No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village

Chapter 313: Common Life Association Wanzu Association

Falling in love with, don't even think about running out of the novice village

"Iron Blood, what kind of dog do you have that despise him so much?" she cried and asked.

Jie Xue smiled slightly: "Er Ha."

Everyone: "Send it out, keep that thing at home, let's go out to fight, and it's gone when we get home. Putting it at their house may have a miraculous effect."


Next, everyone discussed how to deal with the crisis.

The crisis comes from the outer continent, but also from the threat from the same continent. There are even different voices resounding within China. A group of people has formed the Wanzu Association, worshiping the Wanzu as totems. Human beings are rotten, human relations are lost, and there is no cure. For this reason, I tried to welcome all races into China, baptize the human race, and rebuild order!

There is also the Virgin who is trying to call out, let Huaxia open the door, accept players from other regions, and share resources... Among them, the most ruthless woman is a woman named Mrs. Basho, who seems to have a certain influence in reality. , is a major journalist. With a three-inch tongue, she forced a large group of people to follow her speeches in various cities, published articles on various forums, and conducted interviews on various websites, saying that the earth is a village, and they are all people from the earth. Brothers and sisters, when people are in trouble, we must be kind, lend a helping hand, help others, respect human rights, don’t be cold-blooded, don’t be animals, forget hatred, embrace the future, etc…

However, many people believed her rhetoric and followed her around and shouted with great momentum.

Mrs. Basho even formed a gang called the Common Life Association. The number of members even surpassed that of the Suzaku Gang. In just half a month, it became the largest gang in China.

As for threats from the outside, everyone handles it very well. No matter who comes, it's over.

But it's troublesome internally. The Wanzuhui is very hidden, and no one knows who is a member of the Wanzuhui.

And the communal society formed by the Virgin has a huge number of gang members. They stand on the so-called moral high ground. Whoever takes action against them is against the world and against humanity. Not only do you have to be scolded and criticized in the game, but you can't escape a scolding and social death when you go outside.

This made Fanatics, Zeng Shao, Chen Chuanwen, Black Storm, Black Flag, Kuwait and others extremely headaches.

"Damn, it's hard to do!" Jagged cursed.

Then the scene was dead silent, and everyone looked at Jagged Blood.

Jagged blood was stunned: "Don't look at me, can't I just stop talking?"

Chen Chuanwen hehe said: "Iron Blood, don't stop talking. You... do you want to talk about rabbits?"

"Rabbit?" Jagged blood was a little hairy.

Wang Mingchen, who had never spoken, said, "Just tell me, what will the rabbit do if it encounters such a situation!"

Jie Xue was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "I'll just say it casually, only the devil knows what the rabbit is thinking."

Then he found that everyone looked at him like a ghost.

Jie Xue said with a cry on his face: "I really have nothing to do with him, I... I... Forget it, I'm just talking nonsense! I think it's just like a rabbit's temper. If this happens, I will definitely put those Madonnas all over the place. Killed! We are afraid of being scolded, he... hehe, he doesn't care if he is scolded every day."

Wang Mingchen was thoughtful, then shook his head and said, "That rabbit is not a human being, and has no moral restraints."

Then Wang Mingchen said with a smile: "We are different, we are good people. Although Notre Dame's actions are a bit irritating, they are doing the right thing, aren't they?"

After speaking, Wang Mingchen blinked.

Everyone understands that Wang Mingchen is speaking ironically. At this sensitive time, he does not dare to be too direct, lest he will be killed by the society.

Yue Wei suddenly opened his mouth and said, "You can't sell your ancestral land and knot with foreigners, right?"

"Yue Wei, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Mingchen scolded.

Yue Wei said: "Why am I talking nonsense? Those **** are a group of scourges! And those who are members of the Ten Thousand Clan Association, and what's more, they are a group of rapists!"

Wang Mingchen covered his mouth and gave him a vicious look: "Shut up for me!"

Although Yue Wei was reluctant, he was quite convinced by Wang Mingchen, so he closed his mouth reluctantly.

Wang Mingchen laughed and said, "This guy is drinking too much, don't pay attention to him."

The crowd laughed and said, "Yes, yes, yes..."

The mouth is right, but everyone's heart is full of bitterness. There are strong enemies outside, the Virgin Mary, and ghosts inside. Now you have to speak carefully, for fear that you will be killed by the society if you are not careful. These days, too TM Difficult.

In the end, everyone just decided on a foreign policy. No matter who comes, they will fight it out.

However, something happened that afternoon.

First of all, Yue Wei was posted on the Internet, and his words were published without a word!

Then he was convicted of crimes against humanity, and the eighteenth generation of Yue Wei's ancestors were dug up.

Mrs. Basho even attacked Yue Wei directly on the Internet.

"I really didn't expect it. It's already 2032, and there are still people who are so narrow-minded and vicious! How can there be such vicious people in the world? We are also people from the earth, and we are not talking about helping each other in a strange world. Your own interests want to kill others! What kind of behavior is this? What kind of demonic mind can say this!

