Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible

Chapter 92: New arrival at Shibone Forest, a gentle live gnat

Uzumaki Qiyun was a little surprised to hear the live gnat's answer in the affirmative.

"Is it so easy? Are there any restrictions for me to go to the Shitbone Forest?" Uzumaki Qiyun asked his own question directly, and he didn't need to hide anything about his Summoning technique.

"Don't worry, Master Qiyun, because you are my contractor, you can go to Shibone Forest at any time.

"What about restrictions..." The living cockroach lowered his head and thought for a while, but Uzumaki Qiyun strongly suspected that this was also improvised.

"Master Qiyun, pay attention, don't maliciously release ninjutsu in Shibone Forest to damage the environment, normal actions are no problem.

"Okay, I got it, then how do I get to the Shibone Forest?"

"As long as you, Mr. Qiyun, use the reverse Summoning technique, you can come to the Wet Bone Forest. 35

"Any time?"

"Yes, please rest assured, Master Qiyun, you can go there at any time, my body has always been in the wet bone forest."

Uzumaki Qiyun can't wait, he has already heard about the three holy places, and this time he has the opportunity to experience it of course.


"Reverse Summoning!

"pong" "pong"

In an instant, the figures of Uzumaki Qiyun and the live gnat disappeared directly into the small courtyard, leaving only two clouds of white smoke, which quickly dissipated in the air.

The next moment, Uzumaki Qiyun felt as if his brain was spinning dozens of times in the washing machine, and he couldn't help but retching.

"Master Qiyun, are you alright, the first time you perform the reverse Summoning Technique will be like this, you will get used to it later."

The live gnat's gentle voice rang in his ears, and Uzumaki Qiyun quickly waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem.

Uzumaki Qiyun slowed down for a while, and when he looked up, he had come to a forest full of pale and gloomy trees.

This is a gray world, thick white fog blocks the line of sight in front of him, and the visible range is only a few dozen meters.

If it weren't for Uzumaki Qiyun's very good pupil power, even in an ordinary state, it is far beyond ordinary people, and the visible range may be smaller.

Uzumaki Qiyun had been lying on Katsuyu's shoulders all the time, it was the living scorpion before, but now she had automatically shrunk to an appropriate proportion and lay on his shoulders.

Uzumaki Qiyun glanced around, and the world here is climbing on both the ground and the trees. The blue and white Katsuyu mouthparts secrete transparent mucus.

Evil and weird looking, it really doesn't seem like a good place.

In the mucus, Uzumaki Qiyun clearly felt a magical power different from Chakra.

"Is it natural energy? Luo Uzumaki Qiyun thought of this for the first time.


Uzumaki Qiyun silently perceives the energy here, and soon, Uzumaki Qiyun finds out.

In this space, whether it is in the air or in the mucus, there are abundant natural energies.

Even though Uzumaki Qiyun had not seen this energy before, he knew as soon as he touched it that it was natural energy.

"Is this Shitbone Forest? What a vivid name!"

Looking at all the magic around here, Uzumaki Qiyun couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, Mr. Qiyun, this is the wet bone forest where I live. For you humans, this is not a beautiful place.

The soft voice of the live gnat sounded again, and calmly told Uzumaki Qiyun the answer.

"Master Qiyun, please keep moving forward, my body is in front."

Uzumaki Qiyun nodded, and although he looked at everything around him curiously, he kept walking and continued to walk directly according to the instructions of the little live cockroach.

Along the way, if there is no small living cockroach to guide the way, it is likely to directly get lost.

Because in this environment, people's sense of direction will be greatly lost, and at the same time, the fog here seems to have the ability to blind others' perception, and people will get lost in this space unconsciously.

This was only discovered by Uzumaki Qiyun's continuous attempts. In this environment, Uzumaki Qiyun found that the range of his Observation Haki perception was greatly reduced.

Basically only within the range of his own line of sight, and then it becomes blurred.

If it was other people, Uzumaki Qiyun felt that they might not even know that they were constantly spinning around in the end.

After walking for a while, Uzumaki Qiyun finally stopped.

Because he has seen the real body of the living gnat.

After a distance, he saw the huge black shadow looming in the thick fog in the distance.

Uzumaki Qiyun raised his head and looked at the terrifying huge figure with a rare shock on his face, this is...


Taking two steps forward, finally, the huge blue and white Katsuyu completely appeared in front of him.

How big is she?

Uzumaki Qiyun believed that even if she did nothing, such a figure appeared on the battlefield.

The two small countries that have already faced each other can immediately lift the hostility, what Uzumaki Qiyun means, whether it is in the world of Hokage or the world of artillery in the previous life, it is the same.

Uzumaki Qiyun is such a huge Katsuyu in front of him, he absolutely believes, just roll his body a little.

This Katsuyu can cause the earth to shake and the mountains to shake, and can exert the great power of S-rank destructive ninjutsu.

Even if there are thousands of ordinary ninjas, they are as helpless as ants in front of her.

What's more, in Katsuyu's body, Uzumaki Qiyun immediately felt the vastness of natural energy and Chakra like Wang Yang.

Uzumaki Qiyun imagined that if he fought such an enemy, would he be able to win?

The opponent just wriggled his body, and he had to go all out to fight against the strength of the gap is too large, any conspiracy and tricks are ineffective.

It's only possible to go head-to-head with her, not to mention the chakra and natural energy used by her own Master.

Although Uzumaki Qiyun was shocked and all kinds of messy imaginations came to his mind, the expression on his face finally eased from the shock at the beginning and became calm.

And that Katsuyu had always been aware of Uzumaki Qiyun's arrival, and saw him standing still for a long time on his side.

"Master Qiyun, please wait a moment, I turn around.

Uzumaki Qiyun's face changed when she heard these words, just as she was about to say no more, she had already started to turn around.

"Boom! 39

Immediately, Uzumaki Qiyun felt that this piece of land was shaking violently as if a magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake had occurred, and this was just the movement of the live gnat turning around.

After turning around, she was now facing Uzumaki Qiyun, and seeing this, Uzumaki Qiyun couldn't help but sigh.

As expected of the Summoningmon who respects its contractors the most, it is too modest and gentle.

And the live cockroach finally showed its huge head in the thick fog, and bent its head slightly to look at Uzumaki Qiyun.

Her entire body was also completely exposed to Uzumaki Qiyun's eyes.

Although I already understood it at a glance, I have already prepared myself.

But at this moment Uzumaki Qiyun couldn't help being shocked.

It's so huge!

Uzumaki Qiyun turned his head to look at the cat-like live scorpion on his right shoulder, as if it would meow "meow" in the next moment, and then turned to look at the huge live scorpion that looked like a mountain in front of him.

Turn your head, turn your head again, the contrast is too great!

So the scene quieted down as Uzumaki Qiyun turned his head.

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