Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 428: arrogant sweden

Chapter 428 Arrogant Sweden

Sweden is located in Scandinavia in the north of Europe and is a traditional European power. Especially in the 18th century, under the advocacy of King Gustav III of Sweden, the Kalmar Union formed by Denmark, Norway and Sweden became one of the most powerful forces in Europe. However, with the strong rise of France, the status of Sweden and the Kalmar Union have been seriously threatened. But in the Napoleon era, Napoleon did not attack Sweden, but hoped to control Sweden and the Kalmar Union by supporting one of his generals to become the king of Sweden. However, his plan ultimately failed. Gustav III's son succeeded the Swedish throne as Gustav IV.

After Xiao Jie came to the throne, France has been facing constant wars, and the Kalmar Alliance has always maintained neutrality, so France has never had the opportunity to attack Sweden and the Kalmar Alliance. But now, as the French navy gradually begins to recover its disadvantages, the war at sea can be temporarily relieved, so France can free up its hands to deal with other affairs. And at this time, it just happened that Sweden tried to restrict the export of iron ore to France, which undoubtedly gave France an excellent excuse. One must know that Xiao Jie has been coveting Sweden's high-quality iron ore resources for a long time.

Through the French ambassador to Sweden, the French government's ultimatum was delivered to Swedish Prime Minister Guthry. After reading the content of the ultimatum, Gutri turned pale with fright, and hurriedly summoned cabinet members to the Swedish royal palace. Although since Gustav III, the power of the king has been greatly restricted, the power of the country has basically fallen into the hands of the government. But in Sweden, the king still has a lot of influence. Many major events and national policies, the government still needs to discuss with the king before deciding.

In the Stockholm Palace, Swedish Prime Minister Gutri and cabinet members were received by Gustav IV. Guthrie told everyone about the ultimatum issued by France, and then asked everyone for countermeasures.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Swedish Minister of War Alfred said loudly: "What does this mean for France? The iron ore is ours, and we can sell them as much as we want. They are doing this. Are you threatening us? Do you really think that our Kalmar Alliance is easy to bully?"

Secretary of the Navy Alves also said: "That's right. Other countries are afraid of France, but our great Nordic fighters are not afraid of them. Besides, didn't the Americans agree to us? Once the war starts, they will immediately cooperate with us to attack France. If we can Defeat France and we, Sweden, will rule Europe."

After Alves finished speaking, everyone had different expressions, some were worried, while others were happy. Among them, King Gustav IV was also blindfolded. As Gustav's heir, he very much hopes to establish a great achievement like his father. However, the rise of France has completely shattered his hopes. Although in his opinion, Sweden and the Kalmar Union are indeed very powerful, they are still quite inferior compared to other European powers. Together, those countries are no match for France, let alone Sweden.

However, the opportunity seems to have come now. France is fighting fiercely with the United States and Canada in the Atlantic region, and most of France's strength is contained there, which undoubtedly gives Sweden a good room for development. Moreover, in order to defeat France, the United States has already secretly contacted Sweden, saying that if Sweden is willing to stand on the side of the United States, the United States will secretly provide Sweden with a large amount of military assistance. These aids include 200 million U.S. dollars in military spending and enough equipment to equip 200,000 people. These were secretly transported by the United States to Sweden after the defeat of the French Navy in the Atlantic.

"Your Excellency Guthrie, if our country goes to war with France, what are our chances of winning?" Gustav IV asked.

Hearing what he said, Gutri screamed in his heart. He was very clear about the disparity in strength between Sweden and France. But since Gustav asked, he had to answer, so he replied with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, if Sweden goes to war with France, we have no chance of winning."

Hearing this, Gustav's face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "What if the Kalmar Alliance is added?"

"Your Majesty, even with the addition of the Kalmar Alliance, our chances of winning are still very small. Even though the French navy is now being dragged in the Atlantic region, their army has not been affected. France has millions of elites armed to the teeth The army, as well as numerous vassal states, are definitely not something that our country or even the Kalmar Alliance can deal with." Guthrie said biting the bullet.

