Zhang Chulan: Shocked, the leader of a certain chat group actually did this to the group members for this reason.

Limulu: Shocked, the leader of a certain chat group actually did this to the group members for this reason.

Below is a whole series of plus ones.

Damn it, Li Xiaoxi was sitting on the sofa, looking at this series of +1s, she felt more and more disgusting about the faces of these group members.

Li Xiaoxi: The chat group is not a place outside the law, please use civilized language.

Bai Feng: I'm a very civilized person, okay? If you don't believe me, go and see when I play games, there are asterisks all over the screen without a single dirty word.

Li Xiaoxi: ...

Li Xiaoxi was lost in thought, so why did I try to argue with this group of sand sculpture members.

On the other side, when Bai Feng and the others were persecuting Li Xiaoxi, the newly joined members of the chat group also began to watch the copies of memories that Li Xiaoxi had just uploaded.

ps: Hangover all night, code words when we come together, back pain

Chapter 55

After a while, the newcomers to the group began to speak slowly.

Ainz: Is that so?

Saitama: Ah, I looked at it, and it doesn't make any difference whether I look at it or not.

In One Punch World, Saitama patted his extremely clever head, even if he knew the plot, there would be no change.

Um, not right, it seems, probably, maybe, I should never grow hair again in my life, and my hope of growing hair has changed from nothing to nothing.

So sad, Saitama bowed her head, this is too bad, it's worse than not being able to grab discounted items in the supermarket.


Life is not easy, Saitama sighed.

Tanjiro: Well, may I ask if you have a way to turn my sister back into a human?

Looking at the younger sister in the back basket, he felt a little distressed. Although he knew that Nezuko could control the instinct of ghosts and not hurt others after watching the plot, he was still not a normal person.

Keqing: Ghosts, what a disgusting species.

Keqing was walking on the street of Liyue, her noble figure attracted countless eyes. As one of the seven stars of Liyue, Yuhengxing, besides the emperor, her own status was the most noble.

But she has long held opinions on Liyue, who is so eloquent as the emperor. In her opinion, it would be better for human beings to do things related to human destiny.

And ghosts, a species that feed on humans, should not exist in her eyes.

Ainz: ...

The Bone King felt very embarrassed, and wondered if the skeleton was a kind of ghost.

Doraemon: I also have ghosts here, but they are a little different from yours. They are in the form of ghosts. I have never seen them before, so there is nothing I can do about them.

Doraemon was hiding in the corner and shivering at this time, these ghosts are actually eating people, it's so scary.

Tanjiro: Ah, is that so?

Although I had already prepared myself, but when I saw the answer, I still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Bai Feng: It's okay, you can see if there is anything in the group mall that can cure your sister.

Tanjiro: Okay, thank you.

After waiting for a while and not seeing Tanjiro speak again, he probably went to see the mall.

Zhang Chulan @白风: Boss, have you been taken away by someone? Today, you speak so seriously.

Bai Feng:? ? ?

You rebellious son, how dare you **** me today, have you forgotten that I am your father?

Bai Feng: Do you think that if you take a Thunderbolt fruit, you can float up, a bird-walking dog.

Zhang Chulan:? ? ? What's wrong with me walking the bird, that Limulu guy has no chance to do this kind of thing, you say yes, @林沙鲁.

Knowing that he fired at the wrong person, Zhang Chulan saw that the situation was not good, so he directly forcibly shifted the target of fire.

Our beautiful monster princess is happily shopping around Taobao at this time... no, it is a mall, browsing the densely packed products on it, and is about to buy and buy.

Unexpectedly, a catastrophe fell from the sky, which made his mind blurred and caught him off guard.

What the **** am I going to be fired when I go to a mall?

Rimuru: Old virgin, what are you talking about, I can't help it, you are useless.

Li Mulu said that Zhang Chulan is inferior to having tools but not even a place to use them.

Zhang Chulan:? ? ?

Zhang Chulan never thought that Limulu could use this to refute. This is simply adding salt to his own wounds.

Thinking of this, he looked aggrieved at Feng Baobao next to him, and said flatteringly, "Sister Baoer, can I ask you for a favor."

"What's the matter, and didn't I say I want to call the master?"

For the sake of the big plan in his heart, Zhang Chulan decided to endure the humiliation.

"Ahem, master, you see, I'm so old and haven't touched women yet, I just want to..."

"I understand."

Feng Baobao interrupted what Zhang Chulan wanted to say, and continued: "Which one do you want to sleep with, I'll call it for you."

Zhang Chulan was suddenly a little embarrassed by Feng Baobao's straightforwardness. The most important thing is that he is still in the classroom. Can you lower your voice.

Looking at the sights from the people around, Zhang Chulan sneered: "Hehe, we are practicing the lines of the script, you go on, you go on."

After this, Zhang Chulan also gave up her inner thoughts, because it was unreliable.

In the chat group, looking at Zhang Chulan who had retreated in a big defeat, Limulu went to visit her shopping mall proudly.

Ke Qing: How do I feel, the two of them are weird, and what is a walking bird, and what are the tools used to commit crimes?

Bai Feng: Well, walking the bird is to let the little guy I raised so hard to enjoy the free air, the tool for committing crimes, um...

