Because the opposite Yukimura Seiichi actually took a step after he served!

That is to say, Yukimura predicted where and where the tennis ball would fall, and then reacted. Although he still didn't catch up, compared to Sanada's lack of reaction at the beginning, Yukimura was already much stronger!

"As expected of the Son of God..."

Recognizing Yukimura's strength in his heart, Tezuka also started the second serve.

Only heard a bang!

The tennis ball shot away again, as fast as lightning, causing afterimages to appear in everyone's eyes!


The tennis ball bounced to the ground and hit the iron net. The terrifying force and impact force, after being buffered by the earth, was still invisible, and the sound seemed to appear at the same time, which was shocking.

In particular, when everyone looked at Hawkeye again, the shock was even greater.


Tezuka Kunimitsu not only maintained a super serve of more than 200KM/H, but even became more and more brave and stronger.For this eleven-year-old boy, everyone has no idea how to describe it!

The shocking sounds around him did not affect Tezuka in the slightest. He just quietly looked at Yukimura opposite Yukimura and the smile on the corner of Yukimura's mouth.

Just when Tezuka started his third serve, Yukimura, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke again: "I will hit this ball back!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly became eerily quiet.

No one ridiculed Yukimura. Although he was not as famous as Tezuka and won five consecutive youth championships, Yukimura's strength and record were also recognized by them.

More importantly, there is no need for Yukimura to lie!

In this atmosphere, Tezuka threw the tennis ball into the sky and started the third serve!


When the tennis ball was slammed out, Yukimura on the opposite side responded quickly, his legs/legs moved quickly, and his body jumped directly towards the corner.


The tennis ball bounced quickly after it landed, and everyone quickly looked at Hawkeye. The speed was still a super-high speed of 210KM/H, and Tezuka's performance was still stable and perfect.

But it was this kind of serve that Yukimura caught up to!

Before everyone could be shocked, Yukimura's racket intercepted directly behind the track where the tennis ball bounced.

Only heard a bang!

The terrifying force and impact of the tennis ball collided with the racket with a loud bang!

The terrifying force and impact of the tennis ball collided with the racket with a loud bang!

Yukimura's face changed suddenly. In addition to the terrifying force and impact, the crazy spin on the tennis ball seemed to tear his wrist. At the same time as a sharp pain came, he also let go of the racket.


After being intercepted and buffered by the ground and Yukimura's racket, the strength of the tennis ball was still unabated, and it hit the iron net with a terrifying momentum. People with strong dynamic vision could even see the crazy spin of the tennis ball.


It wasn't until this moment that the racket that flew into the sky fell to the ground. Just looking at the racket's surface, the tennis line on it had already been twisted by the rotation of the tennis ball and could no longer be used.

All this happened so fast, and the person who saw Yukimura intercepting the tennis ball just made a shocking sound.

"So fast!"

"It's just God's prediction!"

"As expected of the Son of God, he can actually intercept such a super-high-speed... um... ball!?"

"I-Is it still shot!?"

"Is the strength and impact of tennis so terrifying!?"

"Look at the tennis racket, the tennis line on it has been broken, this... is it even terrifying to spin!?"

Seeing Yukimura pick up the racket with a gloomy face, and then walk to replace his tennis bag, everyone's shocking remarks broke out instantly.

They have the speed to shock Yukimura. Even if they fail to fight back, they cannot deny Yukimura's ability to respond and predict.

But more people are shaking Tezuka Kunimitsu's serve!

In addition to the super speed exceeding 200KM/H, is it possible that the force and impact force, as well as the rotation of the tennis ball, are also extremely terrifying! ?

Hearing the remarks of those around him, Sanada Genichiro didn't pay any attention, but walked to Yukimura's side.

Through the barbed wire, Sanada looked at the gloomy Yukimura!

This is probably the first time Sanada has seen Yukimura in such an embarrassing scene since he met Yukimura!

"It's too slack, Yukimura, didn't you realize that Tezuka's serve can even penetrate the concrete floor? You can't compete with your slender arms alone!"

"What did you say?" Yukimura looked up at Sanada, "Isn't that depression caused by Tezuka's consecutive serve after the same point?"

The reason why Yukimura was able to catch up with Tezuka's serve was not because he really predicted it.

It's because Tezuka's serve has always been in the same position, or even the same point, since the match against Sanada!

Although he didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, Yukimura didn't care about it, he only cared about whether he could fight back!

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