Chapter 2 ‘Ghost Bamboo’ Vergo!

“By the way, there seems to be a recruitment order for senior Marines?”

Putting Qiushui by his side, Akira Yagyu remembered the third reward offered by the novice spree, paused, and said tentatively in his heart, “Using the Senior Marine General Recruitment Order?”

“Ding! Consume one recruiting order for a senior Marine and start recruiting…”

“Ding! Congratulations to Host for successfully recruiting [ Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral – ‘Ghost Bamboo’ Vergo]!”


A curtain of light appeared before Akira Yagyu’s eyes.


Name: Virgo

Name: Ghost Bamboo

Race: human

Rank: Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral

Dao Strength: 4900

Ability: none

Skills: Marine Six Styles (Advanced), Armament Haki (Intermediate), Observation Haki (Beginner)…

Weapon: Bamboo



Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral?

Isn’t that a senior cadre under Doflamingo’s hands?

“However, it is said that the recruitment was successful, why is there no movement?”

Akira Yagyu looked left and right in the cage, but Vergo didn’t notice that it appeared directly in front of him like the previous Black Sword Autumn Water.

“Ding! The recruiters are on their way to the location of the Host, please wait!” The voice of the system sounded timely, as if knowing what Akira Yagyu was thinking.


Akira Yagyu nodded thoughtfully, then turned his eyes to the light curtain in front of him, looking at the conspicuous four-digit number on the Dao Strength value, even if he was mentally prepared, he couldn’t help but secretly stunned.

If he remembered correctly, Rob Lucci from the Enies Lobby period in the original book was only able to reach 4,000 power points with the bonus of Devil Fruit?

And Blueno with only 820 Dao Strength can even smash a sledgehammer with his bare hands!

4900 Dao Strength, plus the Armament Haki enough to cover the whole body, I don’t know how far Vergo can achieve in this ninja world?

“Maybe, normal ninjutsu can’t break Vergo’s defense, right?”

Akira Yagyu said to herself, suppressing her inner excitement.

At this time, he has completely lost the uneasiness that he had just crossed over, and even had some vague expectations.

Since the Marine recruitment system allows him to recruit Marine Vice Admiral Vergo, does that mean he can also recruit other Marine powerhouses?

For example, Marine III Admiral?

Another example, Marshal Marine, Sengoku of ‘Buddha’?

Even the legendary Marine hero, ‘Tekken’ Garp, who defeated the pirate overlord ‘Rocks’?

If these powerhouses can be recruited, in this era when there are no Six Paths-level powerhouses, who can be his opponents?

Akira Yagyu almost trembled with excitement when he thought of the natural disaster-level images in the original book where these strong men waved the power of S-rank ninjutsu, even far exceeding the power of S-rank ninjutsu.

Just then, suddenly.


The cage that Akira Yagyu was riding in stopped, and Akira Yagyu recovered from the shock of the cage touching the ground.

“what happened?”

Akira Yagyu frowned slightly, fully integrated into his current identity, he lifted the curtain of the driving cage with his hands closed, and glanced outside.

At this time, the driver’s cage had stopped in a mountain col, the drizzle was pouring, the mountains and forests on both sides were towering, the ground was covered with gravel, and there was a small stream not far away, the whole environment seemed quiet and desolate.

The surrounding warriors drew their swords one after another, and the guards who were like a formidable enemy surrounded the cage.

“Your Highness.”

A young warrior with short white hair walked to the cage, lowered his head slightly and said solemnly: “The surrounding situation is not right, we may have been ambushed.”


Akira Yagyu was stunned for a while, looking at the white-haired young samurai in front of him, the other party’s message flashed in his mind quickly.

The white-haired young warrior named Kitano Ichiro is a wandering warrior from the Iron Country. This time Akira Yagyu was separated and left the clan. Kitano Ichiro was the guard leader assigned to him by the Yagyu family. His strength was not top-notch. Although he can only be regarded as a second-rate samurai, among the group of samurai around Akira Yagyu, he is already the strongest.

It can be seen that after the identity changed from the clan to the branch house, Akira Yagyu’s status in the Yagyu family also plummeted.

Otherwise, as one of the five great nations in the ninja world, a direct member of the Yagyu family of the daimyo family in the land of water, not to mention that there are ninjas accompanying him, no matter what, it should be the personal protection of first-class samurai.

while thinking.

Akira Yagyu put his left hand on Qiushui’s scabbard, feeling the cold and thick texture, and his tense body relaxed a little.

At the same time, he thought about possible enemies in his mind.

The result, of course, was nothing.

After all, he doesn’t seem to have offended anyone in his memory?

Whizzing! !

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of dense air breaking around.

As if triggering some mechanism, a large number of kunai and shuriken suddenly shot out from the surrounding forest, rushing towards Akira Yagyu and his party from all directions.

“Enemy attack! Protect Your Highness!”

The samurai turned pale in shock, waving the katana in their hands to resist the blazing kunai and shuriken, making a ding ding ding metal crash.

However, with two fists incompetent with four hands, how could a dozen katana swords completely resist the sky-filled Kuuna Shuriken?

In the blink of an eye, some samurai were stabbed into hedgehogs by a large number of shuriken and kunai, and the samurai began to suffer casualties amid the screams.

“It’s a ninja! Your Highness! Please stay in the cage and don’t move!”

Kitano Ichiro’s expression changed, and with a swipe, he pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, waved the blade with the afterimages, and knocked all the kunai and shuriken that were shot into the air.

Soon, Kuai and Shuriken were all shot.

Of the fifteen samurai at the beginning, only nine were left under the attack just now, and all nine were more or less wounded. Except for Kitano Ichiro, everyone was in a state of embarrassment. look.

In the cage, Akira Yagyu, who was watching this scene, shook his head, paused, took a deep breath, held the black knife Qiushui in his left hand, lifted the curtain and walked out.

“His Royal Highness, why did you come out?!” Kitano Ichiro was shocked when he saw Akira Yagyu walking out of the cage.

“It’s okay.”

Akira Yagyu waved his hand, walked to Kitano Ichiro, glanced around and said, “The opponent is a ninja, it will be more dangerous to stay inside.”

“But…” Kitano Ichiro wanted to say something.

“Giggle… As expected of the daimyo family, this kind of character is not bad.”

At this moment, a woman’s charming laughter suddenly sounded, and the sound was so close that all the samurai including Kitano Ichiro trembled, and a chill suddenly rose from the back.


Kitano Ichiro turned around suddenly and looked up, only to see a Miaoman figure standing quietly above the cage.

On the slender waist, there is a scratch on the forehead protector of Kirin Village, which is particularly conspicuous!

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