Sitting on the creaking wooden chair, Gao Qi looked at Tallulah, who was thinking about it, and took a sip of the hot tea left by Alina.

Ore disease, the eternal theme of Terra.

Along the way, in more than a year, Gao Qi saw tens of thousands of infected people. In the end, he joined the Tower of Babel, an organization that healed the wounds of the earth and healed the infected.

If before that, Gao Qi's understanding of the infected was just a noun in the game, then this year, from the care of Ifrit and the past few months in the Tower of Babel , to help patients with various ore diseases, Gao Qi really understood the meaning of ore diseases deeply.

Gao Qi is immune to ore disease by himself, and Skadi doesn't care about the source stone or not. It seems that he can fully understand the thoughts of the ore patient, and it doesn't hurt to stand and talk.

But Gao Qi can remember the irritable and irritable appearance of Ifrit when he first met him, and the appearance of crying and shouting because of the attack of ore disease every day.

And after Gao Qi donated blood to her and turned her into a kinsman, Ifrit was unbelievable, bouncing back and forth while touching his body, showing off to Hemo and Sereya loudly, and finally threw himself into Gao Qi's arms Gao Qi also always remembered the appearance.

As for W and Muyan, these two girls who have been plagued by ore disease for decades, after successfully injecting the experimental drug developed by Dr. The very shy Muyan and the always awkward W both became much more frank that day.

The two of them didn't let Gao Qi go to the ground all day, and they had to squeeze into bed every night for the next week, their happiness was beyond words.

Ore disease is a disease called fear, a disease called fragmentation. Compared with pain, fear of death, and alienation from others around, it is easier to destroy a person.

During his stay in the Tower of Babel, Gao Qi often went to the medical department to help Kelsey. The patients he saw ranged from mild to severe, and the pain he saw was countless.

Fathers, mothers, children, farmers, workers, students, the moment they suffer from ore disease, they will instantly forget their past identities and become "ore patients".

Families are breaking up, screaming in pain because of ore disease, many people who have been scratched by origin stones or inhaled origin stone dust, after being diagnosed, face the despair of the future and the pain of the present, and even choose to end it directly own life.

What Gao Qi did the most was to knock those patients who hurt others and themselves in despair to the ground, let Kelsey analyze the pros and cons in the coldest and cruelest way, and tell him the fact that death is meaningless.

Quite a few times, facing those children as old as Rosemary, Gao Qi even wanted to save them by direct blood transfusion, but was stared back by Kelsey, and he could only hope that the ore disease blocker would iterate as soon as possible , Until the future can really restore the effect of Gao Qi's blood.

"I have worked in Rhine Life and Tower of Babel for a long time, and I have seen thousands, if not hundreds, of ore patients. Although I don't have ore disease, thanks to the few talented experts around me, I have no doubts about this kind of disease. Disease is also deeply understood."

Although he is not a professional doctor, and he is too lazy to understand these things, under Kelsey's persecution, Gao Qi was forced to teach various related knowledge about ore disease.

Even Warfarin agrees with this approach. This old pure-spirited blood demon who can't bear to post blood and **** when he is alone with Gao Qi for more than five minutes, can even bear his temper and give Gao Qi a lesson. Medical knowledge related to ore disease from the previous day.

After all, they all know that Gao Qi's character will never allow anyone to become an ore patient in front of them, or die because of ore disease. Once they are not in charge, Gao Qi will easily cut his wrists on the spot without saying a word Blood transfusion, in this way, in a few days, all Terra will know that there is a person in the world whose blood is immune to ore disease-then the trouble will be big.

Therefore, they filled Gao Qi's dreams with special medicines, and even forced him to learn various first aid methods for ore diseases. Prevent him from doing such a thing.

Thanks to them, half of Gao Qi's vacation was taken up by medical classes. Warfarin even twisted his waist and memorized medical knowledge, which made Gao Qi feel the pain of a medical student—well, medicine Generally speaking, students can't sleep with teachers.

However, the deep understanding of the ore disease finally made Gao Qi's thoughts clearer.

"From a medical point of view, ore disease is an incurable disease... But, I think it is not as good as a cold."

