Necro Master

# 1 coins.

January 1, 2022.

1% of the population of 8 billion.

Approximately 80 million people have disappeared.

The world was bewildered, whether it was extinguished into the sky, infiltrated the earth, or people disappeared without a trace. But that wasn't the only problem. February 1st, the following month. Another 70 million people went missing. And then, of course, the next month, March 1st. The number of people disappearing every month was irregular. And so people kept disappearing, and a year later, The number of people left is 7.4 billion. The whole world has been trying to find missing people. But I couldn't even get a little clue.

After a year, the number of disappearing people began to decline. But one day a month. The sudden disappearance never ceases.

So again, roughly eight years later, 2030.

There were only about four billion people on Earth.

* * *

Loyalty is a college student.

He is an ordinary college student who can be seen anywhere just a month ahead of graduation. My graduation was only a month away, but I didn't see much concern on my loyal expression.

“When you graduate, you have to play at home. ”

One day a month, a lot of people are disappearing, but people are disappearing anyway.

“Well, if it doesn't disappear, it stays. ”

He had no family to take care of in the first place. He was an orphan. That's why he was living his life without a second thought. In fact, I didn't have to worry about money. It is because living is basically guaranteed even if you don't work these days. Don't leave the country. Protect the population. Some countries had many places of rioting, but at least not in Korea. At last, welfare has become stronger as the number of people who feel precious or disappear.

Why did he go to college? I was just bored. I didn't do anything. Paying for college itself disappeared five years ago.

“Tomorrow, by the way. ”

I sat in a free studio in the country and looked at the wall. There was a calendar hanging on the wall. Today's date is January 31. If it's only been two hours.

“Many more will be lost. ”

But it didn't have anything to do with him. After waking up like any other time, there was just the same routine waiting for me.

For the past eight years, I was convinced that I was fine, even though it was the 1st of every month. It was everyone else's to disappear anyway. Loyalty didn't worry much.

“I can't disappear. ”

There was not even a little tension. I just lay on the bed and put on a soft blanket.

The passion that goes straight to sleep.


I was snoring and sleeping.

Two hours later, a white light appeared on the forehead of the faithful who fell into a deep sleep.

And soon the body of loyalty disappeared. Just like you weren't there.

I did.

Loyalty was taken away in the end.

An endless whirlpool of battlefield.

To Helios, the planet that set the stage.

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