Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 408: The Navy's Counterattack (Medium)

"At present, the United States has deployed two and a half fleets in the central Atlantic region, with about a hundred warships, and the Canadian Navy has invested almost half of its forces, with more than 40 warships. In my country, only the main forces of the Atlantic Fleet and the Channel Fleet are deployed in There are only about 100 warships in the central Atlantic region. In terms of strength, the two sides are basically equal. However, if the US and Canadian navies put all their domestic fleets into the battlefield, then we will be at an absolute disadvantage." Sucrete said . Once upon a time, the formerly powerful French navy has now fallen to this point.

"Everyone understands the situation, so what we have to do is to do our best to find fighters to severely damage the US and Canadian navies and regain the initiative in the Atlantic region." Boult said finally.

That's the way to say it, but it's not easy to do it?

"Your Excellency Marshal, the defense of the U.S. Navy and the Canadian Navy is very tight now, and it is difficult for us to find a chance to severely damage them." Atlantic Fleet Commander Kirkbride said a little dejectedly. He has fought against the U.S. military countless times in the Atlantic region, and he knows the tactics of the U.S. military very well. After winning the Caribbean Sea Battle, the U.S. military became more cautious, leaving no chance for the French army at all. Everyone is naturally well aware of this change in the US military. Although the U.S. military still has the advantage now, with the 3rd and enemy fleets suffering heavy losses, the 4th Fleet has only half of its combat power left, which makes the U.S. military's advantage no longer so obvious. In order to ensure that they were not seized by the French army to come back, they had to be careful.

Everyone was silent for a while. If you attack rashly, you will not only be unsure, but if you fail again, it will be difficult for France to stand up. So they dare not take any more risks.

"However, the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us. I think that in 4 to 6 months at most, the US 3rd and 5th Fleets will be able to resume their combat effectiveness. By that time, our situation will be even worse. It's dangerous. Therefore, we must find fighter planes as soon as possible to severely damage the US and Canadian navies." Boult said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, the United States and Canada, alone, are not our opponents at all. The reason why they have an advantage over us now is only because their two countries are united. If we can defeat one country, then we will We can regain the advantage." Clarence said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Clarence, because what he said was known.

"Clarence, do you have any ideas or plans?" Boult asked.

Clarence glanced at everyone, and then said: "The United States and Canada are only temporarily united because of our pressure. Especially Canada, because their strength is relatively weak, they have to rely on the United States. If we If the pressure from us disappears, I’m sure that the two countries will inevitably fight. This has led to Canada’s first priority in the war, which will definitely be to preserve its own strength. It will not fight us with all its strength like the United States Go to war. At the same time, under the pressure of the United States, Canada had to devote more than half of its navy to the war, which left their own troops empty. If we can find a way to severely damage the Canadian mainland fleet, I believe that Canada will definitely The troops in the Central Atlantic region will be withdrawn to the country. At that time, the alliance between the United States and Canada will naturally be broken without attack. Will the United States alone be our opponent by then?"

"Without Canada's assistance, the U.S. Navy would not be our opponent at all." Straits Fleet Commander Hercules immediately agreed.

"This proposal is good. As long as Canada is settled first, the United States will not be left at our mercy." Atlantic Fleet Commander Kirkbride also clamored.

"This proposal is good, but everyone must not forget that it is still quite difficult to complete this plan. First of all, the strength of the Canadian navy is not weak, even if they send half of the navy to join the Central Atlantic naval battle, However, the remaining strength of the other party should not be underestimated. Secondly, the United States and Canada are in the Central Atlantic region, and it is difficult for us to break through their blockade and attack Canada. Lastly, most of our troops are deployed in the Central Atlantic region. The U.S. and Canadian navies are confronting each other, and there is simply no way to deploy many warships to attack the Canadian mainland." Sucrete immediately poured cold water on everyone.

Clarence had nothing to say. When considering this issue, he seemed to have forgotten to take into account the current situation of the French Navy. Given the current situation of the French Navy, it is basically impossible to carry out another long-distance attack.

"If the plan is indeed feasible, we can consider deploying domestic warships, and try to deploy some warships from the Central Atlantic region to implement this plan." Boult said.

