Death is like the wind!

Wherever kingship walks, everything dies.

The remaining Era warriors turned around and ran away.

But: it's too late. call out! call out! call out!

One by one, evil geniuses came roaring towards us.

They were scattered around, besieging and killing the powerful men of the era.

For a moment:

Even if the Era Master is powerful, he cannot stop the killing of so many monsters.

They were retreating steadily.

Someone controlled the divine ship, turned around and ran away.

However: they did not flee to other places, but to the valley.

At the same time:

There were also some strong men from the era who rushed to an old antique that looked like a dead man:

"Auntie, please show your might and destroy these scum!"

Old antique, eyes empty.

After a while, she spoke:





The heads of the genius monsters exploded.

The next second: the beads of royal power bloomed with power.

These monsters were resurrected again.

However: in an instant, their heads exploded again.

The headless corpses fell Falling to the ground.

Many powerful men from the era laughed loudly:

"My aunt’s law is unparalleled in the world"

"Who can stop it?"

Wang Quan's heart moved:

"This is an extraordinary system of laws and regulations"

"It's similar to the aura of the old woman I met in some world fragment."

"They are all strong men who created the legal system"

"they......Will it be from the same era?"

"Or, is it a person?"

Wang Quan's heart moved.

He also activated the extraordinary system:

"Laws and orders. Health!"

Wow! Many geniuses who had their heads exploded suddenly came back to life.

They touched their heads subconsciously.

Their heads didn't explode again.

It's good.

At this time: they looked at the old antique, with panic and wariness on their faces.

But: they saw Wang Quan standing arrogantly. Old Antique stood in front of him, feeling relieved again:

"With Lord Imperial Quan here, what does a small Era power mean?"

At this time: the other powerful men of the era all gathered behind Lao Guquan.

They were full of enthusiasm and asked Lao Guquan to take action to kill Wang Quan.


Lao Guquan was silent.

She stared directly at Wang Quan.

Wang Quan also stared directly at her.

The two People were silent.

Because: both sides discovered that the other's extraordinary system was almost exactly the same as their own extraordinary system of laws.

A little: everyone noticed something unusual.

"The extraordinary systems of these two people seem to be the same."

"and.....The extraordinary system of imperial power seems to be more terrifying than the ancient one."

The laws of the royal power have destroyed the laws of the old antique.

Naturally, the royal power is powerful.

At this time: the old antique said:

"you.....who is it?"

"The extraordinary system of laws and regulations has been lost in history."

"All the heavens and worlds, the whole abyss, only I understand"

"Why.....Do you understand too?"

She couldn't figure it out.

Wang Quan couldn't figure it out either.

However, he didn't hide it and began to tell about everything that happened in the abyss.

He saw the fragments of the world in the abyss. He saw the obsession of the old woman hundreds of epochs ago.

Listen. Wang Quan told that this old antique with empty eyes had gleams of light in his eyes.

It was the light of memory.

When Wang Quan mentioned the tombstones all over the ground.

When he mentioned the thousands of praises.

When he mentioned the strong man who led all sentient beings away. At that time.

Old Antique cried.

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

Tears rolled down drop by drop.

Old Antique burst into tears. Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

You know, everyone is strong.

The last one is also the world hegemon.

The world they destroyed is the world they created. There are countless worlds.

All things in the world and the joys and sorrows of all living beings are just smoke and smoke in the past for them.

Unless it is a great horror between life and death, otherwise, they will have absolutely no emotional fluctuations and will not cry.

But: among them, the strongest Old Antique, the longest-living Old Antique actually cried.

When she cried, the sky became gloomy.

The whole world was wrapped in dark clouds.

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

Countless raindrops fell.

The whole world was filled with sadness because of Old Antique. It's raining.

What is going on?

Everyone is silent.

Wang Quan frowns.

A strong man, so rude......what is going on?

"I remembered!"

Old Antique, covering her face and crying.

Her sadness was filled with sadness.

The royal power bloomed with power to resist the invasion of sadness.

But: others did not have this ability.

Many era strongmen and evil geniuses cried.

They also remembered Sad past.

At this time:

Old Antique choked up and said:

"Which obsession you are talking about is actually me."

Wang Quan:??

What's the situation?

Aren't you all dead?

At this time, the old woman told the past

"Back then, I followed the lady and my master, walking in the void"

"We explore one ruin after another, ancient traces"

"Later, we found Chu’s footprints"

"At the same time, a void passage was also discovered"

"At the other end of the void passage is another void world"

"Where are the creatures that want to invade this world?"

"The master leads everyone to resist"

"My young lady also helped to fight"

"but......Because the war was too cruel, I was afraid, and then with the help of a battle, I took the opportunity to escape"

"I regretted it after I ran away"

"But I don't dare to go back"

"Later, I went to study which Chu’s footprints"

"Follow his traces and become stronger little by little"

"After a long time, I felt that I was stronger than the lady and the master."

"Then, I go back to that battlefield"


The old antique said with blood and tears in his eyes

"The master is dead"

"My friends are dead too"

"So many strong men are dead"

"However, I did not see the death of the lady"

"I learned from the master's last words that the lady thought I was kidnapped by the enemy."

"She looked around for me and then never showed up again"

"I couldn't take the blow and I went crazy."

Old Antique suddenly laughed:

"Later, I killed my crazy self and turned it into obsession, leaving it in a broken battlefield fragment."

"And modified the memory of obsession"

"I just.....I want my master to resurrect them again"

"If I hadn't left back then.....The master may not die!"

"No one will die either."

The old woman laughed and cried.

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