I am ashamed to be under a blue sky with such a person!

I think it's not the players from other parts of the world who should get out of the Huaxia District, and it should be the beast Yue Wei who wants to get out! Mrs. Basho roared with spittle stars flying, accusing Yue Wei: "He is an anti-human terrorist and an extremely selfish person!" This kind of person must leave the Huaxia District. I ask Suzaku to give an explanation to all mankind! immediately! "

Countless barrages flew past, all of them condemning Yue Wei.

Some call him an anti-human demon;

Someone called him a cold-blooded beast;

Someone cursed his whole family to death...

Even on the same day, Yue Wei's home in various countries was blocked by a group of extremists. A large number of people demonstrated and marched downstairs at his home, and the scene was chaotic for a time.

In the end, it was Yun Ying who found the madman, and the madman used a private helicopter to take Yue Wei away from the homes of other countries.

That night, Yue Wei's house was set on fire...

Such a crazy move, the Internet turned out to be a voice of praise.

Seeing this, Yun Ying, Fang Ling, Chen Chuanwen, Zeng Shao, the madman and others all felt a chill, and they cried out in their hearts, "These people are crazy!"

And this matter didn't end here, it's even fermenting.

Yue Wei's family and friends were all dug up, abused on the Internet, bombarded by phone calls, and Internet violence, instigated by Mrs. Basho, reached an extreme.

In the end, for the safety of his family, Yue Wei had to let all the people around him hide in the game world, and he was spared.

Even so, the Suzaku Gang started to quit the Suzaku Gang. Some were fooled by Mrs. Basho and started to quit the Suzaku Gang, and some people didn't want themselves or their families to be implicated by Yue Wei and quit the Suzaku Gang in reality.

The Suzaku Gang lost more than 100,000 people overnight!

This is the Suzaku Gang. They have gone through ups and downs together, and have been slaughtered several times. Everyone is emotionally behind and trusts each other. Only a few hundred thousand players joined later.

With other gangs, they might fall apart overnight.

And this is just the beginning...

"Dawei is bad, your grandfather's grave was dug up!" Someone came to Yue Wei one day.

Yue Wei went offline angrily.

By the time Wang Mingchen knew, Yue Wei had already been taken to the hospital by the time he rushed over. There are still people making trouble in the hospital, not allowing the hospital to treat Yue Wei...

Wang Mingchen angrily led someone over to protect him. Only then did Yue Wei save his life. After waking up from the coma, Yue Wei's eyes were red, he grabbed Wang Mingchen and shouted, "My grandfather's grave has been dug up. , was planed!"

Wang Mingchen could feel Yue Wei's anger: "Do you know who did it?"

Yue Wei shook his head: "I don't know, it was late in the evening when I went, and a group of masked men attacked me. This matter can't be left like this!"


"These bastards, really think we are soft persimmons, right?!" At this moment, the madman was really angry.

Before entering the game, the madman called out all the ninety-six leaders of the major gangs, including Xunlong, Xu Tiecheng, Heifengfeng, and Madam Xunyang, and then slapped the table and roared: "Everyone, I don't know who it is. Betrayed Yue Wei, and betrayed our own brothers! But what I want to say is, you want to play, right? Well, I will help you play with Suzaku! Don't let me find out who betrayed us, otherwise... I will Let him regret living in this world!"

Everyone was frightened by the state of the fell silent.

Xu Tiecheng said: "Crazy, we all know about Yue Wei. You don't need to tell me, this time is over! I will cooperate with you to fully investigate this matter!"

Xunlong said, "It's the same."

Hei Fengfeng, Madam Xunyang, Li Zhenbai and others all expressed their opinions that the betrayal must be found out.

But everyone knows that this matter is too difficult to investigate...

"If you want me to say, there is no need to investigate. The betrayer is wrong, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the one who really did something to Yue Wei must be the Gongminghui or the Wanzuhui. Madman, if you really want to avenge your brother, there are Let them vent your temper..." Someone stood up and shouted.

He is Qi Shanjian of Ugly Niucheng, and his gang is called the Swordsman League.

Hearing Qi Shanjian say this, many people began to drink it. They all felt that the madmen should not target them, but the Common Life Association or the Wanzu Association.

The madman looked at these people and said, "Are you finished?"

Everyone shut up.

The madman said, "My Suzaku Gang cut off ties with the one who spoke up today, and will never communicate again! As for the future, I wish everyone good luck."

"Crazy, what do you mean? You didn't open the gang alliance. You said that if you kicked us out, go out?" Qi Shanjian shouted.

The madman said word by word: "You heard it wrong, I quit the gang alliance. What? If I quit, I have to ask your Qi Shanjian's approval?"

Qi Shanjian was at a loss for words, and then hummed: "Exit if you quit, who will you scare? Without the Suzaku Gang, the gang alliance is still there!"

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