At this moment, Gustav IV's face became very ugly. He naturally understood that Guthrie would not lie to him. These are all facts. That means that if Sweden goes to war with France based on Sweden's current strength, it will basically be courting death. This also shows that his plan to dominate Europe has to be postponed indefinitely again. As long as France is there, his plan will not be successful.

"Your Excellency, although France has millions of troops, they now have 4 legions, that is, more than 400,000 people stationed in Eastern Europe. With the addition of troops stationed in other regions, France can mobilize up to 300,000 people to join the war. And our country also has 300,000 troops, but the equipment is slightly worse than the French army. Moreover, Norway also has 150,000 troops, and Denmark also has 200,000 troops. In this way, our Kalmar Union can mobilize 650,000 troops, which is fully French Twice. So we wouldn't necessarily lose the war, if it did go to war," retorted Alfred, Secretary of State for War.

"That's right. With many constraints, it is impossible for France to concentrate on us. Therefore, we definitely have a chance to defeat France. Similarly, our navy is not comparable to the French navy at all. But now France All of our navy has been dragged in the Atlantic region, and the entire Baltic Sea region has completely become our world. And the sea transportation line from France to Russia is also under our attack. Once war breaks out, if we cut off this transportation line, Then the two legions stationed in the Russian Democratic Republic and Poland will face a serious logistical crisis. At that time, will other countries be subject to France? I see that there will definitely be a grand occasion where European countries unite to attack France. That way If we do so, we will have great confidence in winning the war. As the country that initiated the war against France, our country will surely become the new hegemony of Europe." Secretary of the Navy Alves also agreed.

Hearing what they said, suddenly, Gustav IV's originally extinguished ambition was blazing again.

"But in case France gathers troops stationed in the Eastern European region to attack us, how should we resist?" Gutri asked rhetorically. He always had a hunch that if war with France started, it would definitely bring disaster to Sweden. But other members of the cabinet agreed to go to war against France, and even King Gustav's intentions were very clear, so his words would not have much effect in Sweden.

"Your Majesty, we can send people to contact the Russian Federal Republic, the Russian Democratic Republic, and the Russian Kingdom, and ask them to contain the four French legions. I believe they will not refuse, after all, this is also an absolute way for them to get rid of French rule. Good opportunity. In addition, we can also contact other countries in Europe to wait for an opportunity to deal with France. I believe that those countries defeated by France will not miss this opportunity." Foreign Secretary Aubrey also suggested.

"Okay." Gustav IV said excitedly. "Your Excellency Aubrey, please immediately contact the three countries in Eastern Europe and ask them to contain the French troops stationed in Eastern Europe. In addition, secretly send envoys to contact other countries to discuss jointly dealing with France. Contact the governments of Norway and Denmark and request They stand with us against France," ordered Gustav IV.

Seeing this situation, Gutri sighed helplessly. He knew that war with France was inevitable. The ambition of Gustav IV will eventually push Sweden into the abyss.

"Your Excellency Alfred, Your Excellency hope that the two can actively prepare for the war and prepare to defeat France. In addition, three days later, in the name of the government, reject France's ultimatum, and Announce this shameless act of France to the whole world." Gustav IV said excitedly.

The three Eastern European countries quickly replied to Sweden, saying that they could contain the French troops stationed in Eastern Europe when necessary after the war began. However, they demanded that Sweden not leak the agreement between them, and after defeating France, the three countries must get the benefits they deserve. In fact, the three Eastern European countries also have their own plans. They have been under the control of France for a long time, and they desperately hope to get rid of France. Now is undoubtedly a very good opportunity. If Sweden has an advantage in the war, then they will implement the agreement. If Sweden is at a disadvantage, then I'm sorry, they will not admit that they have contacts with Sweden, and they will even take the initiative to send troops to attack Sweden.

Norway and Denmark, due to the treaty signed at the beginning, are members of the Kalmar Union, so they expressed that they would advance and retreat with Sweden.

With the support of these countries, the Swedish government issued a public statement condemning the French threat to Sweden and saying that they would fight to the end. At the same time, all Swedish diplomatic personnel in France were withdrawn and French diplomatic officials in Sweden were expelled. Relations between the two countries officially broke down.

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