Not a trainer this time

Chapter 317 The Comparative Dragon (4000)

Naoki didn't know the specific location of Kitakami Township before.

Before he traveled to this world, Zhu Zi's DLC had not yet been released, so he subconsciously believed that Beishang Township was in the shadows in the northeastern part of the Padia region.

But looking at it now, it's not.

There is a continuous mountain range that has never appeared in the anime. Passing through the mountain range and going north, you will reach the Kalos region.

Now, according to Mayor Thomas, the specific location of Beishang Township seems to be in a very remote small village in the southern part of the Sinnoh region and the northeastern part of the Kanto region.

Mayor Thomas: "There is no airport in Ziqin town. You will have to go to the Bottle City next door to take a flight. You don't have to worry. All the expenses on the road will be borne by the town."

Naoki nodded while thinking in his mind.

Today is February 26th, year 199 of the Alliance Calendar. Three days later, on the 29th, we will depart from Zhiqin Town and head to Beishang Township for a week-long agricultural exchange meeting.

It was just a good time to take advantage of these three days to finish some things that had accumulated in the ranch.

"Okay, I remember."

Mayor Thomas smiled and nodded, then took out a card from his side and handed it over.

"This is the identity plate representing the exchange members. When you get there, someone will pick you up at the station. When the time comes, you can show this nameplate, and the people in Beishang Township will arrange everything for you."

Naoki reached out and took it, then thanked Mayor Thomas.

It was getting late, and after explaining everything, Mayor Thomas stood up and planned to leave.

"I have to go back. Just remember to leave when the time comes. Don't worry about the ranch. The town will help take care of it."


Naoki sent Mayor Thomas to the door, watched his figure disappear on the road, and then turned back to the living room.

"Hey?" My sister Ai Guanshi pointed at the seafood in the basin and asked him if he wanted to continue processing these ingredients.

Naoki glanced at it and then remembered the business: "No, I just washed it, just put it in the pot and steam it."

After saying that, he stepped forward to take over his sister's role as the caretaker, poured the clams, conches, oysters, shrimps, crabs and other seafood into the steamer and began to steam them.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhi Shu patted a few more cloves of garlic, made a simple bowl of garlic sauce, and simply mixed a few bowls of sauce.

Zhiqin Town is close to the sea, and the seafood sold in the market is freshly caught in the morning, so it is very fresh.

Soon, a unique aroma of seafood came out of the pot along with steam.

Seeing that it was almost done, Naoki opened the lid and poured the pile of seafood into a large iron basin.

Naoki looked down, and the next second, the information about these seafood emerged from his mind.

[Seafood stew (C+): Ocean cuisine made from a variety of seafood, with a very unique sea flavor.

Effect: Fish Seafood lv1, slightly improves the friendliness of water-type Pokémon. It is only effective for water-type Pokémon.

Comment: A simple seafood dinner is a very common delicacy in life! ]

"Small fish and seafood? Increase the friendliness of water-type Pokémon?" Zhi Shu was a little surprised.

It seems that there are no water-type Pokémon in his ranch yet...

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about those silly ducks!

Zhi Shu immediately prepared to separate out some shells and shrimps and send them to the ducks.

Kuailongs like to eat seafood very much.

As Pokémon living on an isolated island, most of their food sources are in the vast sea.

Fish, squid, shrimp, and shells from the sea are all on their diet.

Every morning, they get up on time and catch some fish from the sea to fill their stomachs.

After eating, the dragons will fly to the pasture to work and taste those delicious poffins.

They don't go back to Kuailong Island at noon, so Naoki will prepare nutritious sandwiches for them to fill their stomachs.

Then, they will stay in the pasture until evening, and wait until the sun sets before they fly back to Kuailong Island.

Therefore, these seafood are not unusual for them.

But after Naoki's cooking, these seafood tasted obviously better than when they were eaten before!

Naoki clearly saw that Kuailong No. 2's eyes suddenly lit up after eating a squid dipped in sauce.

Immediately afterwards, the faces of Kuailong No. 3, Kuailong No. 4, and the five Hackrons all showed expressions of enjoying the food.

Compared to the fast dragons, Guluton is not very interested in these seafood.

Compared to these strange foods that smell like the sea, it and the Motorized Lizard prefer plump and juicy chunks of barbecue.