Bai Feng was silent for a while, and found that he seemed to be unable to make up any more, so he simply put it down.

Bai Feng: Ahem, you can take a look at the memory copy about the two of them, and it will give you the answer.

Is that so, Ke Qing thought about it, and then began to look at the memory copy of the two.

After a while, Ke Qing's face turned red. Although the memory copy was filled with holy light, she could probably guess something.

Being in a high position, she has never been exposed to these things.

Keqing: Abnormal.

As he said that, he immediately closed the chat group panel. How could this group of people be so pornographic.

When Bai Feng saw Ke Qing's words, he was a little speechless, why did I become abnormal, Master Ke, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

No, I can't just take the blame like this, Bai Feng simply blamed the two culprits, Aite.

白风@林林露@张楚兰: Abnormal.

After doing all this, Bai Feng skillfully closed the chat group panel, and his actions were smooth and smooth, and he was done in one go, which looked like an old habitual offender.

Zhang Chulan:?


Are you talking about Nima, and what the **** is the tone of your little girl.

ps: the first chapter, the first chapter will be released first, I missed two chapters yesterday, and I will make it up today, the sixth chapter

Chapter 56

Bai Feng felt that there was nothing to chat with the members of the sand sculpture group. A group of short guys actually said that I was short, bah, there was no one who could fight.

Instead of being here in the water, why not go and see your lovely disciples.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked towards the cottage, and the scene was already filled with shouts of killing.

Ya turned into a werewolf, perfectly coordinating with Akamaru, rushing from left to right, rubbing back and forth, until the enemy couldn't bear it, and after a while, most of the enemies standing in front of him fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth up.

Ya looked at this scene, and wiped his nose stinkingly: "Only you group of fighting scum, facing the strength of this uncle, you are simply vulnerable."

Zhi Nai next to him looked at the stinky fart, adjusted his sunglasses silently, and said childishly.

Then he looked at the big baby next to him: "Big needle bee, let's go."


The speed of one person and one insect is extremely fast, especially in front of these ordinary people who are not even ninjas. Those copycats only feel a blur before their eyes, and then lose the trace of the enemy.

"Big Needle Bee, Shino keeps firing."

Zhi Nai's continuous fight is a coordinated move that he and the big needle bee have jointly researched during this period of time, and it is named after him.

So, Ya's way of pretending to be coercive is too low-level, only people like myself can pretend to be coercive quietly.

Calling the name of the move in this way will not only not appear to be very deliberate, but also reveal his profound knowledge invisibly, surprising the people who hear it.

Sure enough, not only Ya, but even Baifeng on the tree was shocked. After Xiaoli, Sasuke, and Naruto, is there another person in the battalion army?

Xiao Li: Konoha whirlwind.

Sasuke: Lion combo.

Naruto: Naruto plays repeatedly.

Zhi Nai: Zhi Nai plays repeatedly.

Xiao Li: ...

Xiao Li quit the group chat because he didn't know how to open and hang.

However, these two people still couldn't kill them. Looking at the large group of bandits who fell under their hands, but the still heaving chest made him clearly know that these people were just knocked out.

Bai Feng shook his head, but he didn't go up and intervene. This is something that a ninja must go through, and this kind of thing cannot be relied on him.

It's just that if you don't intervene, you don't intervene, but after the mission is over, the punishment that should be given to the two of them will still be given.

On the battlefield, Hinata looked at the two teammates who showed great power, and felt happy for their improvement in strength. However, looking at the sleeve Baixue in his hand, Hinata looked determined, and I will not drag you back.

"Ling Wu, Sode Shirayuki."

As the singing fell, the Zanpakuto in Hinata's hand, which looked like an ordinary samurai sword, changed dramatically in an instant.

The blade, the hand guard, and the hilt all turned snow white, and a section of pure white ribbon appeared on the hilt, dancing in the air, very gorgeous.

"Okay, so beautiful..."

Even the bandits who were attacking Hinata at this time were overwhelmed by Sode Shirayuki's beauty.

Should it be said that it is the most beautiful Zanpakuto in the world of corpses and souls? It really lives up to its reputation.

"Sorry, although I don't want to do it, but this is what I have to do."

Hinata held Baixue sleeve, with a firm expression on her face, and exhaled a puff of white air from her mouth: "Chuwu. Yuebai."

In an instant, a circle of white light flickered under her feet, and Hinata left quickly when the white light lit up, while those bandits who hadn't reacted were all frozen by the icicles that appeared in the white light.

click click click...

The icicle shattered, and those frozen in it also shattered as the icicle shattered.

Ice shards fluttered in the wind, making this **** scene beautiful.

Hinata, who had just used the first solution move, seemed a little out of strength. Fortunately, she used Sode Shirayuki to support her body in time, so she didn't fall down.


Kiba and Shino looked at each other, and couldn't help swallowing.

Kiba looked at Shino in disbelief: "Is this Hinata?"

Shino responded silently, unexpectedly, Hinata, who appeared to be the weakest in the team, was already standing at the front of the team.

The two of them looked at the corpse lying in front of Hinata with inexplicable expressions. In the next second, their faces froze, and they didn't hesitate to move their hands, nor did they hold back their hands.

With the actions of the two, more and more corpses piled up on the ground, and the smell of blood in the air became more intense.

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