Spreading his arms, Gao Qi smiled and said something that made Tallulah's eyes wide open.

"Mr. Gao Qi, what are you talking about—no, please continue."

The tail of the dragon behind him bent into a greeting, Tallulah opened her small mouth slightly, her gray eyes were full of doubts.

If it was another person in front of her, Tallulah would think that he came from a big city and was well protected by his parents. He would not even be angry with the rich son who suffered from ore disease, but would find him naive and ridiculous.

But on the contrary, with the evidence of Magellan and Mr. Patriot, Mr. Gao Qi in front of him once worked for Rhine Life, which researched ore disease, and was also engaged in helping patients with ore disease in the Tower of Babel. He must have his own unique understanding. .

Looking at Tallulah's serious and humble appearance, Gao Qi nodded, this is the character a leader should have.

"Talulah, you didn't study medicine, but as the leader of the infected, you should know the cause of ore disease and how it is transmitted."

Recalling the memorized medical knowledge in his head, Gao Qi raised his finger.

"Nothing but three categories, excessive radiation of Originium energy, direct inhalation of Originium dust, and—"

"It was directly pierced into the body by the origin stone crystal."

Tallulah added the last sentence, and reached out to touch her shoulder.

There, a source stone crystal pierced her flesh, not by accident, but by her own initiative.

She still clearly remembered how short of breath she was when she was holding the source stone fragments she found in the mine, and how the fear in her heart was suppressed by anger.

Tallulah took the initiative to become an infected person in order to resist and fight.

"Yes, but please think about it for yourself. A sneeze can spray droplets containing bacteria for more than a hundred meters. The virus can form a protective shell by itself, dormant for a long time, and various mutations will make the vaccine invalid. How is this so? The spread of terror—if there is no medical treatment in a big city, there is no corresponding specific medicine, let alone cancer, a high fever will kill people.”

Standing up while supporting the table, Gao Qi looked at Tallulah and continued to ask.

"For country people, suffering from ore disease can live a few years longer, and suffering from malaria can even kill them in a few days-why do they fear the former more?"

In fact, Gao Qi has been asking himself this question since he came to Terra and saw the first infected person.


Tallulah opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she couldn't think of a suitable reason to refute.

It is true that ore disease cannot be cured, but compared to other diseases, it is actually weaker in terms of infectivity and fatality.

"Ore disease is indeed incurable, but in my opinion, there is another disease that is more terrifying than ore disease."

Along the dining table, Gao Qi slowly walked to Tallulah's side, bent down, and raised a finger in front of her.

"Poor disease."

Tallulah froze for a moment, the tail behind her yanked the chair, and looked at him with some complaints.

"Don't play with words, Mr. Gao Qi, this is not a disease at all. Of course I know that poverty is the root of everything, but the ore disease will not be just because of the rich..."

"Are you sure, Tallulah?"

Gao Qi bent down and met her eyes, that smiling gaze, but for some reason, Tallulah was a little dazed.

"The ore disease does not adjust the target of infection according to poverty and endowment, but have you counted the proportion of infected people from rich families and poor people to the total number of infected people? The Tower of Babel has counted."

Gao Qi knew that in Rhodes Island in the game, there were indeed a few wealthy people who were infected with ore disease and were sent to the island, but compared to them, more operators were just ordinary people, or in other words, poor people. child.

During the period of the Tower of Babel, this differentiation was even more obvious. After all, they are not considered pharmaceutical companies now.

"Look, kids from rich families don't have to work in dusty mines, kids from rich families don't transport Originium in power furnaces with strong radiation in mobile cities, nobles and nobles don't have to engage in battles full of fragments of Originium—they live in clean and tidy In the city, the ground and the air have been cleaned to be spotless..."

Gao Qi has seen the wealthy district of Casimir, lived in the slums of Colombia, and walked countless times on the battlefield of Kazdel, and no one is more qualified to say this sentence than him.

"To be precise, ore disease is a disease of poverty. Even if a rich person suffers from ore disease by accident, their family members will give him the best treatment."

Being very close to Tallulah's face, Gao Qi blinked, startling her, and then raised his head again.

