After killing the people from Qintian Prison.

King Quan, feeling the malice of the world.

No matter where he went, there were armored soldiers chasing him.

They attacked and killed day and night.

Even the kingship is tired.

Wang Quan was completely angry.

He threw the noble girl into a village, threw away most of the supplies, and went on the road alone.

King Quan has just left.

In less than half an hour, the armored army was following them.

When they saw the noble girl being left here, they were ecstatic:

"The royal power can no longer be held back!"

"There is a severe drought all over the land, and without your noble daughter by his side, he will not be able to eat or drink, and will die sooner or later."

The Iron Armored Army followed.

At first, they were happy.

But soon they became serious.

Because: without the drag of the noble lady, the speed of the king's power was obviously several times faster.

"Is this direction to Wangwu City?"

"The evil king is going to hide in the city?"

"He is throwing himself into a trap."

The armored warriors quickened their pace.

However, when they arrived at Wangwu City, they saw fire rising into the sky and smoke billowing in the city.

"Something went wrong!"

"The county magistrate was killed and the nobles were slaughtered!"

The armored army's face was pale.

Before they could rest,

Qin Tianjian sent a message:"Go to Heishui City, a hundred miles away!"

Heishui City is the capital of the Great Que Empire.

It is a big city.

Many nobles live there.

If the royal power goes where......

The armored army hurriedly pursued.

At this time:

Blackwater City received a warning from Qin Tianjian:

"The evil king's power is about to enter the city and defy heaven!"

"Draw out the elite and strangle the royal power."

The Lord of Blackwater City's face changed drastically.

He heard that the king's power was cruel and cruel.

"Quick, mobilize all the elites to protect this city lord!"


All the elites in the city were protecting the city lord.

But not long after, fires burst into the sky where other nobles were.

There were wailing sounds.


The city lord stamped his feet angrily.

He didn't expect that the king would abandon him and turn around to kill other nobles.

"Quick, send someone to gather all the nobles to the City Lord's Mansion!"



Arrows roared out from under the night.



The arrows pierced the elite thigh.

The injury was neither big nor small.

If left unchecked, he would bleed to death.

If rescued, he must It consumes manpower and medicinal materials.

Such a scene makes the city lord even more angry.

"Bold King Quan, come out and fight to the death with this city lord!"

The city lord roared.

The power of destiny bloomed.

King Quan subconsciously wanted to come out and fight head-on.

"No, I just want to kill all living beings according to"

"If you go out and fight head-on, you will definitely die!"

His heart was filled with murderous intent.

The next second: the murderous intent tore apart his fate. Wang Quan continued to wander in the darkness, hunting down noble people. In the second half of the night: he set fire everywhere, quietly left Blackwater City, and headed straight to the next city. Just as Wang Quan was wandering around, an army of three thousand men was behind him, chasing him without haste. This army was all made up of cavalry. They were the most elite black armor generals in the imperial capital. Every member , are the fortunes of war generals, very terrible. In the army, there is a gray-haired old man. The old man admires the master of Tianjian and sits on a soft sedan chair. There are dozens of strong men carrying him, walking as fast as flying.

"royal power......I have ambushed troops in the thirteen surrounding cities!"

"This time, no matter which city you go to, you will die."

The old man stared at a disk with cold eyes.

In the disk: there is a map.

On the map, there are red dots representing the royal power.

He locked the royal power.

Unless the people of the Defying Heaven Alliance help.


No matter where the royal power goes, the imperial power will Even the prison can find him

"not good......I only care about the royal power and forget about the Heaven Defying Alliance!"

The old man's expression changed greatly.

During this period of time in the royal power, there has been such a big movement.

The Heaven Defying Alliance, which has existed since ancient times, must have noticed it.

They will definitely take action.

"Quick, catch up and strangle Wang Quan."




Three thousand generals galloped on their horses.

At this time:

Wang Quan originally planned to go to a city, go in and kill nobles, search for books, and study fate.

However: every time he chose a city, his own talent It was burning.

He felt a terrifying horror

"The enemy has left ambushes in these cities!"

"There are still pursuers behind me......"

"When the time comes, I will be attacked from both sides and will definitely die!"

He's not afraid of death.

But: it's not long before his twelfth birthday.

"Avoid the sharp edge first, wait until the twelve-year-old event is completed, and then talk about other things."

Wang Quan changed direction and chose a non-dangerous direction to run wildly........

Deep mountains, old forests.

Not long after Wang Quan got into the mountains, he saw a group of people.

