
Chapter 84 - wait for updates

"Well at least they did not tamper with it" Niita said defeatedly. Wat was he even supposed to say to that findig? It wasnt like he was about to go back i time ad tell his parents to be careful fo the people a  group of companies. He would always make the business decisions, but he also wanted to be an engineer. And the only way he would be a senior level engineer was if he learned. His strategy had made so many people wonder what Yuri Maksim Pavlenko was smoking, but they couldn't do shit about it. He was the very first CEO and Intern at the same time. How that worked was  a wonder to everyone else, but Yuri always made shit work.  He had learned form the best,  his elder brother,  Nikita Pavlenko.  They had been a team for so long that they had gotten the point of codependency.  Maybe that was also why Nikita knew he had only one shot at rescuing his brother.  He needed a plan that would work. He needed to be ready and on his feet as soon as he got the first inkling to where Yuri was.  He was still going to leave Todorov and make everyone think that the doctor had finally given up.  He would make them lower their guards and then he would strike.  Nikita would leave no stone untied and right this moment,  he needed to eat up before the hour was over. There were a lot of expectations that he had of Kyle especially with the analysis of the video he'd been watching since kingdom come.  Judging by his impatience, Nikita knew time wasn't on hi side,  but it he had to learn to be patient.  Patience was key to whatever goal he wanted to achieve because without patience,  he would be plunging himself headfirst into the  round them anyway. Nikita had leaned the hard way not to trust anyone, not even his closest circle. He did trust them, but nt completely that he would let them handle him when he was felin low. Of course that was unfair for the people who card about him, bt what coudl thye do anyway? What was there for them to fix all of this shit? 

"The vials in the video, I think I've heard of them on the dark web. Someone has been selling a limited edition virus that could cure cancer. Well at least that is what they say. However they have also been clear that the virus can be used to control so many things, like have the country under control." Kyle said, makin nikita realise just how much danegr the nation was in. if the viruses were already sold on the web, then it meant that there was a group of thirty people or less, that had the virus that could bring the world to its knees. This is not what he ahd expected t hear, but seriously, what te fuċk was s=wrng with people? Nikita knew he coudlnt control the outcome of this, but somehow he was hoping that yle could tel him that he kenw at least one of the biyrers of the virus, because frankly, nikita wanted a vile for his brother, who he didnt even know the location of yet. But that didnt matter. If yurri was alive, he woud find him and bring him back home. He ust had to be havign somethign that coudl ake his brother's life better before going after his brother. He needed to have something to show. He needed to be able to convine Yuri that he didn thave less tha ten years to live. He ahd to find something that would make yuri believe in life again. His brother ahd suffered enough for a lifetime and he wasnt fgoig to let him suffer again.


"Yeah I know how absurd it sounds. Which makes me want to ask, what is wrong with Yuri?" Kyle asked after a while. He knew it wasnt right to ask, ut if the Rostova legion were goig to be efficient, then they ahd to knwo what they were looking for and how urgent it was. No parent would create a virus for their son, unless their son was hritig and really needed the virus. Kyle was hoping Nikita would tell him what was wrong with his brother, but would niita tell im?

"What?" Nikita asked Kyle, torlaly unsure of what the man was asking hism about, but not because he didnt know. He ased becaee he hadnt been listerign to Kyle. he was stuck in his mind and with the possibility f the virus being in the wrng hands and evn worse, the virus benign in use when his brother didn tget none. The thing about this virus was that it was potent and made specifically for Yuri. Nikita desperately needed to get a hold of one of the vials because if he ditn, he would literally go crazy form thinking of ways to save his brother. He coudlnt lose the only family he ahd left. He juts coudlnt.

"Yuri, what's wrong with him" Kyle asked again, this time looking ito Nikita's eyes, daring him to lie. But of course he knew it wuldnt have any effect on Nikita considering Nikita was hiss boss and savior anyway. He could only try to coerce his boss into tellign him, and if Nikita didn twant to open up about his brother, there was ntohging really that kyle would do about it. He would uts have to be a good employee and be useful whenever Nikita called, but was the evr goign to be fair on Nikita? He was already hurting and haunted by a truth he coudltn get himself to tell out loud. But would he tell Kyle? Would he admit openly that he thought his brother was alive and thatw as why eh wanted the boy to look into the available vials in the market?

"My brother's dead" Nikita responded with a tone that eft o room for arguments r qestiosns. He didn twant to tak=lk about hsi rbtoehr. He wanted to tak about the vist=rus in the market. He wanted to takk about saving more people, but was that realy the reason he was desreate for the vials?


He wanted to show the world that even he was a capable pavlenko. Which is why he had begun as an intern in his family company. It was kinda hilarious how Yuri Maksim was the CEO of Pavlenko yet at the same time he was an intern engineer when he began. At first everyone was scared of him. The man who held two positions, but he had been clear with them. Sure, he would be the final voice of the Pavlenkoden of the enemy.  And that would be the stupidest decision ever.

"Damn Nikita you look hot as fuċk"Kyle said hen th3 hour was sober and Nikita called him again..  Currently,  the Pavlenko was not wearing a shirt because he believed it was already hot enough in the house.

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