"Deploying domestic warships, who will we entrust to our offshore defense?" Wasser asked.

"With us at the front, it is very difficult for the U.S. and Canadian navies to pass through our blockade, so don't worry about the safety of the offshore waters for the time being. Clarence, tell me about your specific plan." Boult said.

"That's right. Canada has five 'Glory'-class warships over 7,000 tons, 20 'Canada'-class warships over 3,000 tons, and 50 'King'-class warships over 1,000 tons. 30 'King' class warships, 10 'Canada' class warships, two 'Glory' class warships and 1 'King Arthur' class warship, then they only have 3 'Glory' class warships left in the country, 10 'Canada' class ships and 20 'King' class ships, at most, plus 1 'William' which could join the order of battle at any time. For this part of Canada, I think, we send at most 1 ship The 'Dreadnought'-class warships, two 'Pre-Dreadnought'-class warships, 8 'Bonaparte'-class warships, and 16 'Iberia'-class warships can guarantee an absolute advantage over the Canadian mainland fleet. As for breaking through the US fleet With the blockade of the Canadian fleet in the Mid-Atlantic region, we have two ways to go, one is to bypass the South Atlantic region, but in that case we have to go around a long way, and the South Atlantic region is now under the control of the US fleet, which is not safe , It is also not conducive to secrecy. In this case, there is only one way for us to choose. Our fleet can start from the North Sea, pass through Iceland from the North Atlantic to Greenland, and then go south from Greenland to attack St. John, where the Canadian Continental Fleet is stationed. If the situation permits, we can also go westward from the St. Lawrence River, attack the important Canadian city of Quebec, and destroy the most important Canadian shipyard - the Quebec Shipyard." Clarence said. The Quebec shipyard is the largest and most advanced shipyard in Canada. Canada's latest warship, the "King Arthur" class warship, was built by this shipyard. Destroying this shipyard is basically equivalent to breaking the root of the Canadian Navy. It is impossible for the Canadian Navy to recover without more than 5 years.

After hearing Clarence's plan, everyone's eyes lit up. Generally speaking, if there are no mistakes in the middle, this plan has a high chance of success. Moreover, if the plan is successful, the effect will be very obvious. First of all, the Canadian Navy will suffer heavy losses. At that time, the Canadian Navy will surely transfer the fleet deployed in the Mid-Atlantic region back to the country, thereby easing the pressure on the French Navy in the Mid-Atlantic region, and even creating an opportunity for the French Navy to defeat the U.S. Navy. Secondly, it proves that the French navy is still strong and capable of attacking the American region, and at the same time it can inspire the hearts of the people and complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty the Emperor. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Very well, I think this plan of General Clarence is very likely to succeed, and I fully support it." Straits Fleet Commander Hercules responded also support it. And, I think, after the success of this plan, we can immediately organize the fleet to fight the US Navy in the Mid-Atlantic area. Without the assistance of the Canadian Navy, I believe we will be able to achieve victory. "Atlantic Fleet Admiral Kirk Bride suggested.

Burt, Wasser, and Sucrete looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they clearly understood the meaning of the other party, that is, the plan is feasible and feasible. Although there are certain risks, if it succeeds, it will bring The benefits are absolutely incalculable.

"For General Clarence's proposal, the Admiralty expressed its support in principle. But in terms of specific details, it still needs to be properly demonstrated." Boult said.

Next, everyone had a heated discussion on the plan, and finally decided to implement the plan after two weeks. During this time, the French Navy began to secretly prepare combat materials and mobilize the fleet. 1 "Dreadnought" class battleship "Dreadnought" and 1 "Pre-Dreadnought" class battleship "Loire" and 5 "Bonaparte" class battleships and 9 "Iberia" battleships of the Channel Fleet were mobilized from the French mainland. 'class battleship, and another 'pre-Dreadnought' class warship was transferred from the Central Atlantic region, namely the Atlantic Fleet's 'Centurion', 5 'Bonaparte' class warships and 9 'Iberia' class warships , forming an expeditionary fleet.

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