The silence in the tunnel leading to the basement was terrifying, except for a tall iron door that shone with a cold light at the end of the tunnel.

After a while, the surface of the iron gate suddenly seemed to be a molten liquid, and began to ripple, and then two sneaky human heads surfaced from the "water" surface.

From the outside, they looked like the auxiliary heads above the ancient gate, and their smart four eyes looked at everything around them in a dastard.

These two heads were none other than Wu Ming and Shen Cong who came out of the basement.

I saw Shen Cong squinting, and the hazy feeling in front of him made him very uncomfortable, so he could only close one eye and look it with difficulty on a fairly intact mirror

"Don't look, there's no one here.

Wu Ming patted him on the shoulder, and then his whole body appeared, and his toes lightly touched the ground without making any sound.

"Bang! Oops——!"

The next moment, the iron gate suddenly spit out Shen Cong as Wu Ming left, and threw it on the hard steps.

"I'll wipe it, are you okay!" Looking at Shen Cong, who was falling face down on the stone steps, Wu Ming's eyes jumped.

"It's okay??Why don't you try it!" Shen Cong was angry, he didn't know how much he had been wronged after following Wu Ming.

first had high debts, and was forced to become a "hostage" of the black widow, and now he was repeatedly grilled by Wu Ming's deceased grandfather on the fire.

Shen Cong, who was once "magnificent" and "magnificent," has now become a little beggar with a broken frame?

This is something that his genius Shen Cong never dreamed of.

"Hey, hey, okay, good...... Don't cry, let's go up and talk about it. Wu Ming picked up the extremely depressed Shen Cong and "carefully" wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After all, Wu Ming can't live without Shen Cong now, just like the West can't do without "Ye Lu Salem~"

Regarding this, whether it is out of the study of IQ or the number of hostages, Wu Ming thinks so.

After all, Shen Cong is his own brother, and he should share blessings and hardships.

Well, that's right!

And at this time, there is a little girl in tattered clothes in the lobby on the first floor of the company, sneakily looking for something.

The girl was extremely cute, and even in the evening of dusk, she could see the big black jewel-like eyes on her face, but there was a vertical and shallow tear stain on the lower eyelid, which slightly ruined the overall beauty.

And when she heard the screams coming from the basement, the whole person suddenly trembled and hurriedly left the main entrance of the hall.

After that, Wu Ming pestered Shen Cong to the hall, and it took dozens of seconds before and after.

Of course, Wu Ming's dog nose still smelled a trace of strange smell in the hall, as if a stranger came in while they were leaving.

"Has anyone been here?" Wu Ming frowned, his face was a little solemn, and he sniffed carefully again.

Because this smell has not dissipated yet, if he chases it out now, Wu Ming is 100% sure that he will be able to catch up with the other party.

But just as Wu Ming was about to chase out, an extremely pungent smell of perfume suddenly hit, fiercely covering up the faint girl's fragrance ......

"Ahem, ahem, who the hell, I'll wipe it

, this perfume smells ......" "What's wrong with this perfume smell?"

When Wu Ming was choking and complaining, a very sexy and charming voice came, and then, a very temperamental woman suddenly came in at the gate.

The woman is wearing a tight-fitting cheongsam, in the gap between the legs, the white legs are looming, as she walks, the crotch exaggerated swings left and right, and bursts of fragrance come to the nose

, and it cannot be said that the fragrance is unpleasant, in fact, there is a strange taste in this fragrance, accompanied by the slender and straight legs, which makes people dazzled and can't stop.

But it can only be said that this taste came at an inappropriate time, just to cover up Wu Ming's target taste, making him feel like a woman who eats it in his mouth...... Ahem, the feeling of a duck flying.

Seeing the arrival of this strange woman, Wu Ming and Shen Cong glanced at each other, because this was the first stranger they had met in ten days.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Suppressing many questions in his heart, Wu Ming looked at the woman and said.

Although this woman is very beautiful, Wu Ming has not lost her proportion.

The main reason is that I have seen too many black widows in the past few days, and I always feel that women in the world have lost their proper taste ......

I have to say that in the United States, Black Widow can be said to be the leader.

"Hehe......" The woman looked at Wu Ming and Shen Cong and smiled, pointed to the small wooden sign above the door and said, "Isn't there a gift here?"

"Hiss...... It's the guest !!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, two fierce inhalations suddenly sounded in the hall.

The two froze in place, staring at the woman.

At this moment, the woman's beauty was magnified several times in the hearts of the two, and even overshadowed the old witch Black Widow for a time.

"Yes, it's a transport company. After coming back to his senses, Shen Cong nodded hurriedly, and said urgently: "May I ask what you want to send

?" "Hmm?!"

This time it was the woman's turn to be stunned for a moment, she was still wondering why these two little children were not attracted by her beauty, but the next moment they blushed and their necks were thick?

Looking around, the woman hesitated slightly, and slowly asked, "Is it just the two of you here?"

Before Shen Cong could speak, Wu Ming came to his senses and hurriedly said: "Yes, beauty! But please rest assured, we are a very serious ouch ——!" Before

the words were finished, Shen Cong kicked Wu Ming aside, and said with a slightly dull breath: "The other employees have already gone out to work, if you want to send something, just register and leave something."

Although he said it very smoothly, his face was still slightly red, not because he was lying, but because he was angry with Wu Ming's brain......

Come to think of it, sometimes I really want to strangle this bastard, since they came to Eternal Night City, the two of them didn't even dare to eat at a roadside stall, and they rubbed food at Black Widow's house every day, and they had to suffer her cynicism.

Not to mention the more than 14 million people who owe people, there has been no income in the past half a month alone, and now that the next month is coming soon, the rent has not yet ......been settled

What's even worse is that Wu Ming, the boss, still cheekily asked himself to borrow some money, and he didn't know what to do with it, so he was penniless?

It's really my ......blessing to meet you

The woman looked at the small movements of the two and smiled, but she didn't poke it, she just kept looking at the hall.

This abnormal move made Shen Cong's heart sink suddenly.

He sensed that something was not quite right with this woman's gaze, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After a while, as if she couldn't stand Shen Cong's "hot" gaze, the woman paused and said, "It's my husband who wants to send something, I'm just helping him take a look, it's too late today, I'll send it tomorrow."


Wu Ming rubbed his buttocks and stood up, letting out a long sigh in his mouth, looking at Shen Cong's eyes full of resentment.

The woman nodded apologetically, twisted in a perfect arc, and strode out of the main entrance of the hall.

At this time, Shen Cong's brows furrowed even deeper.

"She's gone. Wu Ming's mouth was flattened, and he looked very pitiful.

Shen Cong took a deep breath, immediately turned his head and roared, "I saw it!" Bastard, you ask me to sew your mouth for you again, are you ready for my next month's salary!

" Wu Ming wiped the saliva on his face, didn't dare to look at Shen Cong's gaze, and said in a snort: "Didn't you promise me not to pay me in the early stage

?" "Pay back!"

"What money?"

Shen Cong: ???

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