Chapter 20




When do you think it was?

The moment my plan started ...

After discovering infiltrators in Galia?

No. I already suspected that, seeing them only confirmed my fears.

Maybe when Ryuuji and his escort arrived?

Neither, although it was illustrative.

Was it when I learned about Galatea's fall down. The day I met the director?

No. That day maybe I formed my final plan, including Iren's attack. But the plan began much earlier.

Was it perhaps when I got all that information in the academy library?

No. To begin with one of the reasons for seeking that information was to be able to carry out my plan.

If I had to look for the moment when my plan was born, it would be after my first night in Galia, after talking with the bartender.

From my first days in Galia, I questioned my own safety. People in Galia perhaps had weapons, but they were cheerful and confident. One of the reasons I discovered Iren's intentions quickly was that I had already thought the same. Galia could be taken if enough people infiltrated.

It could happen little by little. After a while, entering one or two at a time, easily enough people would enter. Or something could happen that would allow many to enter at once. Being refugees from a neighboring town asking for asylum was one of the methods I thought at the time.

Including Iren in my plan was not easy, in fact it was the most risky part, I had to put myself in danger. However, I would have the desired result with the greatest chance of success among the dozen plans I had during my first conversation with the director.

Of course, I couldn't execute my plan without first prioritizing my own security. The Half proved a good option in that. If at any time something went wrong and it was necessary to flee to save my life, I could do it.

I could also save Ryuuji, as I made sure he was in a remote area of ​​the city. Personally, the best option was to save them all, since they could be very useful and would have good impressions of me, and Zera has been an excellent servant, but convincing him that it was necessary to leave others would be more annoying than beneficial. Ryuuji wouldn't even need to know the fate of his guards.

If the worst happens, everyone else is expendable.

Even if I didn't get the help of the Half, if it was me alone I could run away using the hang glider that was among the artifacts of the academy.

According to the information I obtained from the books. The people of Iren have a great sense of honor. But in turn they openly discriminate against the weak and inferior. Only the strong matter. I found then that they despise even the nobles, with the exception of those of Iren and the Aristoi. That was an advantage.

I had to make sure not to be underestimated, otherwise my offer would not be taken into account and negotiations would be impossible.

My acting skills are impeccable, but I had to cover a somewhat new aspect for me. I needed to look strong and powerful. That's why I ordered that two armors be manufactured.

The golden armor would serve, both to be very flashy and thus make sure that the guards in the watchtowers noticed and remembered me, pretending that my strength was enormous.

The key in all this, is that nobody outside the ones close to me knew about my item bag, even they don't know their capacity. Here it was very important that the information of the academy stopped leaking, luckily I got it done by making everyone reside in the cave.

The armors must appear to be incredibly luxurious and ostentatious, as well as formidable. But one would only be appearance and in fact it would be made of light materials bathed in a thin layer of gold. The other would be made of pure gold, to make it extremely heavy.

When I went to the smith and handed him a small mountain of gold coins, it was hard for me to keep him from passing out. For a moment he complained that melting coins was prohibited, although telling him that my payment would be as many of those coins as they could fit in his two hands convinced him in the act.

During my journey down and up the mountain I used the fake armor. Once up, before the commander reached us (here the slope of the mountain helped), I put the false armor in my item bag and took out the real one, then I left it on the floor and offered it as a gift.

Woala! Fake super strength.

I must say that it was important to get all that explosive mineral. When I learned that it was volatile and could explode, I knew I could do it. Before that, I simply thought of burning the academy and trying to make the chemicals in the laboratories cause the explosion, although I doubt it would have been a powerful one.

Although at first I wondered how to make it explode at the exact moment, having the Flying Half was a great help. While everyone was looking towards the arena, I arranged for one of them to go to the academy and start the fire that would cause the explosion. With the help of the siren they could hypnotize the guard if he had not left his post to see me fight.

It was very important that the explosion occurred at the right time, so in advance I asked Zera to announce the start of the fight and wait for my signal to do so. When I saw that the Half flew out of the academy I knew it was time.

Without the explosion, they could have discovered my trick.

The "Spears" were actually simple wooden sticks with rubber at the tips. Obviously I wasn't going to fight someone with a real weapon, that could kill me. Although a blow with that could hurt, I don't think it hurt me badly.

I used the rubber that made by the black machine that Zera called Kalasta.

It was one of the many things I commissioned to the artisans of the city, along with the platforms and reflectors to place the light mineral. So that there were no major suspicions about the origin of the explosion.

Making Zera deliver them would increase credibility, since he is shy and would undoubtedly get nervous, it would seem that he was afraid to touch the rubber of the spears.

And it was important that they were not weapons, since my ability

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