After returning, there must be a lot of task rewards apportioned.

  After all, it is a mission to spy on the intelligence of the country and the Ninja Village.

  A-level task rewards are generally between [-] taels and [-] taels.

  Score a few teams, and then score them in this team. The captain gets a little more, and the rest are not a few.

  "Well, I can buy a set of painting tools for my sister, replenish myself with ninja tools, eat a few good meals along the way, and save a lot of money."

  Although Hyuga Senzong is taciturn, he is actually flexible in his mind.

  Looking at the captain's back, Hyuga Qianzong thought again, the captain said before that after returning, please eat barbecue.

  Another money saving!

  Ogawara stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Hyuga Qianzong, "Baiyan is overused, are you tired Qianzong? Why don't you talk."

  Hyuga Qianzong shook his head. He has recovered most of the time, and his eyes are much better than before.

  Ogawara muttered: "Why is that rookie so slow, I just said I should go. He is alone, and he has no experience in performing tasks, so it's easy to get into trouble. I don't want to get acquainted with other new teammates."

  Hyuga Qianzong said softly, "He's different from us."

  "What's the difference? It's the same as Kakashi, the head student of the school. It's not necessarily better than Kakashi."

  "It's really impossible to say."

  "Eh? Qianzong, are you very optimistic about Gong Yi?"

  "He's better than me, it should be right."

  Ogawara opened his mouth wide, then pouted, "You have better eyes than me, so you should see better than me. Okay, he's very strong, then come back quickly, I don't like waiting for people."

  No one likes to wait, and Iga Kawaji does the same.

  Staring at the increasing rain, he sighed.

  "I guess I won't be able to leave tonight. As soon as Gong comes back, I'll rest here for a night before leaving!"

  Da da da

  Footsteps sounded on the bluestone slabs along the street, without any scruples.

  Iga Kawaji's face changed suddenly!

  A man with brown hair stepped out of the darkness and looked at Iga Kawaji with a smile on his face.



  Outside the bathhouse, Loess stood at the door, looking at the dead night, cracked his mouth.

  "Let's go, the cooperation has been reached, and other things have nothing to do with us."

  A subordinate stepped forward and said, "Sir, the kid who eavesdropped before, the Sand Ninja Village hasn't dealt with it yet. It doesn't seem very good to leave like this."

  The big fan-like hand of loess patted him on the shoulder, "Cunyan, this kind of thing is not our responsibility."

  Cunyan whispered: "If Konoha knew about this?"

  The loess laughed, "So what if I know? The three generations of Hokage are old, and Konoha Baiya committed suicide! The Uchiha and Hinata clans are at odds. I, Yanyin Village, are not afraid of the current Konoha."

  "What about the three so-called Sannin?"

  "Jirai is also idle, Tsunade stays in the hospital, and Orochimaru is obsessed with research. Even if they stand up, is there no one in my Yanyin Village?"

  "What's more, will Konoha know about this matter? It's still a matter of two people's opinions. Kazama Hiroshi personally went out. Unless the other party comes to the shadow-level person, who can run away?"


  Iga Kawaji frowned, looking at the brown-haired man in front of him as if he were facing a great enemy.


  The brown-haired man got closer and closer. When he was three meters away, he asked curiously, "Konoha doesn't have a person like you, but his strength is not weak. So that means you came from that place?"

  The question is used, but the tone is affirmative!

  That place should be Naruto directly under Anbu!

  Iga Chuanji did not answer, and looked at the other party cautiously.

  "The people of Sand Ninja, come to the country of rain."

  Luo Sha pointed at him, "The people of Konoha have also come to the Land of Rain!"

  After these words, both fell into silence.

  until the wind blows.

  Iga Kawaji's face changed slightly, and Luo Sha couldn't help frowning.

  The strength of the comers is not weak, they should have the level of Shangnin, I don't know if they are enemies or friends!

  Gong Yi walked out from the corner, looked at the two of them, and clenched his palms.

  Iga's expression was slightly relieved, and he felt a little puzzled before. It was clearly the speed that only Junin Jixing had, but it was Gongichi who appeared.

  Of course, this is a good thing.

  With him alone, although he is sure to escape from Luo Sha's hands, it is uncertain whether Qian Zong and Yuan can survive.

  If Gong Yi really had the strength of Shangnin, he would not dare to do it if he wanted to come to Luo Sha.

  "came back?"

  Gong nodded slightly, then said without looking at Luo Sha, "Let's go!"

  Iga Kawaji looked slightly startled, didn't rest, just left?

  Immediately, his eyes narrowed and he glanced at Gong Yi.

  "let's go!"

  Hyuga Qianzong and Ogawara walked out of the house nervously, then joined Gongyi and left outside the town.

  Luo Sha stood under the eaves and watched the four of them slowly leave with a dull expression.

  "Sand Shinobu's signal flare is a warning flare. The Konoha Jōnin who confronted him just now showed no signs of fighting, so it shouldn't be him. Then who did they encounter in Kazama, who would actually send out a warning flare. ?"

  A gust of breeze blew, and the wind chimes rang under the eaves.

  Luo Sha's nose moved slightly.


  It smells of blood!

  Luo Sha slapped the wall fiercely, printing a golden handprint.

  "It's that kid!"

  "He has the strength close to Joinin!"

  "He fought!"

Chapter [-]: Kill them all! (third more)

  Outside the town, the rain is getting heavier.

  This is a sign that the rainy season is coming!

  Especially in the country of rain, the rain is a bit heavier than other places.

  The collected rainwater will flow down the river and will converge to the country of rivers, forming one river after another.

  Four figures in raincoats ran fast.

  In the process, Ogawara got a lot of raindrops on his face.

  Papa, another drop hit him in the face.

  Iga Chuanji looked at Gong Yi suspiciously, and couldn't help asking, "Miyaichi, you, your strength?"

  Gong Yi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered.

  In order to rush back quickly and avoid Pinchru Kazama, the gravity technique has been maintained at about eight times.

  In this state, his speed and strength are close to the level of Joinin.

  Especially in the eyes of a ninja from Anbu like Iga Kawaji, it is easy to judge the corresponding strength.

  Gong Yi's face was not good-looking.

  Since Igakawaji can judge, there is no reason why the brown-haired man just now can't judge.

  And that man, Gong Yi knew!

  Luo Sha of Sand Ninja Village, the future four generations of Kazekage!Sand Falls Gaara's father!

  Thinking of this, Gong Yi, who originally thought Luo Sha would not catch up, felt a chill in his heart.

  Almost instantly, he thought of more.

  Why is Luo Sha exposed in the town? I heard that he went to Yuyin Village to visit Sanjiaoyu Hanzo.

  Then the reason why he is not afraid of being detected by other Shinobi villages must be something else that forces him to come out.


  The signal bomb that was released before Sha Quan died!

  Although I don't know what kind of signal flare it is, it will definitely attract the attention of Sand Ninja Ichimura Ninja.

  Now that Luo Sha has shown up, then Fengjian Pingche is closer, so it makes no sense not to come out.

  The distance between the two towns is not far, at the speed of the wind...

  Gong Yi gritted his teeth and roared, "Captain, run away!"

  Iga Chuanji was shocked, Gong Yi didn't answer his question, but simply said "run away"!

  Plus Luo Sha suddenly appeared before!

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