Since the death of Uzumaki Mito, Ruofeng knew that if he wanted to decide his own destiny, or to change the fate of others, he needed great strength.

If the wind needs more powerful strength, it needs more assiduous practice.That's why, back to school, facing those provocative people, there is no mercy.One by one, the broken bones were beaten by Ruofeng. After that, they were healed by the medical ninjutsu taught by Tsunade, and they practiced medical ninjutsu honestly.Over time, Ruofeng has become the most terrifying existence in the ninja school, but Ruofeng's medical ninjutsu has also continued to improve.

Now that Ruofeng has graduated and has spent six years in the ninja school, he should also graduate.

At this moment, Yamada continued: "In the class, most of them are selected by various departments. You are the remaining elites, who are directly assigned by Hokage-sama, and they are also assigned to guide you. If you can get guidance. If you agree with him, you may become a disciple of Shangnin.”

After these words fell, these fearful students also had a faint excitement.

Ruofeng's class was originally an elite class.In the elite class, there are relatively mediocre existences, and they are also good for tolerance.In the past, these people would be picked up by various departments of Konoha Village.Such as entering the guardian department, the logistics department, the task department...  

Excluding these picked out students, the rest are the elites of the class.These people are few in number, all of them are directly assigned by Hokage to form a three-person team, and then they are equipped with a guide to the ninja.Then the guide Shangnin searched for the seedlings, and then increased the cultivation.

That's what makes these students so happy.Compared to these, if the wind is as plain as water, it doesn't matter what kind of jounin comes.Ruo Feng's cultivation does not need Shang Nin's guidance at all.

Ruofeng waited quietly, and the water gate in front said: "Ruofeng....I don't know if I can be divided into a group this time!"

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Minato smiled like sunshine, and Ruofeng shook his head: "This is absolutely impossible. Within the class, my overall strength ranks first, and your overall strength ranks second. Hokage will never compare the first and the second. The two are placed in a group.

And in these years, in Konoha Village, with the support of sister Tsunade, medical ninjutsu has developed rapidly, and because of the emergence of medical ninjutsu, the injured ninja can recover quickly, and then join the battlefield, it is even more aggravating The status of the medical ninja also affects the decisions of many high-level officials.It is estimated that of the three people allocated this time, one person is definitely fixed to develop towards the medical ninja.

A medical ninja, a fighting ninja, and an intelligent ninja.The team formed by the three is what Hokage wants.Therefore, the two of us are even less likely to be assigned together.Both of us are all-rounders, both can be the core of a group, and it's a waste to assign them together. "


Minato heard the words and showed a wry smile.

At the moment Minato smiled bitterly, a tyrannical force appeared.


The door of the classroom shattered, and a white-haired uncle appeared.

The man fell to the ground instantly, and then with a wry smile, said: "Tsunade...Don't be so violent!"

Seeing this person, the huge classroom was filled with excitement.Even Minato was no exception, and then said, "Master Jiraiya."

Yes, this person is Jiraiya.A blonde beauty who walked in immediately was Tsunade.

Tsunade walked in, and his eyes instantly fell on Ruofeng.

Ruofeng was surprised and said, "Why is it sister Tsunade, she is not going to the battlefield, how can she come back to guide Junin when she has time!"

Compared to Ruofeng's surprise, the others were extremely excited.Over the years, Sannin has become more and more famous on the battlefield, although he has not yet fought the demigod Hanzo and won the title of 'Sannin'.But among the top ninjas in Konoha Village, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade are definitely the best.

In particular, the three of them are disciples of the three generations of Hokage, and this background makes them even more difficult.

...................................... .

Chapter [-]: Graduation

In the silent classroom, Jiraiya and Tsunade came, causing a lot of restlessness.

According to the past, to guide the newly graduated Shionin, only some ordinary jōnin are needed.Some particularly gifted people will be assigned a powerful jōnin.However, Jiraiya and Tsunade who appeared in front of them were not as simple as ordinary Junin.

Jiraiya's power is unquestionable, especially when he cooperates with Toad's ninjutsu on the battlefield, which has attracted the expectations of many people.If you become a disciple of Jiraiya, you will have the opportunity to sign the contract of the Toad Clan, which is a great opportunity for many people.

Tsunade is even more unusual, with the Qianshou clan behind him, and now there is a leader who has become a medical ninja, and his position in Konoha Village is very important.If you become a disciple of Tsunade, it can be regarded as one step to the sky.

Therefore, the appearance of two people aroused the excitement of these people.

 "Twenty-two" Suddenly, a hoarse voice came: "You two are walking so fast, are you in such a hurry? That kid Ruofeng won't run away!"

With the words, Orochimaru slowly walked into the classroom, and the snake pupil fell to Ruofeng.

Ruofeng smiled, his heart was not as empty as before, but he was still a little embarrassed to see Uncle Snake.

Tsunade stared at Ruofeng and said, "Orochimaru...... Shengshu has already worshiped you as a teacher, what are you doing here?"

Orochimaru chuckled and looked at Ruofeng: "Speaking of which, I like Ruofeng very much? That perfect physique is really a perfect existence."

Tsunade shook his head and said, "Let's go... Ruofeng, Kushina, Mikoto, the three of you come with me, and the three of you will be my disciples in the future!"

When these words fell, the students in the class were all stunned.After all, they were students, so naturally they didn't know the relationship between Ruofeng and Tsunade.But looking at the situation in front of him, he knew that Ruofeng's origin was not simple.

Ruofeng stood up and said, "Okay... Turn around, it's still here with Sister Tsunade!"

If the wind went down, Mikoto and Kushina also followed.

Jiraiya shouted angrily: "Tsunade...There are only four good seedlings in total, you occupy three at once, and you have to give me at least one. Speaking of which, Kushina This girl's personality is quite similar to mine!"

Tsunade's eyes narrowed slightly, and a burst of anger burst out: "If the wind is here, will Kushina go to other places? If you don't want to be beaten, just be honest!"

Jirai was also silent for a moment, so he could only look at Minato and said, "'s this blond kid, come with me!"

Minato pointed at himself and said in surprise, "Me? It's really me!"

Ruofeng also saw this scene and said: "Yes, it's you. In the future, let's follow Uncle Jiraiya to practice. Although Uncle Jiraiya is a bit lecherous, he definitely has no strength."

When the words fell, Ruofeng had already walked in front of Tsunade, and Kushina and Mikoto also followed, and there was no sense of disobedience.

Minato also woke up from his excitement, stared at Ruofeng, and said, "Ruofeng...wait for me, I will definitely surpass you!"

Ruofeng turned his head and chuckled: "Beyond? Then come on!"

In such a big class, except for Mikoto and Kushina, Ruakaze also has a good relationship with Minato.


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