combat effectiveness is really questionable. In addition, the opponent's generals are more powerful than each other. Although the Austrian commander, Archduke Charles, was defeated by Napoleon in previous wars with France, his military accomplishments cannot be ignored. The Russian commander-in-chief Kutuzov was even more powerful. He caused Napoleon's hundreds of thousands of elite troops to be buried in Russia. Although this was inseparable from Russia's geographical environment and weather, he did not withdraw from Moscow decisively. However, leaving an empty city to the French army will not achieve such a large-scale victory anyway. The last Clausewitz is even more powerful. Although he is only a young general who is emerging now, Xiao Jie knows his other title, the famous Western soldier saint, the author of "On War", this kind of Are people easy to deal with?

In the face of a powerful enemy, Napoleon was also making final preparations. An order was issued from Paris, and his various legions quickly made final deployments according to his instructions, actively preparing to meet the fierce attack of the enemy.

After getting the information about the anti-French coalition army, Xiao Jie couldn't help but lament that Napoleon's luck this time was extremely extreme. At the same time, it also ordered the 2nd Division and Cavalry Corps of the 88th Army deployed in northern Iberia, as well as the Iberian First Army, which was preparing to go to the north, to be ready to enter France at any time and seize the territory of central and southern France.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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