"Really?" Yang Xiaolong walked over without smiling, clenched his fists, and made a "rattle" sound at the joints.

Encyclopedia suddenly felt that Yang Xiaolong's smile was a little gloomy and unusual, and quickly changed the topic, "Brother Long, you see that the weather today is really good, the wind and the sun are beautiful."

"Well, indeed, then you can enjoy it here for a while. Yang Xiaolong pinned him to the deck, made two more feet on his legs, and turned to leave.


" "Hey, hey!!"

Encyclopedia lay on the boat, making a pig-like scream, resounding throughout the dock.

The next second.

"By the way, clean up the ship, or you will be deducted from your salary for this month. "


People passing by around him couldn't help but be surprised by him.

"This kid can't think about it at a young age, right?"

"Let's go!

Encyclopedia finally recovered from the numbness of his feet, and when he opened his eyes, there were a lot of people in front of him, some with harpoons in their hands, some with hemp ropes, and their eyes were staring at him, so that they didn't scare him to pee.

He swallowed his saliva secretly, and said tremblingly: "How many people, is there something wrong?"

The man at the head of them said: "Child, why don't you do stupid things at a young age."

"That's it, the Air Force is not a big deal, your uncle and I have been fishing all my life, and I have been fishing for nine out of ten, don't you see that it is also good."

Encyclopedia was persuaded by their nonsense, and he couldn't interject at all, and the slightest movement had the momentum to tie him up, so frightened that he had to nod his head again and again.

At the same time, Wang Mingfei and the others came back in the dark, Zhang Hua was stared at by mosquitoes all over her body, and her angry lips trembled, if it weren't for the fact that her mobile phone was out of battery, she would call back to her family now.

Wang Mingfei docked the boat, he didn't dare to speak, and in the afternoon, he followed Yang Xiaolong down three gillnets, two nets only caught seven or eight fish, and one gillnet hung to the bottom.

Seeing that the boat was docked, Zhang Hua covered her face and jumped off the boat, and scolded: "Wang Mingfei, it's over between us." When

Wang Mingfei heard this, he was the hope of the whole family, and the old couple was still waiting to hold their grandson.

"Huahua, you wait for me, I'll make you fish to eat tonight.

"Huahua, I have a lot to learn from you.

"Huahua, didn't you always want that 2999 necklace, let's buy it." "

Really?" Zhang Hua didn't stop until she heard the last sentence.

Wang Mingfei gritted his teeth, and said with a shy and far-fetched smile: "Of course it's true, but can you not call back, you know that my parents have bad hearts."

Zhang Hua shook her shoulders: "For the sake of the necklace, let you go once."

"That's right! I want to eat braised fish, and don't be spicy, less salt, don't put coriander and green onions.

After throwing away a sentence, he continued to walk towards the rental house with his ponytail in his tail.

Wang Mingfei looked at her back, then at the messy boat, and sighed silently, "The man is so tired."

At the same time, Yang Xiaolong was playing chess with the old man after taking a shower.


!" "General!"

the old man frowned as he held the cigarette pouch pot in his mouth.

"Xiao Yang, I was interrupted by you just now, and my hands trembled, let's never come.

Yang Xiaolong pursed his lips and said that it didn't matter.

Jing Tian on the side stood over and said, "Grandpa, let's eat first, you have been playing this game of chess for more than an hour, and I have won you eight times just when I see Brother Long." "

Ahem!" the old man cleared his throat, and the old man blushed and said, "The female is not staying, and her elbows are turned outward." "

Grandpa~" Jing Tian pulled his arm and said coquettishly.

The old man was almost broken up by her, and said with a doting face: "Okay, okay, let's not say okay."

"Hee-hee, let's eat, there is a fresh Daha squid caught by Brother Long today." The

old man was just about to get up, "Huh, why haven't you seen Xuan boy for a long time?"

"Grandpa, I'm here."

Before the old man could speak, Encyclopedia stumbled into the door frame, embarrassed.

Jing Tian snorted when she saw him like this, "Yixuan, hurry up and take a bath, you stink to death."

Yang Xiaolong smiled on the side and said nothing, Encyclopedia glanced at him, his face was full of grievances, and his eyes were the same as the rhubarb next door.

At the dinner table, Jing Tian gave a big squid clip to Yang Xiaolong.

"Brother Long, try it and see if it's delicious. "

Grandpa, you eat too. The

old man stroked his beard and smiled heartily: "You can eat, the old man has a bad mouth and can't chew."

Yang Xiaolong saw that Jing Tian was not angry, and he was also in a good mood, so he picked up the squid and tasted it, and couldn't help but nodded, "Well, it's really good, there is no fishy smell." "

Eat more if it's delicious, there's still it in the pot." Jing Tian gave him another clip.

Niuniu touched a bottle of red wine out of nowhere, "Brother Long, let's see

what this is?" "Dry red?" "

Well, this is what our sister Jing specially bought for you, she said I wish you a victory, drink some?"

"Forget it." "Yang Xiaolong doesn't like to drink red wine very much, this thing is very bitter, not as good as the seven yuan a bottle of wine before, sweet and sour.

"Give it to me, sister. Encyclopedia took the red wine and shook it, only to hear a "bang", and the lid of the red wine was opened.

Then, he took a goblet, poured a glass and handed it to Yang Xiaolong, a hint of an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Long, come! I'll fill it up for you.

Yang Xiaolong looked at the crimson wine in the cup, his scalp was numb, this kid was still holding grudges about the afternoon's events.

Jing Tian saw that he was a little distracted, and took a bottle of Sprite from the side, "Brother Long, let me help you mix it."

Encyclopedia: "Sister, if it's not pure, it won't taste good."

Jing Tian glared at him, and then continued the work in his hand.

Niuniu on the side smiled slyly, took the wine bottle on the table, poured a full glass and handed it to Encyclopedia, "Brother, sister wishes you all the best."

Encyclopedia looked at the full wine glass, pulled his face, gritted his teeth and said: "Sister, you are really my own sister, do you know that tea is seven and wine is eight?"

"I don't know, don't you like to drink red wine the most, and besides, you pour it like this for Brother Long." Niuniu shook her shoulders, her face full of innocence.

The encyclopedia has a black line, of course he knows that Niuniu is playing tricks on him, he really lifted a stone and miscalculated.

"Encyclopedia, come on! We're doing it together. Yang Xiaolong picked up the red wine that Jing Tian had mixed for him, and drank it all, not to mention, the red wine was quite delicious with Sprite, a little bit like that.

Yang Xiaolong put down the cup, saw that he was in a daze, and urged: "Huh, why don't you drink it yet?"

Encyclopedia's face was as bitter as a bitter melon, and he reluctantly picked up the wine glass, raised his head and said: "I am nicknamed the God of Wine, one and a half catties of liquor, and beer can be poured casually." "

Poof~" just squirted out halfway through the drink.

"Hahahaha!" Yang

Xiaolong and the others laughed amused by his funny expression, what a living treasure.

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