Nuclear Power Sword Immortal

Chapter 87: slaughter

More than 3,000 people rushed at full speed, setting off billowing dust on the ground.

"Quick! Quick! We must stop them in front of Beishan, otherwise, when they enter the Lianyun Mountains, it will be difficult for the army to enter. If we lose the advantage of the army, even if we can encircle and suppress him, we will inevitably suffer heavy losses."

From time to time bursts of shouting came from the army.

"We just got the news that the ancient demons and their entourage had a very deep rut. When they left the city, there seemed to be a reflection of golden light. It must be full of gold and silver treasures. Pass my order. If you can stop the ancient demons and others in front of the monument, each Twelve taels of silver will be rewarded."

A series of orders were issued to stimulate the potential of soldiers.

In this case, nearly 50 miles of road was actually crossed by them in half a day.

"Before is the mountain of monuments."

"My lord, the ancient demons have discovered us."

"Sect Master, the soldiers consume a lot of physical strength. I am afraid that launching an attack at this time will affect the combat power."

All the information gathered in the hands of Su Bieli, Su Fangzheng, Zhang Lu and others.

Beishan is just a plain. Although there is a river on the left, it is still possible to escape to the right.

No matter how bad it is, they can still return to Lingxiao City from ancient to modern times.

Once he returns to Lingxiao City, with six thousand soldiers...

Even if it is a recruit, it will inevitably cause a lot of damage to their side.

You must know that the two thousand elites of Tiangang Sect or the six hundred meteorite guards of the meteorite guards are all private soldiers in their hands, and losing one will make their heartache.

Zhang Lu, Su Bieli, and Su Fangzheng looked at each other.

"One hundred and half ninety, we must not relax at this time, let the soldiers and prepared meteorites surround them, form an army to prevent the ancient demons from escaping, we gather all the masters above Qi refining, charge and kill, and fight the world. "

Su parted heavily.

Zhang Lu nodded.

At the moment, one by one elites came out of more than 3,000 people.

There are nearly 400 people who refine Qi and Congeal Astral, and there are 36 people who hold Dan.

Looking at their strong lineup, Zhang Lu, Su Bieli and the others showed smiles at the same time.

"With so many masters, why can't you kill the 132 people who came from ancient and modern?"

"Hahaha, yes, we have three times as many people as him, three to one, and there are 2,600 elites around, there is no suspense in this battle."

"Everyone, what are you waiting for? Today, I am going to do justice for the sky, kill the devil, and make the world of Xingzhou bright!"

Hundreds of masters, under the leadership of the three major refining gods, Su Bieli, Su Fangzheng, and Zhang Lu, attacked and killed in a mighty manner.

Behind them, the 2,600 elites also moved quickly, forming an encircling formation, rushing towards the mountain of monuments where the ancient and modern came.

The defense formed by their 132 people is like a lonely boat in the tsunami in front of the more than 3,000 people of Tiangangmen and Meteor Guardian. It seems that as long as the other party charges, they can be smashed into pieces.


"Oh? Not only did the enemy not escape, but they dared to charge at me?"

Gu Jinlai, who was located on the Beishan Mountain, looked down at this scene and said calmly.

At the same time, he turned his eyes and looked behind him.

Behind him, the first thing that catches the eye is Gu Chifeng, Gu Luochen, Gu Qingmei, who are dressed in modified black steel heavy armor, more than two meters high, with ammunition boxes on their backs and "Thor" Gatling in their hands. Wait for ten people.

The metal of the armor gleamed in the sunlight.

They are responsible for the main output.

Afterwards, there were twenty demon warriors who were wearing black steel heavy armor and holding black steel heavy swords.

If a fish slips through the fire blockade, they are the second defense.

Further down, there are a hundred archers who have been tempered and strong and hold heavy bows.

Hundreds of them are responsible for filling in the vacancies.

As for Gu Jinlai, and Su Nanxing, who has never had a strong sense of presence behind him, is a guarantee against the opponent's top powerhouses.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"The door owner has an order, kill one enemy, reward the door and contribute a thousand!"

All kinds of harsh drinks came from afar.

The charge of hundreds of people, and the subsequent formation of more than 2,600 people, rolled up the billowing dust and put a lot of pressure on Gu Chifeng and others.

Some involuntarily pushed the barrel down.

"It's actually divided into two waves, one after the other."

Gu Jinlai looked at the experts of Tiangangmen and Meteorite Guard who had rushed to 1,500 meters away, and raised his hand: "Wait a minute, let's get close."

Hearing his order, everyone with their fingers on the trigger loosened a little.


As the charge approached, Su Bieli, Su Fangzheng, and Zhang Lu, who had cultivated spiritual sense, felt something faintly.

They looked up and looked at the ancient and modern people waiting on the Beishan Mountain in front of them.

The good line of sight of the plain made the distance of 1,500 meters unable to stop their observation at all.

The enemy is the same as the Black Hawk probes.

One hundred and thirty-two people.

Throughout the ages, his eldest disciple Su Nanxing has always been there.

remaining people……

Since their whole bodies were in iron cans, they could not see clearly, but it was not difficult to see from the fierce aura on them that they were all the elites of the ancient family.

Ancient masters...

It's really all gathered here.

The surrounding area of ​​Beishan was empty and there was nowhere to hide.

The group from Gujinlai had just arrived in the surrounding area, and it was too late to bury the gunpowder.