This group of people were wearing cloaks, masks, and holding sharp knives.

They traveled quickly through the mountains and forests.


The two sides meet.

The moment they met: Both sides were stunned.


No one expected to meet outsiders in a place like this.

Wang Quan’s whole body tensed up.

His muscles squirmed and he held a steel knife in his hand:

"Cut them all in one go?"

"still.....Leave one alive?"

In the deep mountains and old forests, this group of people are not good people at first glance.

Wang Quan is murderous.

But: the group of cloaked men, after being stunned for a moment, were ecstatic.

Because: they recognized Wang Quan.

At this time:

Wang Quan was murderous and charged. Come up.

A woman shouted:

"Don't do it, you're on your own!"


I am a lonely person. When did I become one of your own?

"We are from the Heaven-defying Alliance!"

"We resist the rule of destiny"

"Resistance to man's fate is ordained by God."

Wang Quan suddenly realized.

He learned about the existence of the Heaven Defying Alliance from Qin Tianjian Li Yong.

But he didn't expect to meet them here.

Both sides were silent.

After a while, Wang Quan asked:

"What are you going to do?"

The woman in the lead said:

"We heard about you and wanted to invite you to join us."

Wang Quan was silent.

There are advantages and disadvantages to joining the Heaven Defying Alliance. The advantage is: with the support of the organization, it will be easier for him to do things.

The disadvantage is: he loses some of his freedom.

In many things, the organization's position must be considered.

It will make him tied up.

A Little Less:

King Quan says:

"what is the benefit?"

As soon as these words came out, the people of the Defying Heaven Alliance breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Wang Quan would not be able to get in.

Now that it is better, the other party's asking for benefits means that they are heartbroken.

They are sure to convince Wang Quan.

As long as Wang Quan joins them, their hegemony will be over. Just around the corner.

The female leader said:

"Mr. Wang, you are locked by Qin Tian Prison"

"No matter where you go, you'll be tracked"

"We just have a way to erase your information so that people from Qintian Prison cannot track you."

Wang Quan nodded.

This is a good benefit.

These days:

The people in Qintian Prison are like vicious dogs, chasing after each other.

Fortunately, his body has reached the limit of human beings.

Otherwise, he would have been caught up by the opponent long ago.

If he could get away from the pursuit , he will be much more relaxed.


Wang Quan smiled and said:

"Tracking issues, to me, don't matter"

"I like killing animals, and they caught up with me, which was just a pleasure for me."

The people of the Anti-Tian Alliance are horrified.

They have seen many people who are bloodthirsty.

But: they have never seen Wang Quan like him. He is addicted to killing?

What has he experienced?

Why does he have this kind of character?

The people of the Anti-Tian Alliance, Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what kind of bloody storm the royal power had caused in other worlds.

"This man is extraordinary!"

"It seems that I am going to use my trump card!"

The female leader said proudly:

"Join us and you can have an advanced destiny!"

With the blessing of destiny, you can enjoy life even if you do nothing.

She believes that Wang Quan cannot refuse this condition.

Wang Quan said coldly:

"Replace others and gain identity?"

The female leader and others were shocked.

How could a farmer's son know such a secret?

Wang Quan smiled:

"I don't like to wait three to five years"

"Is there any way for me to have an advanced destiny as soon as possible?"

The female leader was silent.

The other members of the Defying Heaven Alliance were also silent.

Their boss did not speak, and they did not dare to speak.

King Quan was not in a hurry.

He waited quietly.

For a long time: the female leader said:

"How advanced a destiny do you want? Wang

Quan smiled and said:

"As high-end as possible, make it as high-end as possible"

"It's best to get an emperor's destiny!"

The female leader thought for a moment.

Suddenly she asked:

"Can you really ignore fate suppression?"

Wang Quan nodded.

The next second: the female leader suddenly shouted:

"King Quan, get out of here!"

At this moment, she bloomed with the power of destiny.

Her destiny was the extremely noble Phoenix destiny.

She was destined to become an emperor's concubine.

Therefore: her orders, even those with destiny such as generals and lords, could not resist.


Her coquettish voice was like a breeze blowing in Wang Quan's ears.

Wang Quan smiled.

The female leader's eyes contracted.

Sure enough: the power of fate had no effect on Wang Quan.

At this moment: the members of the Heaven Defying Alliance were excited.

Can resist the Phoenix destiny.

Then......He may resist.....The fate of the emperor.

They looked at each other.

Then he leaned aside and whispered.


The female leader said:

"Mr. Wang, we have a big plan!"

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