Hoshi Yu and they left the Land of Water and did not return to Konoha Village, but came to the Land of Whirlpool again.

In the place near the sea in the country of whirlpools, a simple small house was built.

Kushina and Mikoto practice against each other on the beach, increasing their combat experience through battles.

However, the effect is not too big, the battle between the two of them is just an ordinary competition, and they will definitely not use those dangerous ninjutsu, let alone kill them, so they don’t have much effect.

Hoshiha sits by the sea, ready to develop ninjutsu.

The ninjutsu he wants to develop is Ice Dun Ninjutsu, although he has the Ice Dun Blood Succession Limit, but Xing Yu will not have a single Ice Dun Ninjutsu.

A large number of basic knowledge of ninjutsu was filtered over and over again in Xing Yu’s mind, and at the same time, Xing Yu was still recalling the ability of the ice system he learned in his previous life.

The abilities of those ice systems also have great reference significance for Xingyu, and may be developed through the form of ninjutsu after research.

There are many abilities of the ice system, such as the frozen fruit ability in One Piece, and the green pheasant, one of the three generals.

Esders, the Ice Queen who possesses the Manifestation of the Emperor Demon God and the Essence of Demons, and the Makobhat Temo, who can freeze even time.

The Ice Master in DNF, the move of Ice River in Saint Seiya, the move of Hibanya Fuyushiro in Death, etc.

It seems that the ice system does have a lot of moves, and there are many powerful ones, but if you want to study them, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xingyu felt that if he wanted to use those moves from other worlds through ninjutsu, it would not be possible to do it for a while.

“So I can only create ice ninjutsu based on other ninjutsu.”

Xing Yu sighed secretly, for Bing Dun Xing Yu felt that he still had to work hard, the ice attribute was definitely not weak, and it was worth his effort.

Subsequently, Xing Yu used the technique of multiple shadow avatars to separate a thousand shadow avatars, and let them go according to their own ideas and start experimentally studying Bing Duan.

“Xing Yu, is there really no problem with your body like this?”

Mikoto walked over and asked Xingyu worriedly, separating a thousand shadow doppelgangers at a time to cultivate, this is not only a physical problem, but also a mental problem.

A thousand shadow doppelgangers study ninjutsu, if all of them are lifted, the feeling of exhaustion can crush a person, and even become a vegetative person mentally dead.

“Don’t worry, I’m measured.” Hoshiha said with a slight smile towards Mikoto.

He will not let a thousand shadow doppelgangers study for too long, and will always grasp a degree, a degree that will not hurt his spirit.

Mental exhaustion definitely exists, but Xing Yu will not hurt himself, and even after exhaustion, his mental power will increase.

This is also a method of enhancing mental power developed by Xing Yu, but this method is really not used by ordinary people, and if there is no perseverance, I am afraid that I will not be able to stick to it even once.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed, and it has been nearly half a month since he left Konoha Village, and Xingyu has studied three ice ninjutsu in this week.

The art of ice wall, ice spear, ice dragon bullet, this is the ninjutsu created by Hoshi Yu.

In fact, it is not so much a creation as a transformed ninjutsu, and the ice wall is transformed from the water dun water array wall.

However, although it is transformed, the seal is completely different, it can be said that it is a different ninjutsu, just like the earth dun and the earth flow wall, it is a different ninjutsu.

The Ice Dun Ice Spear is based on the Earth Dun Earth Spear of the Jiaodu, and the Ice Dun Ice Dragon Bullet Art is an ice dun ninjutsu transformed from the Water Dun Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

These three ninjutsu are at least B-level ninjutsu, and these are just the beginning, and slowly Hoshiyu will develop more ninjutsu, such as the ice age that can freeze the sea between several islands.

Being able to freeze time and stop the passage of time, Hoshiyu believes that as long as he gives himself time, these can be developed.

“Let’s pack up and get ready to return to Konoha.” Hoshiba said to Kushina and Mikoto.

It has been a long time since I left Konoha, and I don’t know if the three generations of Hokage will send someone to look for them.

After all, neither he, nor Kushina and Mikoto are ordinary ninjas, they are all gifted ninjas.

The three generations of Hokage are still very kind to the ninja who have not yet grown to threaten him, and want to cultivate it.

“Well, I’m tired of staying here.” Jiu Xinnai nodded.

The scenery of the country of whirlpool is good, but there is no one, it is too boring, plus Xingyu is working hard to develop ninjutsu during this time, and there is no time to play with Jiu Shinnai.

And Mikoto is also working hard to cultivate, which causes Jiu Xinnai to be very bored and has long wanted to go back.

Treading water, Chakra attached to the soles of his feet, stepping on the sea star feathers as they headed towards the Land of Fire.

Treading water on the sea is much tougher than in a small river, because the wind and waves on the sea are too great.

However, they still can’t stop Xingyu from running fast, and they are very proficient in Chakra’s control, as long as it’s not too big a storm, it’s no problem.

It took a few days for Hoshiha and them to return to Konoha Village.

After Xingyu and them went back, Ape Flying Sun Slash received the news for the first time, and Tuan Zang also received the news at the first time.

Ape Flying Sun slashed down, he really didn’t want these three geniuses to die.

And Tuan Zang’s face was ugly, and when Xingyu and them went out of the village, Tuan Zang sent someone to catch Vortex Xingyu.

Although there was no news from the elite he sent out for a long time, Tuan Zang had a bad premonition in his heart, but now after Xing Yu returned to the village, Tuan Zang’s heart was still very heavy.

His subordinates must have had an accident, as for how it happened, Tuan Zang is not an immortal, how can he know.

Although he really wanted to arrest the three of them and ask what happened, Tuan Zang was now very strict by the ape flying sun.

If you make any moves in Konoha Village, you will definitely be discovered by Sarutobi Hinata.

Tuan Zang does things secretly, but the fire shadow in this village is still an ape flying sun chop, and the small actions of Tuan Zang in the village are difficult to hide from the ape flying sun chop.

Xing Yu and they came to the place where the task was handed over and handed it over.

After handing over the task and getting paid, Xingyu and they went home.

During this period, Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not look for Xingyu and them.

As long as Xing Yu and them come back, the other ape flying sun chop does not care, as for the reason for coming back so late, it is not surprising that ape flying sun chop.

The task of chasing and killing the rebel is not surprising even if it is completed in half a month, and it is not a simple matter to find the rebel.

“Finally back.”

Jiu Xinnai looked at everything at home and felt a long-lost sense of intimacy.

A smile appeared on Mikoto’s face, and then she said, “You guys take a break first, I’ll go and prepare to cook.” ”

“Mikoto, don’t be busy.”

When Mikoto was about to enter the kitchen, Hoshiha called out to Mikoto.

Looking at Mikoto’s puzzled gaze, Hoshiha smiled slightly and said: “Just returned to Konoha, Mikoto, don’t be tired, we’ll go out to eat later, I haven’t eaten Konoha’s food for a long time.” ”

“I approve.” Kushina agreed, and Mikoto nodded and sat down.


PS: Update one more chapter, the rest really has to wait for tomorrow

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