Land of the Wind,

Sand Hidden Village, outside the Wind Shadow Building.

I Airo stood on the platform of the building overlooking the village of Shayin below.

"Kazekage-sama, the meeting is ready to begin."

A member of the Shadow Guard appeared behind My Airo.

"Got it."

I love Luo withdrawing his gaze, and where the desert can be overlooked, there is only a wild sand.

Located deep in the desert, Shayin Village, with no one to lead the way, is difficult to find.

Sunahide Village is not as prosperous as Konoha Village, it only undertakes military missions in the Land of Wind.

The daimyo of the Land of Wind was worried about the ninja strength of the Sand Hidden Village in the country.

It may pose a certain military threat to the country and the daimyo himself

, so during the Third Shinobi War, when the strength of the Sand Hidden Village was weak and the number of ninjas was sharply reduced, when

an alliance agreement was concluded with the Fire Nation, the Sand Hidden Village was forced to reduce its military equipment, so as to weaken the strength of the Sand Hidden Village.

The strength of each Shinobi village depends very much on the economy of the country in which it is located.

The daimyo of the Land of the Wind in order to better limit the development of the strength of the village of Sunahide.

As a result, most of the tasks that should have been entrusted to the village of Sunahide were entrusted to Konoha Village,

which means that the reduction in the number of tasks will greatly reduce the economic resources of the village.

During and after the Third World War, the attributes of mental retardation were exposed.

In the more than ten years after the war, not only did it not restore the strength of Shayin Village, but it was weaker than before the three wars.

Some time ago, he was also seduced by Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan, resulting in another defeat, and the new generation of Shinobu was even more killed and injured.

His own life was also suffocated to death in a corner, which became the shame that Shayin Village was the last thing in the history of Shayin Village was to be mentioned by Shinobu.

In fact, looking at his operation with my Ai Luo, I know that this person's stupidity is in his bones.

Ning Ci wore a black trench coat and a large black hat, covering most of Ning Ci's whole body, revealing only a small part of his face.

Only this small part of his face was covered with a black mask on it, similar to Kakashi's style. The eyes wear a pair of black sunglasses to block the features of the white eyes.

Such a costume would not be recognized by even those who knew him best, and as long as he did not use the Hyuga family's logo Soft Fist, the chances of being recognized were zero.

His identity is a doctor, a wandering barefoot doctor who wanders to the Land of Winds to relieve the suffering of others as a means of making a living.

In the capital of the Land of Wind, after encountering a sick Shinobu to relieve him of his illness, he invited him to the village of Sunahide to treat his daughter's illness.

Shayin Village is not a completely closed village, but there are still merchants who come here to exchange food and water, as well as some daily necessities, for placer gold.

For the merchants, the deal was hard and lucrative to go deep into the desert. The Sand Shinobi healed by Ning Ci was one of the Sand Shinobi hired by this caravan to protect the caravan and ensure that the materials were safely delivered to the Sand Hidden Village.

Ning Ci, the mysterious doctor who suddenly appeared, the boss of the caravan refused at first. However, after a simple treatment in Ningci, his attitude changed drastically.

Businessmen often sleep in the open, many times, in order to hurry, meal time, sleep time can not be guaranteed, over time, coupled with the decline of the body's self-healing ability after aging, there will be a variety of diseases.

In fact, they are all minor ailments, but the quality of life will slowly deteriorate in the torment of such minor ailments, a vicious circle.

Palm cactus, it seems to be a rotten street technique, every medical ninja will. However, the number of ordinary people in the ninja world is more than ten thousand times that of ninjas, and medical ninjas are also one percent of ninjas.

This has led to the fact that ordinary people have never seen the magical ninjutsu of palm cactus, and it is also for this reason that the medical ninja hospital in the Land of Fire can become a hospital flocked to by the noble high-level.

It is also one of the reasons why Ning Ci did not have a fart after violently beating the patient's family.

After Ning Ci used the palm cactus technique to treat the small ailments of the merchant boss's body, he gained the trust of the boss and... Pretty penny.

After treating the people of the entire caravan, Ningci was respected by the entire caravan, and... Pretty penny.

Ning Ci had never known that this kind of wandering doctor made so much more money than the doctors in the hospital, and obviously felt more respected than the doctors in the hospital.

Following the pace of the caravan, Ning Ci smoothly entered the interior of Shayin Village. The rest of the time was to wait for the arrival of the people from the organization.

The village itself has medical ninjas, Chiyo's mother-in-law's medical ninjutsu is second only to Tsunade, and Ninji is taken by Shinobu to meet his son and discovers that his son is not a disease of physical pain, but a disease caused by a genetic mutation.

For such diseases, medical ninjutsu and subtle extraction techniques had no effect, and could only be suppressed by drugs, so Ning Ji said goodbye to the caravan and stayed in Sand Hidden Village to try to treat this poor girl.


The Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara, walking in the desert, looked at the bag of clay Deidara's hand.

"Is this one bag enough? The other party is a human pillar force.

"My art is all art, let you see the real art, uncle." This time I brought a killer app, how to say that the opponent this time is also a tail! "

Deidara is full of confidence that even in the desert, which is the home of a crane, he can complete the task with the detonating clay in his hands.

"I hope you don't need me to save you."

"Don't worry!"

Soon their figures appeared at the entrance of Shayin Village, which was a huge rock mass that protected the entire Shayin Village inside.

As if passing through a huge rocky mountain, only through a narrow passage, where Shinobu's troops are stationed, constantly monitoring every enemy that arrives.

"Captain Yura, there are two suspicious people ahead. Wears a black tunic with a red cloud pattern. "

Black coat with a red cloud pattern on the tunic?! Dawn!

Yura looked at the figure in the distance and muttered, "Don't worry... It's over soon.

"What? Captain, what do you say?

"I said you guys soon... Finished. "

A massacre appeared uncontrollably in the middle of the Sand Shinobi guards.

By the time Deidara, the scorpion reached the rocky mountain, the carnage was over.

The guard was left with only Shinobu Yuragami.

Yura walked up to Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

Half kneeling down, "Lord Scorpion, you're back!" "

Good work. Just follow me. You hold here for now, and we'll go in and do something. "


Deidara walked through the long passage, and as they walked through the narrow passage, their sky changed to a western line.

After walking out of the passage, it was suddenly cheerful.

Shayin Village is not far below your feet.

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