Looking at Gao Qi and Tallulah standing side by side, Patriot seemed to have noticed something, and then said nothing, just nodded simply.

【Yelena, this silly girl, if she doesn't make any moves, she might not be able to compete. 】

And at this moment, the door of the house opened, and a pair of pitch-black antlers entered the room first.

Alina returned home, and she seemed to be carrying Gao Qi's somewhat familiar quilt on her shoulders?

"Gao Qi, there is no one in your house today, if you talk to Tallulah for a long time, you just come to sleep with us?"

Today, Alina made up her mind that she must marry her red dragon girl today!


The new extermination is quite simple, but the last wave of self-discipline always makes mistakes, and the prts wife fishes every day, which is really confusing...

It's tiring to change the configuration and play it again, so let's make more adjustments.

48. Let's sleep together, Alina!

Today is destined to be a day worth remembering for the integration movement.

Their leader, the brave Tallulah, for the first time expressed his thoughts seriously and in detail to every fighter of the integration movement.

This is undoubtedly a real violent theory for everyone. They will fight side by side with healthy people who do not suffer from ore disease, and at the same time they will fight against Ursus who destroyed Gaul and defeated Casimir.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. There must be heated discussions and even quarrels in the dormitory of every soldier, whether it is an integration movement or a guerrilla, it is destined to be like this.

And tomorrow morning, some people are destined to leave her team because they can't accept Tallulah, but there will still be some people who will stay, and after that, there will be more and more of their companions—because human beings will always pursue the truth, and Tallulah Pulling... will also come up with real and practical benefits.

Outside the window, the night in Beiyuan was getting dark. Although it was already spring, the chilly and cold spring night still forced everyone into the house, barely warming themselves by the fire.

On Tallulah's desk, Gao Qi was sitting side by side with her, gesturing on a map of Beiyuan seized from the mine last time.

As usual, Tallulah hugged Gao Qi's arm habitually, and carefully analyzed the current situation of the snow field for him. At least Tallulah knew more about the North Plain than Gao Qi.

"Actually, after all the Ursus armies gather together to fight against the demons, there will be a huge period of chaos in the Yinfei provinces after the troops withdraw. The junior officer still turned a blind eye to the looting they committed while they were staying in the countryside."

Tallulah, who used to work in the Ursus army and was the head of the gendarmerie, still remembers the violations of discipline in the Ursas army, especially those in the non-elite units. She has dealt with many officers and soldiers Security checks that oppress civilians.

Externally, these armies are a terrifying torrent of steel, but internally, they are also a huge scourge to the people at the bottom. They treat the peasants in the legion's station as livestock, and treat people in other provinces extremely cruelly.

"Our scouts have sent a lot of news. Because the non-provincial province has carried out temporary taxation recently, the surplus grain of many farmers' homes has been temporarily allocated to the Sunset Canyon in the north—even if these warlords face demons, They are still making small moves, unwilling to transport materials by themselves, but using local materials, which is really abominable."

The pretty face was full of anger, and Tallulah's inner flames urgently needed to be vented towards her enemies, and even the strength to hold Gao Qi's arm became much stronger.

"Ha... I knew that this little emperor's jurisdiction can't control everyone at all—Talulah, don't underestimate the willfulness of human beings, and don't overestimate the brains of politicians, even if the end of the world comes, there are destined to be some **** Put your foot on the gas pedal."

Sighing lightly, Gao Qi has been discussing with Talula on her desk every night these days about the future of the integration movement. Fighting is a lot of fun, and being with others is even more exciting.

From the information channels of the integration movement, he learned that all the group armies wanted to send more troops in the direction of the Sunset Canyon. Naturally, it was impossible to expel their elite lineage, but randomly found some excluded troops to make up the numbers.

"It's the third army...how strange that the Grand Duke Baikal's team is led by him himself."

Looking at the north of the integration movement station, nearly two hundred kilometers away, near the border of the Ursas map, a narrow and long canyon that was specially drawn out, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows—there is the sunset canyon, where human beings resist Convenience for people and things.

"Grand Duke Baikal, I don't know much about him, but maybe in the Ursus Empire, there are still people who are really vigilant against demons and are willing to fight with all their strength?"

"No, there must be a demon when things go wrong, you'd better not think too much about him—you know, the ultimate power of Ursus is created by the knowledge absorbed from the demon, maybe he Want to use this power?"

Shaking his head, Gao Qi didn't expect much from these guys' IQ. From the original work and Kelsey's instructions, he knew that the Ursus Empire had already begun to use the power of demons.

The only one who took advantage of the power of the superiors was a pure hunter like Gao Qi, and the only one who got a good ending. The other scholars counted one by one, but they didn't end well.

"If all goes well, we can attack westward directly after they leave. There are two abandoned mobile towns that are used as outposts. They are useless waste products for the Ursus Empire, but for us, they are worthless. It is a solid base, and there are also agricultural modules that can be used. I also have the brand-new hydroponic farming technology of Rhine Life Research, at least here we do not lack source stone resources..."

After clicking twice on the west side of the map, Gao Qi finally stretched his waist and took off his hunter windbreaker.

