"Come on!"

With a high-pitched voice, Wu Ming was covered in white mist, but a trace of black aura seemed to be hiding in the white mist, rising and falling along the air current.

The already huge sword of the Holy Judgment thundered, and the core that provided energy at the hilt of the sword trembled and hummed.

"Boom!" A

thunderclap exploded in the sky, and a large net of thunder and light suddenly appeared in the sky above Eternal Night City, and its scope enveloped the entire Eternal Night City, and even the residents of Mingzhou City outside Eternal Night City saw this earth-shattering scene.


The electricity raged everywhere in the city, and the hustle and bustle of the city of Eternal Night was instantly shrouded in darkness, and the entire city could only see the scene of the end in the sky overhead.

There were also exclamations ...... the city

"What's wrong

?" "Is it the end of the world?"

"Ah——! who robbed me of my wallet!"

At this point, Eternal Night City lost all its lighting, and the electricity surged high into the sky, and bright electricity roared across the sky.

Wu Ming's arms were covered with electronic patterns, expanding all the way down his shoulders to his chest.

The Sword of Divine Judgment and Wu Ming seemed to be chanting at the same time, and the high-pitched voices of two people came from the sky ......

strangely"After tonight, our existence will be known to the whole world!" Just

as Wu Ming's eyes were about to turn into black pupils, Yang Bo's voice came from his mind again......

"Wu Ming, you have to remember that you can never let your chest be filled with anger, that is an extremely terrible thing for you. "

Get out of here!" Wu Ming roared angrily, holding the big sword in both hands, and the two aliens on the ground were gradually reflected in the pupils that were gradually wrapped in darkness.

"Again, slash, slash, decide!"

the muscles in his arms trembled, and even his fingers twitched in an exaggerated manner, but his eyes were determined, and he swung the greatsword down again.


It's the headless alien who has lost his mind


The earth was shaking, the mountains and forests were shaking, and a deep ravine appeared on the earth again, and the alien instantly turned into ashes under the shadow of the huge lightsaber, and there was not even a scum left.

Spectacular smoke and dust poured into the sky, and under the sweep of the energy storm, the battlefield seemed to blow a sandstorm, stinging people's eyes, so that several people on the ground hurriedly covered their eyes.

At this time, at the commanding heights of Eternal Night City, a long jet-black dress swayed in the wind, outlining an extremely perfect figure, and the violent air currents stirred her green silk and splashed countless dark green blood under her feet.

Black Widow, with five or six dead aliens under her feet, silently looked at Wu Ming who was spilling blood in the air, and a pair of slender jade hands were squeaked under her long skirt.

On the other side, a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses closed the book in his hand and looked at the battlefield over there, while behind him, a headless corpse lay on the ground.

Humanoid, alien-shaped, there.

If you look closely, you will find that each corpse has a small gap that is tightly sealed, and when the energy storm swept in, those headless corpses suddenly turned into several pieces of minced meat, and a thin golden thread shining with golden light was slowly collected by the young man.

At the same time, a vague murmur with a somewhat crazy laugh ...... away from the direction of the young man in the wind

"I think they're going to be interested in your body, huh...... How could I be willing to let you die before I complete your mission, angel, hehehehe!"


There was a muffled sound, and dust and smoke suddenly rippled through the battlefield.

Wu Ming's figure fell straight from the sky, but when the smoke and dust cleared, a young man trembled and half-knelt on the ground, and the sword of the Holy Judgment, which was huge just now, changed to an ordinary size again.

His eyes seemed to turn black, and there were arcs of lightning on his skin.


"Stand up......"

a mosquito-like murmur came from the young man's mouth, and his body shook slightly.

"Stand up, stand up. The

boy was still muttering, his arms hanging limply, his figure seemed to lean forward, and the sword of the Holy Judgment that he was holding was gradually leaving his palm.

There's another one that I'm just one short of ......

"I said yes. As

the Sword of Divine Judgment slid down, Wu Ming's toes moved forward a little, but it didn't seem to stop his body from falling.

"Why?" Mercury looked at the figure, tears welled up like a fountain, his thin body trembled, and his hands and feet crawled in the direction of Wu Ming's figure.


There was a loud bang, and the last of the rotting aliens suddenly struck, and even though she had lost consciousness, there was still a deep look of fear in her compound eyes.

The figure that was about to fall had brought her too much fear tonight, and that fear seemed to have been engraved into her genes.

You must kill him with your own hands!,

that was the only thought of a monster who had lost her mind at the moment.

"Get out of here!" Seeing the monster suddenly attack, Mercury hurriedly ran, tears still gushing up, and with a strong hatred in his pupils, he trampled through countless deep pits on the ground.

"Click!" a

careless girl stepped on the edge of the pit, and the sound of bones cracking under her feet made her running form stagger.

"Get out of him!" Mercury gritted her teeth and stomped on the ground with her ankle bones, thrashing forward, even though blood was oozing from her feet, she still had no intention of stopping.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die.

Mercury's face was covered with tears, and blood flowed down the surface of her feet, leaving a very striking trail of bloody footprints behind her.

But even if she ran fast, she couldn't keep up with the speed of the alien.

The rotting alien suddenly appeared above Wu Ming's head, and its long tail as slender as a steel wire swept straight down from the sky with a violent sound of breaking wind.

It still seemed to see the bloody scene of the boy being split in two, and there was a deep look of excitement in his compound eyes.


Mercury cried and fluttered, and the sound of bones cracking came from under her feet again, and she impotently reached out to hold the figure tightly in her arms.

"I don't hate anymore, I really don't hate anymore.

"I don't want revenge, please, please, let him go, please. Mercury

screamed, her face full of sadness and sadness, she shook her head frantically, tears spilled in the air, and her knees bent and she was about to kneel down ......

"Hey! I'm still late. A

sigh came, and a strong arm lifted Mercury's kneeling figure up, and a black shadow swooped down on Wu Ming like a raging storm.

"Yama Church!!".

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