King Quan, in the main world, relax for a few days.

Zhang Xue and Si Xiaohong were so happy that they had eaten and drank enough.

A few days later:

Wang Quan decided to take a trip to the other world.

Although Zhang Xue and others were unwilling, they could not stop it. call out!

The royal power comes to the first-mile world again.


He was confused

"Mark, have I entered the wrong world?"

Wang Quan muttered.

Because: the first world in his memory was desolate, with broken walls and ruins everywhere.

But: the current first world is prosperous.

A Babel Tower reaches straight into the sky.

It connects to the second world.

Countless monsters, with collars around their necks, were working on the earth.




They dug up a lot of metal from nowhere and beat it like crazy.

Strange accessories were created one after another.

And There is an evil giant, outside the city, piecing together those parts.

Many parts, building a metal device tens of thousands of miles.

And: this device is still spreading.

Wang Quan is curious.

At this time:

Luan Gujin, dressed in Tsing Yi, appears.

She With a smile on his face and a smile in his eyes:

"This is my magic weapon!"

Chaos of the past and present shows off to the royal power.

Wang Quan is not interested in the so-called magic weapons.

What he is interested in is: the enslaved monsters.

In the past, Chaos of the past and present could only enslave evil giants.

Now: she does not even let go of ordinary monsters.

Ordinary monsters have become her slaves.

This is really strange.

At this time, seeing the ancient and modern show off, he laughed:

"When I built the throne, every component was tens of thousands of miles in size."

Luan Gujin's eyes widened and he chuckled.

"Country bumpkin!"


"Am I a country bumpkin?"

The little head of the past and present is confused bit by bit.

Wang Quan coughed:"I, Emperor Quan"

"The countless worlds I have experienced"

"I have controlled hundreds of billions of sentient beings"

"My woman, with one order, there are trillions of cannon fodder"

"Am I still a country bumpkin?"

Huan Gujin glanced at him:

"Just a country bumpkin!"

The royal power is not convinced.

Chaotic ancient and modern people laughed:

"This instrument with tens of thousands of miles is just an insignificant accessory for my magic weapon."

"I need tens of billions of such accessories to form a one-ten thousandth structure of the divine weapon."

"The sun is the embellishment on my magic weapon"

"The stars are the coating on my magic weapon"

"The world is the jewel in my divine weapon."

Wang Quan was dumbfounded.

He was very proud of having built tens of thousands of miles of mountains into treasures.

But this Luan Gujin was even more powerful and cruel.

Luan Gujin continued:

"When my body was still alive, her little brothers refined the world into bricks and stones, built houses, and built city walls."

"Each of the cannon fodder under the main body is the strongest person in the world."

"That’s called spectacular."

Wang Quan was completely speechless.

He felt that Luan Gujin was very good at bragging.


Luan Gujin's statement made people's hearts beat.

At this time, pride arose in his heart:

"In the future, I will also build such a powerful magic weapon."

Luan Gujin rolled his eyes:

"You still have to practice for a few more years."

Wang Quan was happy.

It had only been a few years, and he could afford to wait.


Luan Gujin laughed:

"In my concept of time: from the birth of a world to its natural demise, it is one year"

"It’s different from your concept of time."

Wang Quan was completely speechless.

According to the knowledge he gained in other worlds: it takes at least hundreds of billions of years for a world to go from birth to death.

He couldn't afford to wait for such a long time.

However, he was not discouraged.

He felt that he still had time to wait. You can work hard

"What magic weapon are you planning to refine?"

"Can you tell me the refining method?"

Luan Gujin nodded:

"What I want to refine is—the soul-calling flag!"

"After mastering it, you can summon the body to revive."

"You can't practice"

"but.....You can refine its accessories"

"The power of the accessories is also very powerful."

Chaos in the past and present, threw a mark to Wang Quan.

Her knowledge is stored in the mark.

Wang Quan can check it at any time. Wang Quan glanced at the mark.

The knowledge in it seemed to be Wang Yang.

A wave flew up.

His consciousness touched.

The next second:

He felt that his memory increased a thousand times out of thin air.

Wang Quan said strangely:

"You have so much knowledge."

Ran Guangzhi nodded arrogantly:

"Of course"

"My body is very powerful."

Wang Quan asked her about the main body again. She couldn't explain why.

The memories she recovered were all about the soul-calling flags.

She didn't know much about the life of the main body.

"I am actually just a tool to revive my body."

"After the real body recovers, I will return to the real body."

Wang Quan was silent.

This kind of big boss thing has nothing to do with him.

All he can do is: establish a good relationship with this memory and get more benefits from the other party.

In the future:

Chaos Gujin's original body will be revived.

Look at the scene in the memory , you will also feel a little good about yourself.

Wang Quan watched Luan Gujin build the magic weapon. He gained a lot.

He found that among the parts of the magic weapon created by Luan Gujin, many of the extraordinary structures had familiar shadows: the methods of the world of immortality, the world of wizards methods, totem concepts and other methods.

Many methods, everything is available

"Are many extraordinary powers decomposed from this power?"

Wang Quan asked Luan Gujin:

What does this kind of power belong to?

Luan Gujin smiled:

"This is the extraordinary system of ontology"

"As for the name......I have no idea"

"You can name it whatever you want."

Wang Quan pondered.

The power that disrupts the ancient and modern entities is really powerful.

"According to her, I will come to her world from now on"

"Or......I will meet her"

"By the time.....Of course I know what kind of power she has."

"If I learn this power, I will be stronger."

At this time:

Wang Quan can't wait to simulate life.

He wants to disrupt the ancient and modern world.

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