Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 530: Egg Star

Rogge didn't take Yondu's suspicion seriously.

In any case, Yondu is a Marauder who has been in the universe for decades.

If he couldn't even see such a straightforward bewitchment, Rogge would feel that something was wrong.

"I do have another purpose, but you can rest assured that my purpose will not have any impact on your safety."

"If I'm going to do something to you, it doesn't need to be such a trouble at all, and you should know that very well."

Even if Yondu, Xingjue and others are all tied together, it is absolutely impossible to be Rogge's opponent.

Regarding this point, no matter whether it is the predators such as Yondu, or Xingjue and others, there will be no doubts.

That's why they obediently held a "campfire party" according to Rogge's arrangement.

"That's what I said, but if I don't know your real purpose, I still can't trust you."

After a few seconds of silence, Yondu continued.

"You don't need to trust me, you just need to know that going to 'Ego' star this time can wash away the stigma you have carried for many years, and let Star-Lord know the truth about his mother's death."

"As for the rest, it has nothing to do with you."

Although I do appreciate Yondu somewhat, it doesn't mean that Rogge will tell him about his "divine tree planting plan".

So far, apart from him, the only person who knows about this plan is Hinata.

Glancing at Rogge who was unmoved, Yondu clenched his fists slightly.

Afterwards, he stood up directly and walked towards his spaceship.

However, not long after he walked, Rogge's voice came over.

"Take care of your subordinates, if you don't want to see them betray you directly in battle."

Yondu's predators are not only weak, but also not very smart, they are the kind of mob who are easily agitated.

Although Rogge didn't pay much attention to those predators, he didn't want to see these clowns suddenly betray.

This will not affect his divine tree planting plan, but it will affect his mood.

"My subordinates, I will teach myself!"

After leaving these words without looking back, Yondu continued to walk towards his spaceship.

When the dawn of the next day appeared on the horizon, the five Star-Lord boarded the "Golden Jack" fully armed.

Star-Lord's spaceship "Milano" has not been completely repaired, and they are unwilling to take Yondu's spaceship to the "Igo" star, so "Golden Jack" has become their only choice now.

When the five Star Lords came to the main control room of the battleship, Rogge, who was sitting in the position of the commander of the battleship, said to them: "It seems that you had a good rest last night. If there is nothing else, we will start now." !"

For Rogge's arrangement, Xingjue, Rocket and others have no opinion.

However, when the "Golden Jack" slowly lifted off and flew towards outer space, Drax the Destroyer, who was shirtless and covered in strange tattoos, turned towards the setting "Ego". Hinata at the exact coordinates of the star walked over.

What is he going to do?

After seeing Drax the Destroyer walking towards Hinata without saying a word, Star-Lord, Rocket, and Rogge showed puzzled expressions at the same time.

"Your eyes are strange, are you blind?"

Sure enough, this is indeed Drax's style.

Just when Star-Lord was going to explain to Rogge that this is how Drax usually speaks, Drax made a move that surprised everyone.

He raised his right hand and stretched it towards Hinata's waist-length black hair, and at the same time said in an affectionate tone: "You have the same hair as my wife."

Roger didn't know if Drax was really stupid or fake, and he didn't care if Drax's wife had Hinata's long hair.

When Drax's right hand was still tens of centimeters away from Hinata, he raised his right hand and shot a silver-white lightning bolt from his index finger.


This not-so-thick silver-white lightning hit Drax with a thunderous sound, knocking him flying.

"Don't touch her unless you want to die!"

Roger warned Drax with practical actions.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

"Drax just misses his wife a little bit, he has no malice."

When Drax was knocked into the air, Star-Lord immediately realized what was happening, and quickly explained.

"I don't want to see it a second time, understand?"

"Understood, fully understood!"

When I first met Rogge yesterday, Star-Lord didn't think he was so scary, not even as scary as Yondu.

But after knowing that Rogge is the Fourth Hokage, especially after making up for Rogge's deeds that have been handed down, his attitude towards Rogge has changed drastically.

It is Xingjue's survival philosophy to try not to offend those he can't afford to offend.

Although he often forgets this, but this time, he clearly remembers it clearly.

After asking Groot to take Drax out of the main control room, Star-Lord asked Rogge, "Well, is 'Full of Strength' still the best movie of all time?"


Rogge originally thought that Xingjue was going to ease the unpleasant atmosphere just now, but unexpectedly, he asked a mentally handicapped question that fit his style very well.

"That would be such a pity!"

Xingjue said with a regretful face.


The distance between Bocht Star and Igo Star is not short. Even if they advanced quickly through the interstellar jump point, it took Rogge and others almost an hour to reach the universe near Igo Star.

"Here we are!"

Looking at the star Ego, which is not much bigger than the moon and has a wine-red surface with some light green mixed in, Rogge said unhurriedly.

"Then what are we waiting for!"

Xingjue, who was about to meet his biological father, fell into a state of excitement.

Of course, it may also be because he is about to know the truth about his mother's death.

"Let's go down with a small landing craft."

"Golden Jack" is Rogge's most important space battleship at present, and he doesn't want to lose "Golden Jack" on Ego.

After transferring to the small landing spacecraft in the "Golden Jack", Rogge and others slowly flew towards this magical planet with self-awareness.

Like Roger, Yondu did not send his Marauder main ship to Yige, and also switched to a small spaceship.

When the small landing spacecraft entered the atmosphere of Igo, Rogge immediately felt a life energy that was so thick that it was almost depressing.

This is indeed a good place to plant a sacred tree!

Compared with the star Ego, which was too rich in life energy, Rogge suddenly felt that the planet Tatooine he now had was too barren.

PS: Thanks for the rewards from Dao Liang and the leader of Green Tea, thank you for your support~~

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