【24】On the other side of the ocean, continue to vibrate!

“God, rookie Su Mo, actually in the summer league, bombarded 40 points in a single quarter, what kind of immortal is this? Even if he makes a movie, he doesn’t dare to shoot like this, Su Mo is really powerful. ”

Mi Lian reported.

“One game to smash the rebound, cut 33 points in a single quarter, another game, dunk the basketball hoop, 40 points in a single quarter, rookie Su Mo, he subverted our perception of traditional rookies.”

His god-level performance is “flying man” Jordan, that is, Lebulang with “the proud son of heaven”, which cannot be compared. ”

From the newspaper Sakaramento The Bees.

“40 minutes per quarter? Break 80 points at halftime? The whole audience broke a hundred?! Scored more points in a single quarter than the opponent’s entire team? Rookie Su Mo, the strength he has shown is really shocking. ”

“I’ve never seen such a great player in all my years in the NBA.”

David Robinson, a former NBA celebrity and known as “Admiral”, was caught by reporters while buying vegetables at the vegetable market, and said in an interview.

“It’s Su Mo, he cut 40 points in a single quarter and broke the basket, although I don’t know when, but the Celestial Empire produced such a player, I’m really happy.”

“I’m really sorry, I’ve been a little busy lately.”

“I have to make up for Su Moxia United’s debut today, 33 points in a single quarter, and dunked rebounds, which can’t be missed.”

Rocket player Dayao said in an interview during a break in the rehabilitation room.

“Hmph, Su Mo lied to me that he was a loser in the draft, saying that he was a rookie, but in fact he was boundless, and he took the opportunity to compete with me, cheat and cheat and drink, what a shameless person.”

From Warriors rookie Curry.


It seems to be mixed in with strange interviews.

Major news newspapers and interviews are all talking about Su Mo, a rookie who seems to have fallen from the sky, and his jaw-dropping extreme performance.

With the advent of the 3G era.

Some online social software, also gradually into people’s sight, is used by more and more netizens, Twitter is one of them, but also one of the extremely hot social software.

“Wow, it’s really not like words, 33 points in a single quarter? 40 points per session? Smashing rebounds and baskets in quick succession? Is this really something that humans can do?! ”

“It’s outrageous, Su Mo’s rookie is really terrifying!”

“Yes, you didn’t go to the scene to watch the game, then the audience, including myself, watched Su Mo’s game, and my mouth opened and didn’t close.”

“Absolute, really absolute, Su Mo’s strength, creepy, that terrifying speed, terrifying power, terrifying bounce, terrifying outbreak, really incredible.”

“Really, I’m sure that even Jordan, not even Lebraun, can’t compare to it.”

“The most annoying thing is that he is still a bad draft, it’s not a secret, when Su Mo hit 40 points in a single quarter, I suspect that he was sent by God to stir up the league halfway.”

“Correct solution!”


Twitter basketball rookie hot discussion area, recently because of the “champion” Griffin, “Tanhua” Harden, or Jennings, DeRozan, Curry and other rookies, quite lively.

It’s just that.

When Su Mo came out in the air, in just 3 games, he conquered too many fans with his strength and became the only focus in the spotlight.

The heated discussion about him is endless.


Across the ocean.

And when Dayao learned the situation, he was extremely happy, and did not forget to react to the country as soon as possible, hoping to let more people know Su Mo.


He was clearly overthinking.

Domestic commentators such as Su Yi, Coach Zhang and Wang Meng, who are engaged in basketball and have been paying attention to NBA dynamics, delivered the news as soon as possible.


At this point in time, Weibo has just announced the internal beta version, the domestic 3G era has just begun, it is still at the end of the 2G era, the network is okay, but it is not developed enough.

Although the domestic basketball market has risen steadily under the leadership of Dayao, the popularity is still not too high.


Most of the general NBA dynamics are displayed in the form of basketball newspapers, of course, there are also central mother experience news broadcasts, as well as live broadcasts such as Zhu Sou and PPlive, as well as some browsers, you can follow NBA news.

But only in the NBA.

Like the Summer League, the attention is still very low, there is no live broadcast at all, and there is almost no news coverage.

But this time.

Su Yi, Wang Meng and others were really shocked by Su Mo, and under their guidance, news about Xia Lian rarely appeared in major news newspapers and basketball sections.

And a lot.

All of them are Su Mo’s news.

For a while, it attracted considerable attention, not the summer league, but the Celestial Empire player Su Mo under this league, and his jaw-dropping performance.

On a community fitness square.

Several students gathered together, brushing the basketball newspaper, and their eyes couldn’t stop flashing shock.

“Celestial Empire player Su Mo, Xia Lian debut, 33 points in a single quarter, this… That’s too powerful. ”

“Su Mo, this rookie from the Celestial Empire, Xia Lian smashed the basket on the first dunk, wow ~ ~ smashed the basket, this is also, this is also too bullish.”

“God, it’s bursting again today, 40 points in a single quarter, the individual score ratio surpasses the opponent’s whole team, I heard that the opponent is also a champion show, I drop a good job, is this what humans can do?!”

“No, apart from Dayao, is there really such a strong player in my country?!”


A sophomore class in a college.

Students who are making up classes, after recess, brush the basketball newspaper, and some classmates with good families hold mobile phones under the desks and brush the basketball dynamics.

“Wow~ Celestial Empire player yes, Su Mo smashed the rebound and basket, it’s so powerful.”

“Wow~~ 33 points in a single quarter, do you get so many points in one quarter? I can’t believe it’s true, I go, the latest game to burst 40 points in a single quarter? It’s not like words. ”

“Wow~~~ Su Mo scored 40 points on the head of the champion Griffin, this… It’s just perverted. ”


In the small class, those students who read the basketball newspaper, exclaimed, one bigger than the other, and finally connected into a string, resounding throughout the classroom, almost attracting the teacher.


A large enterprise company, inside the lunch cafeteria.

“Niu Batch, Su Mo is too fierce!”

“If you don’t understand, just ask, who is Su Mo?!”

“Hey, you don’t even know Su Mo, you definitely haven’t paid attention to basketball dynamics recently, hurry up and make up for it, otherwise you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.”


A basketball court, basketball enthusiasts resting after sweating.

In a certain community, workers who come home from work at night and lean on the sofa to read basketball news.


All basketball lovers in the Celestial Empire are understanding basketball in their own way, understanding the dynamics of their favorite teams and stars, but they are also subtly aware of Su Mo’s existence.

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