Yang Xiaolong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly picked up the iron hook on the side and began to pull the foam to float, and he couldn't even find his head after a while, and now it was a mess.

"Encyclopedia, go and start the winch. "

Brother Long, I'll come.

Before he finished speaking, Jing Tian was already on the winch, and he knew it when he saw the movement of the fishing net just now.

He hung the net head on the winch, and Jing Tian slowly turned the winch.

The gillnet was slowly pulled up dozens of meters, and not a single fish did not say anything, it was crumpled and full of holes.

Encyclopedia said: "Brother Long, what is the situation, did you meet a shark?" Several

other people also had the same doubts, especially Anna, she was the first time to see people fishing at close range, and she thought that she could open her eyes, even if there were no big fish, there would always be three or two small fish, but she pulled a bunch of rags up.

"Pay attention to the main line. Yang Xiaolong didn't have time to explain now, the crabs under the water were struggling more and more, and the net of nearly thirty meters was wrapped into zongzi, and he was worried that the main line of the gillnet would be broken.

The gillnet is relying on the upper and lower main lines as a tension, and now the bottom of the lead sinker has been clamped off, only the upper layer of foam floats, if it is broken again, it is really useless.

"Jing Tian, a little faster. "

Hmm. Jing Tian pulled the lever down.

After pulling for another ten meters, the originally loose main line tightened, and everyone held their breath, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that there was something.

A few minutes later, the huge spider crab was dragged out of the water, and Rao was wrapped in rice dumplings, which could not hide its domineering transformer-like body.

Except for Yang Xiaolong, everyone else stared at the spider crab in a daze, surprised that their mouths could stuff eggs.

The spider crab is exposed to the water as if it is dead, motionless, not that it is pretended, this thing loses its vitality when it comes out of the water, and can only be stored in the refrigerator, so there is almost no living one on the market.

Encyclopedia grabbed the ship with both hands tightly, and stammered uncertainly, "This is... Spider... Spider crab?"

Yang Xiaolong nodded, "Yes, it's worthy of an encyclopedia, you can recognize it at a glance." "

Ahaha! Is this true? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Encyclopedia was very excited.

The three girls present were surprised and a little scared at the same time, and their eyes revealed fear.

Jing Tian unconsciously grabbed Yang Xiaolong's arm with one hand, no wonder, just looking at the big ao that was longer than his thigh, he panicked.

In the blink of an eye, the gillnets were all pulled up, and Yang Xiaolong put on non-slip gloves and dragged the spider crab up with the encyclopedia.

The three girls unconsciously stepped back, their faces pale with fright.

Jing Tian didn't forget to remind him, "Brother Long, be careful." "

Don't be afraid, it's already hanging. Encyclopedia said.

Niuniu sneered: "Are you sure?" "

Of course, don't look at it as an absolute overlord in the water, but it's a little sheep out of the water, sister! Knowing

that it was dead, the three girls approached tremblingly, and the bold Jing Tian tentatively touched its big ao, "It's really not moving." Anna

and Niuniu also touched it, and their faces were full of joy.

After touching and seeing, seeing that the netizen who was wrapped in zongzi had a headache, Yang Xiaolong was a little at a loss.

"Brother Long, if you don't cut the net, you can't use it anyway. Jing Tian proposed.

"That's all there is to it. Twenty

minutes later, the spider crab was unraveled.

A closer look reveals that there are many raised balls on the crab shell, which are actually anemones, which look like flowers, but they are carnivores that feed on animals in the water.

It attaches itself to the shell of the spider crab and is "mutually beneficial" with the spider crab.

Yang Xiaolong was a little embarrassed, the net was untied, but this big cold room couldn't fit it.

Encyclopedia didn't know when he took a pair of big scissors over, "Brother Long, are you or me

?" "Will you?"

"I've seen the information and videos, but I haven't done

it?" "Then you come, by the way, the decomposition of the shadow doesn't affect the price?"

Yang Xiaolong smiled awkwardly, "That's good, that's good."

Seeing this, Anna stepped forward and said, "Yang Xiaolong, can I ask you for something?"

"Can you sell this spider crab to me, don't worry, you can set the price."

Yang Xiaolong smiled: "That's it

?" "Well, that's it, okay?" Anna looked at him nervously.

"It should be no problem, Jing Tian can do it, right?"

Jing Tian is the owner of the ship, so she learned about her.

Jing Tian nodded, "Of course you can, Sister Anna, the price can be on the market, don't be so outside."

Seeing that they agreed, Anna smiled, if this crab was put in the store for an exhibition, and then promoted through her circle of friends, not to mention how much money it made, the popularity of the store would definitely increase a lot.

Half an hour later, the encyclopedia decomposed the crabs, and Yang Xiaolong took the opportunity to learn, and the art was not pressing.

The spider crab was divided into three parts and placed in the cold room.

By the time I was done, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Niuniu sniffed her nose and said, "Ah, do you smell anything

?" "Taste?"

Anna and Jing Tian also sniffed, "It seems to smell of caramel."

"Oh bad, my braised pork. After

listening to the encyclopedia, she ran to the kitchen.

"Ahem!" As soon as I entered, I saw black smoke coming from the pot, choked on tears, and quickly turned off the fire on the gas stove.

Yang Xiaolong and the others also followed, and when they saw that the room was full of smoke, they hurriedly ran in, "Are you okay?"

Encyclopedia pulled his face: "Can it be okay, such a good braised pork will be ruined."

"It's good that people are okay. "

Fortunately, there is no danger, what can I do in case of fire, we must pay more attention to this aspect in the future, the ruthlessness of water and fire is not a joke.

It was supposed to be a very sumptuous dinner, but now it is in the soup, but Anna prepared a lot of dishes, and finally she fried a cod steak with red wine, and started Western food.

At the dinner table, in order to have a bit of atmosphere, Anna took out two candles from her bag and lit them, and she really carried a treasure chest with her.

Anna brought the wine she had woken up, filled it with everyone, and proposed, "Come, toast to tonight's miracle." "



Yang Xiaolong and the others were eating and chatting with each other, and on the silent sea, bursts of laughter and laughter came out from time to time, adding a different kind of brilliance to the night, and the guests and hosts who ate a candlelight dinner enjoyed themselves.

It's almost twelve o'clock after eating and drinking, and I'm tired after a day's drive today, and I've been tossing for a few hours, so I'll rest for one night tonight and start work early tomorrow morning.

The old rule, Yang Xiaolong checked whether the equipment was normal before resting.

Jing Tian also came out, and because of drinking red wine, her pretty face was as red as a red apple.

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