Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 94: The return of a legend

When they returned to the city, Cardo had already subdued, so Yang Ming and his party chose to leave.

Naturally, Uncle Dazner's family is very grateful, so I won't go into details here.

This trip to the country of waves, Yang Ming can be said to have gained a lot.

Not only did he get the super thug Zaifu, he also got the lovely boy Bai.

On the way back, there was no attack, and the journey was peaceful.

In just three days, the group returned to Konoha Village.

When he stepped into the gate of the village, Yang Ming had a strange feeling. For the first time, he felt the touch of returning home.

Because the seventh class had to explain the ins and outs of the mission, they soon separated from Yang Ming and went to the Hokage Building.

Yang Ming took Zai Bu Zhan and Bai, and he was leisurely wandering. Instead of going to the store in a hurry, he went shopping.

Along the way, there was a lot of traffic, crowds, bustling, very lively.

But soon, Yang Ming was recognized by acquaintances.

A frequent visitor to Yang Ming's small shop was originally to pick out snacks from a road stall, that is, grilled sausages and the like.

He frowned at times, sighed at times.

After eating Yang Ming's dishes, this vulgar snack is really hard to swallow.

But when he smelled the pungent roasted aroma, he couldn't help but want to buy it.

At this moment, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly found Yang Ming passing by his side!

This makes him excited!

Three full weeks!

At first, he thought that Yang Ming was only taking two or three days off, but he did not expect to take three weeks off!

For a foodie, this is hell-like torture!

If it wasn't for him not knowing where Yang Ming was, I'm afraid he would have sent him a blade long ago!

He took a quick step, grabbed Yang Ming's shoulder, and said with tears in his eyes, "Boss Yang Ming, you are finally back, I will wait for you until the flowers are all gone!"

As he said that, he also showed the expression of a deep niece and resentment, and there was a trace of sorrow in his eyes.

If this look was put on a beautiful woman, it would be "Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng".

But if you put it on an uncle with a stingy foot, then...

I want to vomit!

Based on the pure friendship between comrades, Yang Ming took a big step back subconsciously, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said, "Well, I'm a very pure person, please don't look at me with this expression."

But it was because the diner shouted so loudly that the pedestrians on the road all cast their gazes over.

More diners shouted with grief: "Go back and cook, bastard!"

"Don't be unreasonable!"

For a while, Yang Ming stayed where he was.

Do you think Yang Ming would feel very moved and ashamed?

Wrong, and a big mistake!

At this moment, Yang Ming burst into tears and said, "Oh my God, how much money have I lost!"

As if answering the wishes of the diners, Yang Ming strode back to the store.

Behind him, a large group of people naturally followed!

Like a giant dragon, it headed to Yang Ming's store in a mighty way!

When he arrived at the door of the small shop, Yang Ming suddenly found that the small shop had undergone a lot of changes.

The original shabby and unpleasant facade has been completely renewed, and it seems to have grown a lot bigger.

There is also a row of bright flowers on both sides of the door, which are very beautiful.

Yang Ming estimated that this was the reward for completing the system task and getting the LV2 decoration of the small shop.

Now that the door has been improved, what will the inside look like?

With anticipation, Yang Ming opened the store.

Then, Yang Ming's eyes lit up.

In the original small shop, there were only two tables and corresponding stools.

In the beginning, when there were few customers, it was nothing, but after Yang Ming became famous, it became very crowded.

Well now, the interior is expanded, with a full ten tables and corresponding stools.

But what made Yang Ming speechless was that the walls were still rudimentary, and there was no change in sight.

No boss would be willing to see his small shop still so rudimentary.

Yang Ming was no exception. He asked the system in his heart, "By the way, how many levels are there in the decoration of the store?"

"The host has no right to get an answer due to his low level."

The system said solemnly and earnestly.

This answer, very systematic, made Yang Ming hold his breath in his chest and felt extremely uncomfortable.

It just so happened that it was almost lunchtime, Yang Ming would soon go to the kitchen.

At this time, the old man Qianshou Tongjian heard that Yang Ming was back, and he didn't care about other things, so he hurried over.

I didn't know this, but I was startled.

A burly and strong man, like a terracotta warrior, stood on the side of the door of the small shop, like a door god, making those who harbor ghosts feel chills!

Old Uncle Tongjian is also a knowledgeable person, and he can see at a glance that it is not easy not to cut.

However, he came to the shop to eat, so he didn't care too much.

When it was his turn to line up, the old man Tong Jian hurried into the shop.

Then, his eyes suddenly lit up!

A beautiful girl in a kimono danced like a butterfly among the flowers, serving dishes to the diners in the shape of flowing water.

That gesture, that look, like a fairy descending from the earth, is extremely beautiful.

Many diners have long forgotten the original intention of coming, and they stared straight at Bai, as if they had lost their souls.

Actually, if it wasn't too late to make a maid outfit, Yang Ming wouldn't let Bai wear a kimono.

However, it seems that it is suitable to wear a kimono during the day, and there is a fresh and refined temperament, which is pleasing to the eye.

The effect is also unexpectedly good!

Old Uncle Tongjian is also a mature man. It is obvious that Bai's body is a little stiff, and even his smile is far-fetched.

He secretly said in his heart: " Maybe this is the first time this child has been a waiter, so I'm a little nervous."

More than nervousness!

If it were a girl, she would feel uncomfortable being looked at by so many men with fiery eyes.

Not to mention, Bai is actually still a boy, that awkward feeling is just crazy!

If he were 30 years younger, perhaps the old man Tong Jian would have a pig-like look on his face like the others.

However, after all, the years make people grow old, and he has long lost that ability.

Then, the old man Tong Jian turned his attention to the menu on the wall.

"Oh, Boss Yang Ming has released a new product?"

After seeing the price of that line, even if he was over seventy years old, the old man Tong Jian had the urge to scold his mother.

A stack of Dongpo pork, 2888 yuan.

But I haven't eaten Yang Ming's dishes for a long time, and the old man Tongjian is not bad, so he waved his hand and said to Bai, "Bring me a piece of Dongpo pork!"

"Okay." Bai Tiantian smiled.

When the other diners heard it, some local tyrants ordered Dongpo Pork, and they all looked at Uncle Tongjian with different eyes.

Those eyes, it is like worshipping a local tyrant!

Come out to hang out, isn't it just for a face.

At this moment, Uncle Tongjian suddenly felt that he was not guilty of spending so much money!

Moreover, since Boss Yang Ming dared to set the price so high, it must be delicious!

With the expectation of unknown food, the old man Tongjian looked forward to it.

(Welcome to join the book friends group established by Book City friends: 292, 507, 668)

(Actually, the author doesn't want the uncle to join the group, because there are many little loli in the group)

(In other words, why do girls like to eat, sleep and beat the author!!!)

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