"Studies have shown that ore disease will not aggravate in a stable internal environment. A good attitude, adequate nutrition, reasonable work and rest, a good environment, and reasonable treatment will keep people in a mild state, and more There will be no shortage of painkillers - ore disease is not a horror to them."

Sitting on the dining table, Gao Qi pointed to Tallulah.

"I don't know your origin, but your conversation and self-cultivation must not be that of a cowherd boy who farms in the countryside. You should feel that the class division in the city is clear, and the ore disease is just a disease for the upper class. An ordinary term, and a sharp weapon to divide the people at the bottom."

Seeing that, Gao Qi said what he always wanted to say.

Class, class, everything is a matter of class differences,

The existence of the superior created the origin stone, the appearance of the origin stone changed the operating rules of the whole world, and created a social status completely different from that of the earth - tribal system, slavery, feudal system, constitutional monarchy, capital system, the whole world is exceptional Chaos, but one thing remains constant.

The human heart is still complicated, desire and greed remain unchanged, even the gods cannot control it, naturally, class divisions will appear, and this contradiction is more intense and more terrifying.

Moreover, Gao Qi knew that Tallulah must have discovered this a long time ago, but——she needed someone to remind herself.

Tallula's eyes narrowed suddenly, and then she stretched out her hand excitedly to pat Gao Qi's thigh on the table, and even the dragon's horn ignited a red light.

"Yes, yes, I have also discovered that the group of nobles and rich people are deliberately provoking ore disease patients and other healthy people. Someone's making trouble—I've seen a villain who's good at it."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help frowning again. Gao Qi knew that the guy Tallulah was talking about was the one who had a relationship not long ago, the shadow of Ursus.

"I knew you understood what I said. Then, I want to ask you, Tallulah—then why is the Integration Movement just an organization fighting for the infected?"

Lowering his head, Gao Qi's eyes pointed directly at Tallulah's eyes.

"When, of course, a division has been provoked and I cannot bridge it, the infected are the ones who have no hope of living compared to the healthy people who still live in the cities and protected villages. Only they would..."

In the middle of speaking, looking at Gao Qi's gaze, Tallulah fell silent.

She used to think that her adoptive father, Kosche, was the most terrifying existence in the world, and his almost masterful expression made Tallulah feel great pressure even after his death.

But now, although Gao Qi is still smiling, Tallulah feels that he seems even more—unfathomable.

"On the way, I felt the vigilance and hostility of those infected fighters when they found out that Skadi and I were healthy people. Although Magellan had a big heart, I could see that the infected people rejected her. This is wrong. , this is not good, you are creating unnecessary enemies for yourselves."

Summarizing the feelings along the way, Gao Qi knew that the integration movement was flourishing, but the hidden dangers were even more terrifying.

"No, Mister Gauchy, I—"

Hearing Gao Qi's words, Tallulah immediately wanted to clarify the misunderstanding, but Gao Qi just flicked the dragon's horn lightly.

"Talulah, the integration movement is booming, but your approach is not all right. Their hostility towards non-infected people will destroy everything you cherish, I am absolutely sure."

As a person who has learned a little bit of theory in his previous life and had a certain amount of practice in the Tower of Babel, Gao Qi has the confidence to say this...very strong.

"Of course, no one can criticize an infected person who has been oppressed and not hate those who have abused him-but, as a leader, you'd better let this kind of division created by the nobles continue to separate and integrate The movement should integrate people, definitely not just the infected."

Giving a thumbs up to Talula, Gao Qi knew that the appearance of such a leader was extremely rare in this country and era.

"Look, people are more afraid of poverty than they are of ore disease, and the object of hatred should not be the infected and the healthy, on the contrary, these people should unite against the **** who keep them poor and weak, and take them from above from his throne—isn't it?"

The original integration movement, because of Tallulah's insanity, and the deliberate infiltration and manipulation of the Ursus, has completely gone the way of a terrorist organization, and the ignited flames have been extinguished.

But Gao Qi knew that if Tallulah maintained a normal state of mind, even if she didn't remind her, she would be able to correct her mistakes sooner or later and walk on the right path. However, some people made her lose the chance to regain her strength.

