Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 56: Battle situation

(I just glanced at the book review area, and some book friends said that ninjas shouldn't fight on a large scale. Here is an explanation. The ninjas in Naruto manga are obviously different from the ninjas we know in reality. The ninjas in Naruto The village is the military force of a country. The battle between countries is the battle between Ninja villages, so there are assassinations, intelligence, and large-scale battles between ninjas. According to the comics, it can only be understood that, after all, they are Hokage doujin. )

   Amidst the terrifying killing shouts, the ninjas shouted loudly, their fighting spirit soared, and the two huge torrents of Konoha and Sandyin slammed together.

   When the two ninjas were fighting together, there was a sudden ‘Boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’More than a dozen loud noises. After the smoke dissipated, a dozen purple snakes appeared on the battlefield, constantly devouring the sandy ninja.

   These psychic beasts were created by Konoha's ninjas using the blood of Oshemaru, and Oshemaru himself confronted Sain's Chiyo at the beginning of the battle, and the two sides couldn't fight each other.

   The large-scale ninja fighting is very tragic. Anyone who sees such a scene will have a feeling of enthusiasm.

  Only at the beginning of the battle, there were large-scale casualties. There were stumps and broken arms, and flesh and blood corpses everywhere.

  Ninja is a profession that wanders in the dark, but it is undeniable that most ninjas love their village deeply. When the ninjas fight for their respective villages, this feeling of ‘love’ will turn into a kind of faith, making them fearless.

   There are even a lot of injured ninjas who are unwilling to retreat from the battlefield. They would rather try their last breath to die with the enemy, rather than take a step back at this time and let the opposing ninja look down upon themselves.


Several ninjas used psychic skills together. Giant slugs appeared on the battlefield. Then the slugs quickly divided into hundreds of small slugs. The small slugs crawled to the battlefield to treat the injured Konoha Ninja. .

   "Tsunade!" The face of Chiyo, who was fighting with Osamaru, instantly turned very ugly. With a loud cry, the offensive became even more fierce.

   Before Tsunade arrived at the front line, Sa Yin had already learned that Tsunade was coming to the front line. But after several days of fighting, Tsunade never showed up. Later, Shayin got another piece of information, and it was not Tsunade himself who came to the front line, but Tsunade's apprentice, Chao Yan.

   But when a huge slug appeared on the battlefield, Chiyo knew that he had been fooled.

  According to information, Tsunade’s apprentice Asa Tsunami is only ten years old this year. How can a ten-year-old kid have this method of using slugs for group therapy? The amount of Chakra alone cannot be achieved at the age of ten.

   Ebinzo, who was besieged by several Kaminari, apparently thought of this, and immediately got out, and ordered a Sha Renin: "Immediately send out Sensing Ninjas and four or more Anbe elites to search for Tsunade's location."

   was besieged by Konoha's Shinobu again, Eilaozang's face was very ugly.

Since    Tsunade has appeared, has Jiraiya, who returned to Konoha some time ago, really returned to Konoha, or is he hiding somewhere in the dark at the moment, preparing to give Shayin a fatal blow?

   Now that the war is fought, Konoha has the upper hand, and the imposing Sha Yin has a tendency to be suppressed.

   Compared to fighting in small groups, there is no overall view of the sand hidden village. Konoha's battle seems to be both offensive and defensive, and there are quite a few ways to advance and retreat. Hundreds of ninjas even appeared, releasing ninjutsu together at the same time.

   The bitter battle scenes that Asakura expected at first did not appear.

   At the beginning of the battle, Shayin fought in a small group. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was fighting alone.

However, Konoha gave Shayin a set of combined ninjutsu from the beginning, wind escape, thunder escape, earth escape, water escape, and Konoha’s strongest fire escape. The five escape techniques are all together, and each other With cooperation, Sha Yin's momentum was suppressed on the spot.

   And of course all this is Konoha's brain, Nara Lukisa's credit.

   During the Second World War, Nara Shikuhisa, like Hafeng Mizumon, had just left the ninja school just a few years ago. Like the current Asakusa, he could not play any decisive role in the war.

   However, with the passage of time, the original rookie has fully grown up, and now, Oshemaru can even hand over the command of the battle to Nara Shikuhisa, let Nara Shikuhisa command the overall situation.

   Of course, since Sandyakura dared to go to war with Konoha, it was not just because of his head.

  As Luosha joined the battle, a large number of golden sands appeared on the battlefield. The purple giant snake, which was very ferocious before, was instantly obscured by the flesh and blood squeezed by the golden sands, and countless Konoha ninjas were submerged under the golden sands.

   The battle was fierce, but as a supporting medical unit, Asuka Tsunen didn't need to fight Sharen. However, as the battle continued, Konoha's ninjas began to suffer casualties, and Asaghan became busy.

   instructed the medical ninja to divide the wounded into two categories. Those who were not seriously injured would be treated on the spot. After a little treatment of the wounds, they would continue to fight with Sha Ren. As for those ninjas who were so seriously injured that they could no longer fight, they immediately sent someone to **** them to the medical unit behind and they would take over the treatment.

   To be honest, the medical units at the rear are not helpful to the frontline battle situation at all, but their role cannot be ignored either.

   The medical unit in the rear is a heart booster in the heart of the Konoha ninja fighting on the front line. With the existence of these medical ninjas, even if the frontline ninjas are severely injured, they can receive treatment as long as they can keep a breath and return to the camp.

   It is precisely because of this idea that Konoha's ninja can fight desperately.

   Faith supports The medical force also supports them.

   "Is there a Sha ninja here?" He was helping a Konoha ninja to heal his wounds, and he shouted at a medical ninja who suddenly heard him.

   turned his head and looked at Yi Qianren, and sure enough, a team of about twenty people Sha Yin had broken through Konoha Ninja's defense line and rushed towards him.

   "Don't worry about them, continue the treatment!" yelled at the Qianren.

   "But..." The medical ninja is not old, only fifteen or sixteen years old. Compared to the veteran who has been on the front line for a while, he is obviously a rookie on the battlefield.

   "Don't worry, someone will help us block it." Chao Yan Qianna said.

   Sure enough, at this moment, a group of Konoha ninjas shot out from the side and intercepted the sand ninja squad.

   "Hoo~!" The medical ninja breathed a sigh of relief, and finally felt relieved.

   "Learn to trust your companions!" Chao Yanqian said seriously.

   "Understood, a thousand captains!" The medical ninja said firmly, and then continued to treat the injured ninja.

   "What's your name?" Chao Yanqian asked.

   "My name is Kira!" Kira said.

   "Is that Kira?" Chao Tsuenya nodded with a smile, and said, "Your medical ninjutsu is very good. Keep going!"


   He glanced at the medical ninja named Kira at the corner of his eyes, secretly calculating. This person's medical ninjutsu is very good. If you can get closer, maybe you can use him to do some things. At least it's good to be an Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest and fastest , The hottest serial works are all at For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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