So the fight was over in the blink of an eye.

Drop three corpses.

A trace of calmness flashed in the eyes of the four-member Konoha ninja team: "Chasing!"

With a gesture.

The four set off again.

When they passed another corner, they froze for a moment.


After this corner, there are three passages.

In which direction did the other party chase?

"Psychic art!"

The silver-haired Konoha boy ninja formed a seal, and a white mist rose in an instant, and a small Shar-Pei appeared on the ground.

"Kakashi, what do you want me to do?" the Shar-Pei asked out of mouth.

"Parker, I need to track down the enemy's scent..." Hatake Kakashi covered his eyes with his forehead, and his voice was gloomy.

The task this time is to hunt down the granddaughter of Sanjiao Hanzo, the head of Yuyin Village, and cut off her way of escape.

As long as Hanzo's granddaughter Asuka is captured alive.

Even kill it.

The leader of Yuyin Village whose son and daughter-in-law have both died in battle, and the demigod of this era, will also be wiped out of the last ounce of will in his heart.

Until then.

Sansho Hanzo, who has lost his persistence and is likely to be discouraged, will have to form an alliance with Konoha under the threat of Konoha.

It became the alliance buffer zone for Konoha to resist Yanyin and Sandyin.

At that time, the victory of the third ninja war will belong to Konoha.

The war has been going on for too long...

Too many people died...

Be it Obito or Rin, they all became victims of the war...

Kakashi was tired.

If the war can be ended quickly, peace will come again, and there will be no more victims...

Ninja Parker sniffed, then frowned humanly: "That smell is divided into two parts..."

He glanced down the dark passage.

The middle is excluded.

Only left and right are left.

"Two smells? Is it a shadow clone? Or..." Kakashi thought for a while, looking at the three subordinates.

"Captain Kakashi, the three of us went after her alone, and you sneaked into a tunnel alone, how about it?"

In the team, a player with a pineapple head said.

His name is Nara Luhui, and he is a ninja from the Nara clan.

Together with the Akimichi Clan and the Yamanaka Clan, they are also known as "Inoka Butterfly", and they are also one of Konoha's most prestigious ninja families.

The Nara family has passed down the secret art of shadows from generation to generation. It is not a theory of blood, but it is better than a theory of blood.

They often serve as staff officers, military advisers, and advisers.

The squad leader of the Konoha Jōnin class is even the head of the young Nara clan.

If they were ordinary people, they would naturally not express their opinions on the captain at will.

But the Nara family is usually responsible for IQ.

Their arrangement has always been the optimal solution.

"Well...then be careful." Kakashi nodded, and chased into the corridor on the right with Parker.

"Get the antidote ready."

Glancing at Kakashi's back, Nara Luhui said to the two teammates.

Sanshoyu Hanzo, the reason why it is called Sanshoyu is not a surname.

It's because the poison sac was implanted in the body since childhood.

Thus making the breath poisonous.

So did his granddaughter, Asuka.

Relying on the high IQ of the Nara family, she has successfully detected that Asuka has the same characteristics before. She may have implanted the poison sac of the salamander fish into her body since she was a child, thus obtaining the characteristics similar to "poison man".

But alas.

What she met was Konoha's ninja.

Many years ago, during the Second Ninja World War, the "Princess Tsunade" known as Sannin had already prepared an antidote to sansho toxin.

Although Princess Tsunade has been away for many years.

But the recipe for the antidote has continued.

The three of them held the antidote, nodded, and then entered the dark corridor on the left together...



Asuka stopped in the corridor.

Seeing the three people surrounding her, she knew that she couldn't escape.

More importantly...

The three subordinates have already...

"Our captain is the hero of the Kannabi Bridge battle that has recently gained fame..."

Nara Luhui put his left hand in the ninja bag, holding the antidote.

His eyes stared straight at this beautiful girl, and there was still a flash of surprise in his eyes.

But the ninja's quality and shrewd mind made him immediately abandon distracting thoughts.

The so-called ninja is a tool.

Only those who can complete the task are called ninjas.

Unfinished... Refer to Kakashi's father Konoha White Fang, that is called a dead person.

For the task.

No matter how good-looking the opponent is or not, he must be captured or killed on the spot.

"Hatake heard it."

the last year.

Kakashi's fame grew by leaps and bounds.

Since the battle of Kannabi Bridge last year.

After obtaining the Sharingan of Uchiha Obito, Kakashi copied various ninjutsu, and relied on the ability of Sharingan to complete many dangerous tasks.

In addition, it is Konoha Hidden Village...a disciple of Namikaze Minato, a strong candidate for the Fourth Hokage.

Fame naturally began to spread in the ninja world.

"Although you are the granddaughter of a demigod, you are not a demigod after have...nowhere to escape."

Nara Luhui said these words.

Naturally, he wanted to take down the opponent without injury.

It would be best if the other party could obediently surrender.

If you can't, you can only kill yourself.

The other two team members next to them were also ready for battle, staring nervously at the beautiful and mysterious girl in front of them.

Demigod... This title is still very scary.

Therefore, in order to be able to complete the task perfectly, Hanzo Sanshoyu should not be given the chance to retaliate.

You must be 200% energetic.

Completely subdue, or kill his granddaughter.


Nara Luke sighed.

"Too many people have died in the war, and there's no point in continuing the fight... We won't do anything to you if we catch you. Think about it... If Yuyin and Konoha Form an alliance, then, the third Ninja World War will be a win-win victory for Yuyin and Konoha..."

Use a great mind.

Shikae Nara tries to persuade Hanzo's granddaughter to avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

"Also, if you want to use the toxin from the salamander fish, I advise you to avoid it..."

As he said that, Nara Shikahui drew out his left hand and took out the test tube that he had been wearing in the ninja tool bag.

"This is the antidote prepared by Princess Tsunade of Konoha, your poison is ineffective for us..."

He shook and drank the potion in front of the other party.

This move, and rhetoric.

If it is an ordinary person, it may be persuaded.


A rainy girl who has experienced the pain of being invaded, her parents killed in battle, and her companions sacrificed...etc.

How could it be possible to surrender.

"Yuyin... will never surrender!"

After several days of fierce fighting, the exhausted girl raised her Kunai, intending to make a final fight.

Nara Luhui's eyes darkened: "You have lost even the weapon in your hand... still want to fight us? Give you one last chance, Konoha..."


In the dark corridor, there was a low shout suddenly.

It's like a question, and it's like the whisper of a ghost.


All four of them were shocked.

I don't know why, but there was a chill in my heart that didn't come, as if that sentence just now was a big mistake.

next moment.

A figure stepped out of the darkness.

4. Prosperity?


The three immediately became alert.

Is there another ambush here? !

Soon, Mingren walked up to the two groups of people.

Asuka, Nara Luhui and others looked over in unison.

"An ordinary person?" the young ninja with hairless hair in the team asked. He had a clan emblem pattern on his armband, which was noticed by the Ming people.

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