"You may achieve something great, and my words are just the words of the family—I will go to Magellan and the others first, and I will remember to hold a meeting later, so let's go."

After leaving these words, Gao Qi jumped off the table and walked out of the room—he didn't need to say too much, and Tallulah needed to think more.

"Mr. Gao Qi—Integration, not just the integration of the infected, but the integration of all...I seem to have heard of this idea."

As for Tallulah, she was stunned, and began to think seriously about Gao Qi's words. Afterwards, the speed of her tail flicking became faster and faster.

She thinks... this is probably a question worth thinking about.


There will be a new event this afternoon, and I wish you all the tenth consecutive graduation!

The freezing attribute is really a subtraction resistance, and the Fasteam team has completely gone to heaven.

The new enemy is also very interesting, but why is it cultivated by Yinhui, what do you mean by ex-husband brother? You can't understand me hugging your two younger sisters left and right, why do you want to clean up my brother-in-law?

The last boss will not be the black knight, right?

27. A spicy candy

Although Gao Qi has dealt with many high-level people in society, he is not good at it, nor does he like politics very much.

Birds of a feather flock together, and people divide into groups. The girls he knows, like him, are not good at manipulating politics. To be precise, they don't have the slightest interest in politics.

Skadi will not talk about it. In her spare time, she often talks about her home with Gao Qi. The Agor society itself is a country ruled by a group of technicians. No matter what kind of consul they are, they spend more time doing research than arguing. In the game, Skadi himself is the one with the emptiest head—about as high as dropping out of high school and joining the army early.

The same is true for Gavial. Politics does not exist in the rainforest. The truth is above the fist. Maybe this is the true meaning of politics.

As for the female academic masters of Rhine Life, most of them don't have Muirseth's mind of manipulating power, even if they are the governor, they are essentially serious explorers of unknown things, no different from Kelsey researcher.

As for Casimir, none of the three knights of Linguang's family inherited the political talents of old Linguang. Maybe after going abroad, Margaret will no longer be as tough and easy as before, but I want her to be really smooth. If you come down, it will only be the next life.

As for Kazdel... I won't talk about Muyan and W. They are standard people. As long as they live in peace, they don't care about the kind of person who is flooding.

There are quite a lot of people on the Tower of Babel. Sharp, the newcomer from Sargon, commutes on time and keeps time with his watch.

It was only later that Gao Qi found out that Hua Farin, the veteran of the Gorefiend, had an unbelievably high qualifications and status in the Gorefiend. People dare to say a word.

However, Warfarin obviously prefers the days when Gao Qi has something to do and Gao Qi has nothing to do, and absolutely doesn't care about anything except research and affection.

As for Kelsey... She is indeed resourceful, but Gao Qi knows that she may have seen the limits of politics and tactics, and what she is pursuing now is a more effective way.

In the final analysis, Gao Qi’s family, as well as people who are not now but will definitely be a family in the future, are not interested in political struggle.

But for the integration movement, and now Ursus as a whole, politics is essential.

Gao Qi knows a lot, and he knows a lot. He is not a nerd, but Ma Yuan has listened to some content in class, and hastily read Das Kapital.

He believes that some of the explanations and knowledge are really useful to this world. Starting from a difficult environment, Gao Qi, who gradually groped from zero to one, and stood on the shoulders of giants to enjoy theoretical achievements, can obviously come up with more meaningful results.

But...he didn't intend to say more, and he didn't intend to be a mentor to guide Tallulah on what path to take.

Terra has the social status quo of Terra. Ore disease has caused discrimination and social tearing, far surpassing all races, genders, and nationalities. To heal this wound, it takes much more effort than imagined.

This is not a simple word of class, it can be completely generalized, it can only be said that it is somewhat similar.

If you want to start a revolution to change Ursus, it is best to let the Ursas people make their own decisions.

After all, at this very moment, a certain little Ursus girl who was attending junior high school in Chernobog might have come into contact with some books that the government banned from reading by accident.

As for Gao Qi, he should do what he is better at.

And his best job is being a hunter.

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