The kind where the gravy will explode as soon as you take one bite.

Therefore, the entire basin of seafood was completely eaten by Kuailong and the others.

After eating, I still looked like I was still unsatisfied.

Naoki: "..."


In the evening, the Kuailongs and Hacklons, who had spent a day playing in the pasture, returned to Kuailong Island happily carrying their poffin boxes.

They sat in front of the central lake and happily ate up all the poffins in the poffin box. Then a few dragons began to discuss business.

Kuailong No. 2: "Ouch!" (Naoki, like us, also likes to eat fish!)

Hackron No. 1: "Ugh~" (I will catch a lot of fish and give them to Naoki tomorrow morning!)

Kuailong No. 4: "Ouch!" (I want to catch him too!)

Kuailong No. 3 drooled with greed: "Ouch..." (Those small fish today are so delicious! I still want to eat...)

So before dawn the next morning, several Kuailosaurs and Hackrons plunged into the blue sea under the puzzled eyes of their companions.

Every dragon is a good swimmer. They swim in the sea like an underwater missile, flying through the sea at high speed.

Soon, Kuailong 2 emerged from the sea holding a big lobster with its claws.

The lobster sensed the danger and swung its tail in fear, trying to get out.

Kuailong No. 2 slapped it unconscious, then happily put it into the poffin box and prepared to take it to the pasture.

At this time, there was another splash on the sea.

Kuailong 2 turned his head and saw Kuailong 4 catching a small light blue dolphin Pokémon with a white belly emerging from the water.

It hugged the dolphin tightly with its big, plump paws, and quickly turned to its companion and asked: "Aww?" (Will Naoki like this?)

Before the other party could answer, the captured Popper dolphin slapped Kuailong No. 4 in the face with its tail, then broke free and angrily used a water gun on it.

Kuailong No. 4 was sprayed with water, and watched helplessly as the Popper dolphin ran away.


Forget it, this Pokémon has a terrible personality and is not well-behaved at all. Naoki will definitely not like it.

Kuailong 4 gave up on Popper's Dolphin, turned around and dived into the sea. After a while, it emerged from the water holding a stunned oversized tuna.

A happy cry came out of its mouth: "Ouch!"

The small fish and shrimps yesterday were too small, and they couldn't even get enough of them. This fish is big, and they will definitely be able to fill their stomachs!

Seeing that Kuailong No. 4 had caught such a big fish, Kuailong No. 2 suddenly felt that the big lobster in its hands no longer tasted good.

It threw away the lobster and dived back into the sea. After a while, it also came out of the water with a large salmon in its arms, with a satisfied expression on its face.

At this time, the other Kuailosaurus and Hackosaurus also caught their own prey.

There were big lobsters, big squid, and a bunch of big crabs.

With these big fish and small shrimps, the dragons drooled and flew towards the pasture in anticipation.


At 7:25am, Naoki was milking three goats.

He put the fresh goat's milk into buckets, and then asked Gullerton and Motor Lizard to move the goat's milk to the milk cellar for storage.

Kuailong came to the farmland and used praying for rain to help Zhishu water the ground as usual.

At this moment, a wailing sound suddenly came from the sky.

Hearing this sound, Naoki knew that it was the migrant workers coming to work without looking.

He raised his head to say hello to them as usual.

But when Naoki saw the scene in front of him clearly, he suddenly froze on the spot.

So what is that? !

I saw that every Kuailosaurus and Hackosaurus were carrying one thing.

Two dragons held two extra-large fish in their big claws, and the other dragon held two large lobsters.

Even the Harker dragons next to them were holding squid and crabs in their tails and mouths, and even two clusters of green seaweed.


Seeing Naoki, the dragons showed happy expressions on their faces.

They flew to Naoki and gave away the gifts they had caught.

Seeing the actions of the dragons, Naoki was completely confused: "Given it to me?"

"Woo!" The Hackrons nodded repeatedly, looking very expectant.

The surprise came so suddenly that Naoki was stunned for a long time and could not recover.

He lowered his head to look at the seafood that had been thrown carelessly on the grass by the dragons, and the information about these ingredients emerged from his mind.

Kuailong on the far left presented a large fish about one meter long, with a spindle-shaped body, a silver-blue back, and black spots above the lateral line.

That's [salmon].

