Old Chapters

Vol 18 Chapter 40: old days

It is really unexpected that those human beings can actually be promoted to higher beings. Although this higher being is very unqualified, its essence has been improved. If there is a lot of time to improve, He may really become a great being.

"It's a pity." These methods for human beings to be promoted to higher beings can be said to be very simple and difficult. They believe that since human beings exist, then human beings themselves are part of the operation of the universe. Why can't human beings become higher beings.

The "human equation" is their result. This is the principle of human beings, but the human ego is very low and scattered, and it is completely impossible to use this principle to become a great existence.

So they use the Necronomicon to extract their existence, run according to the human equation, and when the multiverse is destroyed, when only human beings are left, when they are human, they can rely on the human equation to become human greatness exist.

However, because human beings are incomparably weak in nature, and their methods are also tricky, He appears to be very weak, if it is not because these existing human beings have long lived in the domain of Azathoth and have immunity to Azathoth, this can only live up to now.

However, the good luck of human beings will end here. His heritage is completely insufficient to support him to continue. Even if he becomes a higher life form, his reason can only support a small world of human beings. In the final blueprint, it is very important Fail fast.

There are no miracles, no Jedi counterattacks, no one can conquer the sky, no unreasonable victory, humans are not the protagonists, it is natural that humans fail, He collapses into them, and then completely collapses.

That ever-changing existence, also because of its own changing characteristics, in a certain change, changed into a dark shadow-like rule body, and was then kicked out by Gresta and Zatoguya.

Then came the combination of Cthulhu and Hastur. After all, their personalities are not enough, and it is a good result to last longer than Dauros, but unfortunately there is no second chance here.

Zatoguya did not escape the fact that he died. His knowledge reserve was not inferior to Gresta's, but his personality was too low, so he was not unexpectedly lost.

After that, another collapse was Dauros, which was a bit unexpected, but it was reasonable. After being pitted by Yog, although He still had a great advantage, relatively speaking, he did not brilliant.

The gray high-dimensional space collapsed and was swallowed up by Azathoth. With the existence of Dauros, there may be some residues of his reasoning. Maybe in the next era, the information left by him will be derived into another high-dimensional space. Space creatures, but that would never be Daoroth again.

In this regard, only Nyarlathotep and Lu Li are left as the final blueprint contenders. Obviously, Lu Li is not Nyarlathotep's opponent, and the opponent's advantage is simply too great.

"You know? I'm very worried now." Nyarlathotep said in a deep voice.

Gresta didn't answer. He knew what Nyarlathotep was afraid of. He was afraid that Ji Yue would help him. After all, Ji Yue had a criminal record. If it wasn't for her black hand, Dauros was unlikely to lose this time.

"But depending on the situation, she didn't choose to help you." Naia smiled: "She didn't say helping you before, it was better to help people in the light and shadow, after all, in her eyes, there are only those who may be detached. ."

"Maybe." Gresta's planet body began to collapse, and the arms of the starry sky peeled off one by one. Just as there are no miracles for human beings, and Doros can't escape death, Gresta can't escape defeat, and he can't win. His Nyarlathotep.

The avatars still outside turned into streamers one by one, returned to Gresta, and Lu Li's existence began to condense and unite again, but this did not change the fact that he was no match for Naia, whether it was Gresta or Lu Li.

"It's just that I still have a question." Lu Li's current image is very broken. He has become a polyhedron. He has a total of eight images. When you observe him from a human perspective, what you observe is the human side. , look at him from the angle of a celestial body, he is a huge dark star, look at him from the angle of a monster, you can see the giant blue dragon Malygos, look at him from the angle of fear, what you see is The King of Fear, Qing Xu Gong-Gildes, to see him from the angle of ignorance, you will see the endless dark river of darkness, and to look at him from the angle of the unbeliever, you can only see the endless false and dreamy peace. garrel.

With an inexplicable spatial structure, all the incarnations exist in a strange way at the same time, and the faces of this polyhedron are still increasing, some of Naia's incarnations die, and the fallen principles are extracted by the polyhedron to form new faces. , and even the principles of Daoros Satoguya were collected by Lu Li before, forming a new face, constantly strengthening himself.

In terms of personality, Lu Li may have surpassed Naiya, but it is already too late. Naiya has a stronger and stronger control over the final blueprint and cannot control the final blueprint. No matter how powerful Lu Li is, he will be defeated by Asa sooner or later. Toth absorbs.

"Since Yog only observes existences that may transcend limitations, then why hasn't he left yet." The strange polyhedron maps out a bizarre scene, with thousands of faces and thousands of faces. It seems that with a slight change in angle, you can see completely different scene.

Naia didn't stop, the unpredictable chaotic thing was about to win the final blueprint, he already understood Lu Li's plan, and the other party's purpose turned to detachment from Azato when he realized that he couldn't compare to his own advantages. s boundaries.

The reason why He entered the competition for the final blueprint is just to collect more principles as a basis for breakthroughs.

"You will fail, no matter how much truth you collect, no matter how strong you are, no matter how high your status is, but everything you have comes from this multiverse, from Azathoth, the lord of all things, you It is impossible to transcend this limit, how long have you been a god, you are completely unqualified!" Naia said calmly.

"Haha." The bizarre polyhedron conveyed this information and continued to develop.

The next moment the matrix of the multiverse completely retracted, Azathoth started to run the final blueprint according to his instinct, and according to Naia's will, the multiverse was re-expanded, while Naia continued to reversely erode With Azathoth.

The bizarre polyhedron did not pay attention to Nyarlathotep. His countless faces were turning, and each face represented a law of the operation of the universe. It could be said that every face of him was an indescribable great existence.

Ji Yue, the observation body that Yoger stayed behind, has been observing the situation this time. She stayed to observe whether Lu Li could transcend Azathoth's restrictions, and secondly, to observe whether Naia could enter Azatos or not. s.

Soon after, a nascent multiverse began to unfold. The first result was that Naia failed. He was once again reduced to Chaos by Azathoth, and resumed the mission of his messenger.

Another result was that the bizarre polyhedron had perished, leaving nothing behind, neither in the past nor in the future of this multiverse, no longer existed. With a flicker of eyes, Ji Yue turned into countless radiant spheres and disappeared.


In the middle of the night, a teenager in his teens was under the covers. With the help of a small flashlight, he turned the last page of the book in his hand. Before he could sigh, he heard the sound from outside, so he quickly turned off the flashlight and put the book in. Putting it down under the bed, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Judging by his skilled appearance, he might have done a lot of things.

The door was pushed open, and the young man's mother came over and tucked the quilt for him. The young man tried his best to keep himself from appearing strange, and gradually he couldn't restrain his drowsiness and fell asleep.

In his sleep, he was thrown under the bed. This book called Chapters of the Old Days suddenly turned over automatically. Each page was like a crystal face, and there were all kinds of bizarre illusions. of giant dragons, endless black mist, and more.

The book turned to the last page, and there was only one line of writing:

"Complete the book"

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