Chapter 245 The Legend of the Most Healing!!

He remembered that he had heard a legend that there was a spirit bead at the root of the tree.

The role of the spirit bead is to treat internal injuries and heal damaged meridians or blood.

He looked closely at the surface of the tree and found that the leaves and canopy of these trees were not abnormal, and even the branches were ordinary trunks and branches.

He felt that the tree should have no effect, but then he thought that this tree had existed in this forest for hundreds of years, and maybe this tree really had a role.

“Since that’s the case, then Yin I will try it out!”

Sunoranan said.

He walked over to the tree, stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the tree, and his true qi poured into the trunk to examine the tree.

The tree is very strong.

It was much harder than Suno had imagined.

His true qi poured into the trunk of the tree, and there was no way to detect whether there was a spirit bead in this tree.

Could it be that this tree is really an ordinary tree? There won’t be a spirit orb?

Thinking of this, he withdrew his true anger and felt some disappointment in his heart.

But he was not discouraged, he believed that he would find this spirit pearl one day.

Thinking of this, he was ready to leave here and continue to search for the traces of the Red Flame Bird.

He stepped forward to get out of here, when suddenly he smelled a fragrance in the air.

“Huh? What’s going on, I just smelled a very fragrant fragrance in this neighborhood, how did it disappear again in an instant? ”

He frowned, wondering in his heart.

He stayed here for a while, then sniffed the scent in the air and found that there was indeed a fragrance in the air.

He frowned, not knowing what was going on, could it be that someone had come here?

No way!

Su Nuo shook his head, thinking that it must be an illusion, that no one could have been here.


At this time, Su Nuo suddenly found a situation, he looked at this big tree, and suddenly found that the leaves of this big tree grew many leaves, some of which looked like singles, some of which were like fans, and the colors were different, and they looked beautiful.

“Huh? What’s going on here? ”

He looked at the leaves on the tree and wondered in his heart.

Just then he suddenly felt as if there was a wind blowing behind him, and he hurried up, and he felt danger coming.

Hurriedly moved to the side.

Just then, he heard “Poof! ”

There was a noise and then something stabbed into his chest.

He looked down at the wound on his chest and saw that two silver needles had been inserted into it.

“What man?!”

He said coldly.

“Guess who I am?”

Just then, a voice came over.

The voice was so familiar that Su Nuo suddenly thought in his heart who the owner of this voice was, so he quickly turned back and saw a girl slowly coming out of the bush.

Su Nuo looked at her with a look of surprise, “It’s you! ”

“You saved me, I agreed to your terms, what do you want to ask?”

The girl walked up to Su Nuo and said calmly.

“I want to know, what’s your name?”

Suno looked at the girl and asked.

“My name is Xia Ying.”

The girl looked at Suno and said plainly.

“Xia Ying, why are you here?”

Su Nuo looked at her with a puzzled look on her face and asked.

He remembered that he had seen once before, that the girl named Xia Ying and a group of men dressed in black had entered the cave, and he still felt strange at that time!

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