To say their only advantage...

Probably just condescending.

Beishan naturally forms a city wall of more than 40 meters.

It's just that this "city wall" is not a 90-degree right angle, but a relatively steep slope. Not to mention the masters above the Qi refining realm, even the Tempered Soldiers can climb it.

Just a little more effort.

How can this layout feel dangerous?

"Be careful that the ancient demons made explosive packets from gunpowder and dropped them from the mountain of monuments."

An uneasy Su Fangzheng reminded.

"Many of the people I brought were good shooters. The people behind him wanted to throw explosive packs, and they would immediately be killed by the shooters. A few fish slipped through the net... This place is empty, and the lethality it brings is very limited. ."

Zhang Ludao.

"Okay Zhang Zhangxing, we are well-known and well-known figures who have experienced hundreds of battles. There are so many soldiers around us, how can we be frightened by the hundreds of people in the ancient demon zone? If you are afraid, the old man will lead the charge. ."

Su Bie Li said loudly.

After all, take the lead, the more people come out.

Of course, he also saw the hundreds of people behind Gu Jinlai holding bows and arrows, and they would be shot in a volley by ten thousand arrows, and there were many disciples around him.

During the rush, the distance between the two sides kept getting closer.

Fourteen hundred meters!

One thousand two hundred meters!

A thousand meters!


This distance, for a Baodan, can be crossed instantly in just ten or twenty seconds when he uses his body technique to explode.

Looking at the enemies who were close at hand, this time, even Zhang Lu wondered whether it was because of his fierce reputation from ancient and modern times that he was nervous and felt wrong.

Right now.

Ancient and Jinlai, which is located on the Beishan Mountain, opened its mouth.

"This distance is almost there."

He glanced at the Tiangang Gate and the meteorite guards who had invaded their group of 500 meters recently, and waved his hand violently.


Gu Chifeng, Gu Luochen, Gu Qingmei and other ten people who had been waiting for the order for a long time were all refreshed at the same time.

Finger on the trigger.


The next moment, the barrels of ten condescending "Thunder" Gatling guns rotated at the same time.


One after another, the fiery red light particles were visible to the naked eye, like a beam of light, and instantly poured out towards the more than 400 masters of Qi refining, condensing, and holding pills who were using their movements, jumping or vertical.

Almost when Gu Chifeng and others shot, Zhang Lu, Su Fangzheng, and Su Bieli felt an unprecedented crisis suddenly erupted.

The surging sense of death hit their hearts, causing their scalps to tingle.

"Not right!"

"Be careful!"

"True Qi body protector!"

The three shouted at the same time.



The ten Gatling machine guns with the highest rate of fire shot out ten lines of fire visible to the naked eye, like lasers, piercing the qi refining, condensing, and holding Dan masters who rushed forward.

Just like shooting a watermelon with a bullet, in an instant, the body of a master was torn to shreds.

The initial velocity of twice, nearly three times the speed of sound, made it possible for bullets fired from ten "Thunder" Gatlings to span a distance of several hundred meters from each other in less than a second.

The potential energy contained in each bullet is beyond the limit that a qi refining, condensing, and even a strong body protection qi can resist.

Their body protection infuriating, at best, is only equivalent to the level of iron armor.

Even if the practice is special and good at defense, it is still at the level of steel armor.


Regardless of whether it is iron armor or steel armor, as long as the thickness is not up to standard, in front of the bullets fired by the "Thunder" machine gun, it will be like a piece of paper.

Breaks at the touch.


The sound of the barrel turning was continuous.

Blazing flames erupt from the barrel, forming rays of light.

Wherever the light reaches, dust and debris are scattered, and flesh and blood are flying.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another silhouette was quickly pierced by bullets and shot into blood mist.

Even if those strong holding pills exploded their infuriating energy immediately and raised their body-protecting infuriating energy to the extreme, as long as they were directly aimed at by that fiery red "laser" for a second, they would still be pierced and shredded by their armor.

Among them, there is more "Thunder" aiming at Su Bie Li, the real person who is rushing in front.

Fire bursts.


Su Lei roared, and his figure burst out and flickered rapidly.

The bullets whipped up dust and debris behind him.

Had a Gatling been aimed at him, he might have survived with a sharper sense than the shooter.

But as a real person of refining gods, he was taken care of, and there were three people staring at him.

Su Bie Li, who was flickering and dodging quickly, persisted for a few seconds, and finally...

The figure was swept by a bullet and paused for a while.

A pause, even if it's less than a second...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of bullets leaned over his body.

The heroic and fearless Lian Shen Zhenren who took the lead in the charge shook with a burst of infuriating energy, and was smashed through in the next second.


"Do not!"

In the terrified shouts of the disciples beside him, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Gang Sect, a dignified and refined spirit, splattered with blood and smashed his body.

"Ding ding ding!"

A large number of shells were continuously ejected from the side of the machine gun and fell to the ground, making a crisp Soon, the shells beside the ten people gathered in a pool.

Although the three people who shot and killed the real person Su Bie Li were in high spirits, they did not stop for a second and went into the killing again.

Every sound means a life is lost.

Every sound means that there are people who have spent decades of penance in vain.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty...

Hundreds of people charging below the mountain of monuments decreased sharply at a terrifying speed.

Refinement? Congealing? Hold Dan?

At this moment there is no difference.


(It's so late, so I'll post it tomorrow.)


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