The second Kuailong sent me a fish that was over two meters long, with a smooth streamlined body and a blue dorsal fin.

That's [bluefin tuna].

The third dragon presented two large lobsters. They looked alive and were waving their claws slowly.

The remaining Hackrons gave away: squid, sardines, blue crabs, seaweed and shrimps.

The other Pokémon in the ranch were also attracted by what happened here.

The Bobcat and the Frost Milk Fairy all gathered around, with shocked expressions on their faces after seeing the tuna that was many times bigger than them.


Looking at Kuailong and Hackron looking at him with big eyes in front of him, Naoki was extremely moved.

He walked up and touched their heads one by one, smiled and said to them: "Thank you, I like these gifts very much."

"Aww~" The migrant workers were very happy.

The Hackrons also whined and surrounded Naoki.

Kuailong, who had just finished watering the ground not far away, saw this scene and immediately opened his eyes in shock.

It was a little jealous and a little angry.

Because these dishonest dragons didn’t even tell it, so they gave gifts to Zhi Shu privately, without taking it with them!

hateful! They must want to compete with it for the straight tree!

Use gifts to attract Naoki's attention and make Naoki like them...

And looking at the way Naoki touches those nasty dragons with an moved face, it's obvious that Naoki has begun to like them!

The more the Kuailong thought about it, the more panicked it became. It even had an image in its mind of Naoki and the Kuailongs sitting at the dining table having fun, while it was forgotten in a dark corner and cried alone.

hateful! Absolutely don't allow this to happen!


Kuailong roared, and he wanted to rush over and pick up Zhi Shu immediately, telling those Kuailong that this was the trainer of one of his dragons.

But then it thought about it, those dragons gave gifts to Zhi Shu, but it did nothing...


The jealous Kuailong looked at Naoki who turned around when he heard its cry, and then flew away angrily.

It also wants to catch a bigger fish and bring it back to the pasture to give to Zhi Shu, so that it can compete with those fast dragons!

Seeing Kuailong's behavior, Naoki immediately realized that his dragon was jealous.

He quickly shouted: "Kuailong!"

Kuailong didn't look back. It was very fast and disappeared from the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Zhi Shu panicked and quickly looked at Gulton, wanting to ask Gulton to take him to call back Kuailong who was having a bad temper.

Therefore, Luton was speechless. He squatted on the ground and yawned. His expression was very calm, and it was obvious that he was not worried about Kuailong at all.

Naoki: "?"

"Will Kuailong be okay?" Zhi Shu was very worried.

"Ah geez..."

Therefore, Luton simply closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Naoki: "..."

So Luton must be as jealous as Kuailong, right?

Naoki didn't know what to do for a moment.

For the first time in his life, he experienced the trouble of conquering too many Pokémon.

On the contrary, the working Kuailongs quickly came to their senses after the initial confusion.

They put on their little red satchels, then took the moo milk from their sister Ai Guanshi, flew to Zhiqin Town happily, and started their daily work.

Zhi Shu, on the other hand, looked towards the direction where Kuailong disappeared, feeling very worried.

Babu Tubo and the others accompanied Naoki and looked up in that direction with him.


Zhi Shu now has no intention to deal with the fish sent by Kuailong.

He threw all the fish into the lake in the pasture and let them go.

After doing all this, Naoki was about to leave, but found a purple vortex emerging out of thin air on the lake.

The next second, all those fish disappeared.

Naoki: "..."

It was really a leaky house and it rained all night. Giratina must have regarded these fish as his tribute to it.

Naoki suddenly felt a headache.

At the same time, on the distant sea.

Kuailong, who had used several high-speed movements to reach the limit of his speed, was quickly shuttled across the sea.

Soon, it overtook a flying plane, causing the passengers in the cabin to scream in surprise.

Kuailong ignored the plane. It flew for a while, and then dived into the sea, trying to find bigger fish inside.

However, it swam for a long time without seeing one.

Kuailong is not willing to give in. It must catch a bigger fish and compete with those Kuailong!

So, Kuailong left the sea and returned to the sky again, ready to go and see further places.

It flew over the sea, over the Galar region, over the Unova region, over the Alola region, and circled around the Sinnoh region, finally arriving in the Hoenn region.

Looking at the unfamiliar sea below, Kuailong plunged into it.

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