“However, the most important thing now is to get rid of the chase behind you!”

Looking at the familiar mask for the first dark part, Uchiha Ye’s heart sank slightly: “Qi Mu Kakashi, is a troublesome guy!”

The magma is stunned and disappeared quickly.

“Tracking class, don’t let him run!”

Seeing the eyes of Qi Mu Kakashi, he still ordered it without panic.

Immediately, the members of the Dark Department of the Hyuga opened their eyes and led everyone to continue their pursuit.

And Uchiha with soil here!

“Very good, little ghost, I remember you!”

Raider the burnt sleeves, Uchiha’s eyes are cold.

He Zhiba with the earth and secretly manipulating the ninja people in person, in person, was played by a thirteen -year -old ghost with a shadow.

This shame must be reported!

Uchiha Ye’s double hook jade writing wheel eyes, he wants!

at the same time!

“Sorry, father, mother!”

Uchiha Itach’s hands tremblingly held a short knife with blood, watching the parents who had fallen into the blood of the blood, and worshiped the ground with almost collapse.

“No need … Shi Huai, Itachi, compared with you, we only have a moment … pain.”

Uchiha’s Fuyue’s voice was weak but relieved: “Even if we have different choices, I still see you as pride!”

At the time of dying, he held his wife’s hand with a smile and said to Uchiha Itachi: “Take care of … Okay … Sasuke!”

After speaking, end with a smile!


Uchiha Itachi got up sadly, and when he stood up, the tears were dry. Only the law pattern was deeper.

Half an hour later, Naruto Office.

“What did you say?”

After listening to the report from Kakashi, Shimura Tsuki dared to dare to drink it: “The members of the old man sent by the old man, looking at the whole ninja is also a very good elite.Bo Little Ghost’s hand? ”

“Kakashi, what are you joking!”

After hearing the words, Qi Mu Kakashi replied calmly: “Master Tibetan, I know that you are really unacceptable for a while, but this is the fact.”

“If you don’t believe it, you can send someone to the village entrance to verify.”

Tuanzang’s face was even more gloomy, and he snorted and sat back on his seat.

He feels uncomfortable!

Before this operation, their high -level cognition had been unified.

In addition to Uchiha Itachi, the two brothers of Uchiha Sasuke, the Uchiha family never exists in the third survivor.

But now, such an important thing is messed up in his hands.

How do this make all the wood leaf think of him?

Inxious people?

He can’t stand it!

“Ape Fei, quickly send the huntering troops, never keep such a disaster!”

“It’s too late now!”

Now that things have happened, anger is useless.

Solving this defect in time is justice to make up for mistakes.

He wanted to know who could hide it under his eyelids for so long, and he hadn’t found abnormalities!


The three generations of Naruto heard the words but shook their heads: “According to the situation that Kakashi just said, he can kill more than five roots and elites in a few minutes, which shows the strength of strength.”

“Also, this person can have been hidden in Uchiha for so long that he has never exposed his strength for a long time. It is so precise that this time the crisis is so precise. When we just started, we quickly left the wood leaves at this moment. It can be seen that the means are never ordinary.”,”

“Rushing to kill, I don’t think there will be any gains!”

When listening to this, Shimura Tuanzang immediately said anxiously: “Ape Fly!! How can you not try it?”

He needs to use this pursuit to save his prestige!

How to reject three generations of Naruto!

After the three generations of Naruto heard the words, they shook their heads and refused.

Then, he immediately faced: “Compared with this, we should deal with Uchiha’s follow -up work as soon as possible and respond to the forces of all parties in the ninja.”

“The tranquility inside the wood leaf is more important than anything!”

This remark made the water households on the side, and the two consultants in Xiaochun also nodded.

But this is completely unacceptable to the Zhicun Trump.

He also argued with his face: “Ape flying, you …”

Without waiting for him to finish, the three generations of Naruto said seriously: “Tuanzang, this is Naruto command!”

This made Shimura Tuanzang suddenly flushed with anger, staring at the three generations of Naruto for half a minute with the eyes that could be killed, and then got up with an angry sleeve and left: “Ape Fly! You will be today’s for today’s.Decide to regret it! ”

Except for evil!

He was really disappointed with three generations of Naruto!

“That being the case, then Uchiha Itachi … can’t keep it!”

He gritted his teeth and his heart.

The Uchiha family has removed the help of Uchiha Itachi, so there is no need to keep Uchiha Itachi.

It just splashed the dirty water of the Uchiha family on Uchiha Itachi, eluted the suspicion of their senior management, and maintained a positive image.

Anyway, the dead can’t speak!

You can also save some of his image!

But just a few hours later, the ‘root’ department.

“Giggle …”

After listening to the report in front of him, his face was turbulent again, and his eyes were cold.

“You mean … you let Uchiha Itachi … also run … !!!”

Shimura Tsui Tibetan, like the fierce beast who chose someone, lowered.


Seeing that the members of this report, the sound of horror was also trembling: “Uchiha Itachi has never put down our guardian.”

“A fantasy was set up in all the ‘teammates’ that he had done, so that the illusion was automatically launched when we started it. Finally, all of them killed each other and let him leave calmly.”

After listening to this answer, Tuanzang gritted his teeth and giggled, his face was extremely poor: “So, I have cultivated you for so long, will you train such a group of waste!”

He stood up and kicked the member of the root, and said angrily: “Let the unknown Uchiha ghost be killed all, but as long as he kills Uchiha Itachi, the old man’s reputation can still be restored.”

“But you …”

His murderous gritter said: “Is this this way you repay my training?”

“Have you been living in a dog over the years?

In the huge ‘root’, no one answered.

Only Shimura Tuanzang’s anger’s low panting sound constantly echoed here.

At the same time, somewhere in the country of fire.

“In the end, it is the dark part of the wood leaf, it is really enough to chase it!”

Looking at the messy earth in front of him, Uchiha Ye shook his head and wiped the marks.

After all the chase members were attracted to the remote place, all the “lava burning” was killed.

“So, it’s time to find a place to settle!”

After a short break, Uchiha Ye went towards the northwest.

After staying for a long time, it will inevitably be siege by the wood leaf, and it will be a big trouble at that time.

On the way to the dark part of the trees just now, he has roughly planned his next path.

Add a certain forces to accumulate strength, and then create your own village forces.

With strength, you can talk about your ideals.

And the power he chose was the forces that were shrouded in the rain all year -the year -‘Xiao’!

… …

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