Chapter 38 : Uprooting the power of the Sarutobi clan

The three Konoha consultants were relieved of their duties, and many department staff also had a major exchange of blood.

No one expected that this storm would come so suddenly and so fiercely that they didn’t give them any time to prepare.

And even more terrifying is that no one dared to stand up against these actions of Shimura Danzō.

Because they all know who is the Third Hokage of Konoha Village now, and who has the most decision-making power!

So naturally, he would not stand up stupidly to impeach Shimura Danzō, even Sarutobi Hiruzen would have to hold back.

Even if he kicked many people from his Sarutobi family out of Konoha’s power vortex, he would have to smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

It was not so much a cleansing, as it was a blood exchange aimed at the Sarutobi clan.

But the only place Shimura Danzō didn’t move was the police force under the control of the Uchiha clan, the force guarding Konoha’s safety.

Shimura Danzō’s ideas are not as extreme as Senju Tobirama and Danzo in the original work. He has personally investigated the current Uchiha clan in depth.

There must be cause and effect in everything. Uchiha Madara wanted to take the Uchiha clan away from Konoha. The Uchiha clan did not agree. They really wanted to stay in Konoha.

Because 1 they don’t want to live a life of killing blood, they just want the hard-won stability in front of them.

At this time, the Uchiha clan had no thoughts about Konoha’s coup, and still wanted to live a peaceful life in their hearts.

But because of the taint of Madara, Second Generation began to study and prevent the Uchiha clan.

And Shimura Danzō knows exactly what Senju Tobirama’s intention is. It’s better to say that Senju Tobirama has calculated the whole Uchiha clan to death.

A guard was created to try to prevent the Uchiha clan from going to the front line and participating in major battles, in order to prevent the Uchiha clan from opening Mangekyō.

This is why there will be so few members of the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan in the future.

After all, Senju Tobirama knows that the main reason for the Uchiha clan to start Mangekyō Sharingan is because of the loss of love based on the research during his lifetime.

It can be said that Senju Tobirama had counted the extinction of the Uchiha clan before this, and the calculated death did not leave any leeway.

If he counts the proud personality of the Uchiha clan, he will definitely be dissatisfied with the current power and want to take it to the next level.

At that time, they will look at the entire Konoha, and that time is the day when the Uchiha clan was extinct.

“The Uchiha clan? Let’s take one step at a time and see what you are going to do.”

Shimura Danzō gazed at the sky outside the window and muttered.(Read more @

Then he moved his gaze to Uchiha, who was concentrating on helping Shimura Danzō review the documents, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

After all, Konoha really needs strength now, and he doesn’t have to do anything against the Uchiha clan unless he really has a rebellious mentality.

When that time comes, Shimura Danzō will definitely do it directly, without leaving any trace of affection.

In fact, the main reason is that Uchiha Zhiri and Uchiha Kagami gave Shimura Danzō a glimmer of hope for the Uchiha clan.

“Master Hokage, today’s work has been completed, and the rest only needs your signature.”

Uchiha Zhiri showed a gentle smile like a spring breeze after finishing the paperwork.

“oh, I understand now.”

“Let’s put it here first, I have some things to deal with today, so I’ll leave first.”

Shimura Danzō nodded in satisfaction, then said slowly.

“Is it this way? Then you go slowly.”

Uchiha Chiri was taken aback for a moment, and Shimura Danzō unexpectedly said this.

“Then see you tomorrow.”

Shimura Danzō smiled faintly, then walked outside the Hokage office, leaving a dashing shadow to Uchiha Jiri.

Looking at the closed door, Uchiha Chiri bit his lip and looked at the office door a little unwillingly, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

“It’s almost… Well, I still dare not say it.”



The reason Shimura Danzō left Hokage’s office in such a hurry was because he hadn’t visited Orochimaru for a long time.

Thinking that the guy had been thrown to Tiantie since he was accepted as an apprentice to study the six ninjas together, he couldn’t help laughing.

By the way, Tiantie is the grandfather of Tenten, one of the next twelve Xiaoqiangs.

After Shimura Danzō learned that the opponent had extremely high attainments in ninjas, he threw the six ninjas and Orochimaru directly to him.

And Tian Tie was extremely shocked, because this is the ninja of the Six Paths…the ninja passed down from the legendary Sage of Six Paths!

This is what countless ninja forgers want to pursue, but now they have been given it by themselves!

So Tiantie closed his ninja shop in the village, and immediately brought his equipment to the secret base Shimura Danzō prepared for them to study the six ninjas.

Soon, Shimura Danzō came to the secret base that had been prepared earlier.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Several figures suddenly appeared in front of Shimura Danzō, and their bodies carried a trace of murderous intent.

But when they saw Shimura Danzō came, they hurriedly suppressed all their killing intent.

“Sorry, Lord Naruto, we didn’t recognize you!”

Anbu in the lion mask immediately appealed to her.

Because the behavior just now was really disrespectful, the assassination of Hokage is a capital crime, even Anbu is no exception!

“It’s okay, you can see that you are doing very well.”

Shimura Danzō waved his hand to indicate that he didn’t care, but instead nodded with satisfaction.

After all, this is the mission quality that Anbu should have.

“You continue to inspect, I’ll go in and see Orochimaru and the others.”

Shimura Danzō shook his hand and signaled that they could leave.


In an instant, the figures of several people disappeared in place, as if they had never appeared before. *

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