The Jiaolong finally docked on the platform of Mingzhou City, and a small wooden door slowly opened a small gap, and at the same time, four pupils full of bloodshot and dark circles poked out of the gap.

If it weren't for the fact that it was broad daylight at this time, such a look would have easily caused panic among most people, but even so, it still scared some children.

When the pupils first appeared, a passing child seemed to feel something, and immediately turned his head to look at the door.

In an instant, the six eyes looked at each other ......

"How are you

!" "I'll it!" Mom ——!"

It was only a few breaths, and the child's hair stood on end, and beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down, screaming as he ran towards the richly dressed rich woman not far ahead.

With a bang, the door of the room was shut, and a scolding sound like a duck's voice came from outside ......the door

"Hit the street, you, pretend to be a ghost and a horse in broad daylight!" Wu

Ming and Shen Cong slammed against the door, listening to the angry scolding and the sound of banging on the door outside, and the corners of their mouths twitched uncontrollably.

"You're sick, what are you taunting him!" Shen Cong slapped his head angrily, unable to figure out why Wu Ming deliberately scared that child.

"I'll say that, don't you say it's for greeting?" Wu Ming was also in a cold sweat, and before he got out of the car, he already felt the enthusiasm of the people of Mingzhou City: "However, isn't he called Mom? Why did he have a father

?" "How do you know it's Dad?" Shen Cong lifted his glasses and said calmly.

Wu Ming: ???

waited for a while, there was no movement outside the door, Wu Ming's ears moved slightly, and he quietly opened the door again.

At a glance, the people in the carriage gradually became scarce, and seeing that the young killer did not "wait for the rabbit", the two sneakily carried the burden and walked out.

When he came to the outside of the carriage, Wu Ming was amazed by the gentle wind blowing on his face.

Compared with Qingshan City, Jiaolong Station in Mingzhou City is not very bright, but the shape is like a huge ancient tree that is green and straight, and the place where the train stops is a station that looks like a dragon's nest in the middle of the big tree.

In fact, the whole Mingzhou City does not feel very sci-fi to Wu Ming, but it is like a city built in a primeval forest, although there are also high-rise buildings, but the distribution is extremely even, and it fits perfectly with nature.

If you can live here for a long time, you will be very happy.

If you don't take into account the price of the house......

Hearing Wu Ming's exclamation, Shen Cong once again explained at the right time: "The climate of Mingzhou City is controlled by the 'Nuyi' in space, through which the Nine Heavenly Ladder Cities can be made like spring all year round, and the vegetation here grows faster and healthier than other places, which is the benefit of technology." Wu

Ming: ......

The two walked down the steps, walking cautiously on the road, for fear that they would suddenly encounter a killer armed with a big killing weapon when they turned the corner.

But the two of them obviously thought too much, not only pedestrians coming and going on the road, but even there were patrol machines and guards in every corner, and the security here could be described as heavily guarded, even at the door of the toilet there were guards standing guard.

"Good ...... The guards here feel tighter than the prison cells. When passing by a robot guard, Wu Ming said incredulously.

The guard was like a garbage can, standing motionless in the corner, and when a human passed by, the upper half of his head would be quickly examined, and his appearance was extremely cute.

But whenever Wu Ming couldn't help but want to reach out to tease, it would show its other side, and his hands would quickly pull out an exaggerated firearm from behind his back, and countless flying machines would rush towards this side.

Shen Cong hurriedly dragged Wu Ming, and said with a dark face: "Because the Jiaolong can be said to be one of the most important assets of the heavenly people, it is their face, and it is also an important tool to connect the nine heavenly ladder cities.

Although Wu Ming was dragged away by Shen Cong, he still winked at the guard, which made the already simple cute guard scratch his head.

When the two of them arrived outside the station smoothly, Wu Ming had lost count of the first times he was surprised, at this moment he was like a wild man in a primitive society, full of curiosity about everything around him.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who exclaimed, and there were occasionally a few young girls next to him who pointed and sighed.

"Didn't you say you'd have a contact when you got here? Shen Cong leaned against a big tree, he seemed to have seen the Ladder City a long time ago, and he was not interested in everything around him at all.

"Good...... Okay......" Wu Ming hurriedly responded, took out an old flip phone, found the name of the black widow, and pressed it ......

At this moment, his mood was extremely excited, even the hand holding the mobile phone was trembling, his mind seemed to be submerged by the ocean of money, and even his pupils turned into the appearance of gold ingots.

"Hundreds of millions...... Hundreds of millions of ......" Wu Ming muttered to himself as if he was distracted, and his other hand tightly grasped the shoulder strap of the blue schoolbag, listening carefully to the "beep" sound coming from the mobile phone.

Shen Cong shook his head with a smile, he could understand how an ordinary person like Wu Ming could not be excited when he suddenly inherited hundreds of millions of property.

Even he had a faint expectation ......

Suddenly, the phone was connected, and a grumpy but very sexy voice came from the other side......

"Yang Wenliu, why are you calling early in the morning, the old lady doesn't have to sleep?"

Wu Ming quietly slipped a drop of sweat on his forehead, and responded tremblingly: "Hey...... Be...... Black Widow ...... Sister?"

"Child?!" There was a sudden silence on the other side, followed by a clanging sound, as if getting up from the bed: "Are you...... Wu Ming?...... your grandfather?"

"My grandfather has passed away" Wu Ming lowered his head, and his voice was much sader: "Before he died, he left me some things, and there is a letter for me to hand over to you." "

I know, where are you now?"

"I have arrived in Mingzhou City, I have just gotten off the Jiaolong train station, and I am now standing outside the train station.

"Okay!" The person on the other side paused for a moment, and then said very quickly: "You take a taxi after you go out of the station, come directly to Ping'an Avenue, and call me when you arrive."

After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone directly, listening to the movement on the other side, as if he was in a hurry to pack something, and he was very anxious.

Wu Ming was a little strange, but thinking that she was the only person her grandfather entrusted to him, he didn't think much about it, he just thought that the other party might have lost his "best friend", so he was very anxious to see him, an orphan, ......

It seems that grandpa is also a person who loves to "make friends"! If everything is the same as Wu Ming imagined......

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