"My mother, I'm so hot, you are like a small stove, and you are sweating all over your body."

Being next to a red dragon, Gao Qi felt that his whole body was on fire. Although Tallulah had a slender figure, her body temperature was much higher than that of ordinary people due to the blood of the red dragon. It was extraordinarily hot.

"Ahaha, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm a Drake, but it's better to be hot than cold in winter—when Alina thinks it's cold, she'll come to my bed and hug me."

Seeing Gao Qi take off his coat, Tallulah's face was slightly red, and the tail of the dragon behind her was also flicking back and forth. I don't know if it was because of the heat or for other reasons—although she usually has a charismatic temperament outside, but in When she was with Gao Qi, Tallulah would

But immediately, the top of her head was lightly tapped by a slender hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not afraid of the cold, I'm afraid that you will fall asleep alone and lonely-well, two great people who may change the world, it's time to go to bed, I've made the bed. "

Smiling and looking at the two from behind, Alina seemed very satisfied - there is no more suitable couple than the two in front of her!

"Come on, go to the chair and drink some tea, Gao Qi, you have to go to Miss Lilia's place tomorrow, it's better to rest early today-you don't know, Tallulah has become more and more lazy recently, every night before going to bed I have to help her wipe her face."

Gently patted Gao Qi on the shoulder, the virtuous little deer pointed to the comfortable chairs by the stove, and urged the two of them up, making both Gao Qi and Tallulah a little embarrassed.

In Gao Qi's cognition, this place is still "other people's home", and it is always embarrassing to be a little presumptuous as a guest. Tallulah, on the other hand, was embarrassed to show her weak and giant baby side—in fact, in terms of daily life, she seldom took care of herself, but relied entirely on Alina to take care of her.

"Ah, Alina, stop talking... Ah, by the way, are we going to sleep in your room or mine tonight, Alina, where did you put Mr. Gauchi's bed?"

In the cognition of Tallulah, and any normal person, inviting a man to sleep in his home, it must be two girls who want to make a room for him to sleep in. Miss Skadi and Miss Magellan are not there, He must be very lonely at night, at least he can talk before going to bed here, but in the end he must be let to sleep alone.

"Huh? How is it possible? Of course I am sleeping alone in the room. I have already laid Gao Qi's bedding on your bed. You two should sleep together tonight."

But upon hearing Tallulah's words, Alina smiled innocently, tilted her head, and pointed the two antlers at Tallulah's room.

"Hey! Alina! What are you thinking, I, I, and Mr. Gao Qi are the opposite sex, how can we sleep in the same bed!"

Sure enough, as Alina expected, Gao Qi opened his eyes wide the moment he heard that he had arranged the beds for the two of them, and Tallulah's always confident and resolute face appeared rarely. A little flustered.

This fighter who had no fear even in the face of the Ursus army, his face burst into crimson, hurriedly walked in front of Alina, held her shoulders, and shook her slightly.

"Huh? Isn't it strange? Don't you two talk together until late every night? I got up to cook a few times and saw that you two are still chatting. Now I will give you some space, Tallulah, Are you not happy about it?"

Lowering her head, she bumped Tallulah's dragon horns with the antlers in front of her. Alina tried her best to hold back her urge to laugh, and sincerely told the two people in front of her her perfectly reasonable reasons.

"The two of you chatting in the study room will not only disturb me and affect my rest, but also catch cold easily. I just want you two to chat on the bed together, and you can cover yourself with the quilt and turn off the lights. How nice it is to continue talking~~ right?"

Even though these words sounded a bit preposterous to her own ears, Alina was willing to go all out at the moment. With such an excellent man, no one would let Tallulah go.

This silly girl looks like she will dedicate her whole life to the revolution. She won't live long as an ore patient. After she leaves, it's up to Gao Qi to take care of her!

"Mr. Gao Qi, why don't you say something! How can this be done?"

With her fair face flushed red, Tallulah skillfully took Gao Qi's hand and shook it, but she kept observing Gao Qi's expression while being shy, as if... still a little bit excited?

"Ah... I don't really care about it. It's okay for adults and children to sleep in the family. There is a blood demon who is hundreds of years old in our family, but Tallulah is still a young girl after all. If she doesn't want to, forget it? "

Looking at the smiling Alina, Gao Qi suddenly felt a rare sense of vigilance. This little deer girl he likes seems to be brewing a conspiracy that he can't guess—of course, a cute conspiracy.

Gao Qi is neither Amiya nor Ines, so naturally he can't read people's hearts. Even if he understands Alina's character in the original book, he still can't figure out what this kind of wimpy girl is going to do—in a sense, Ah Lina's personality is a bit like W!

[Good hunter, stop pretending, just agree and the job is over, do you think I can't see your little thoughts...Of course, when Skadi and the others come back, I will report the truth. 】

In her mind, Miss Puppet also projected contemptuous glances at Gao Qi—she only knew that this philandering radish of hers was going to trouble other people’s good girls again. It’s a pity that she liked these two good girls children's.

"Well... that can't be helped, that's the only way to go! It's okay, Mr. Gao Qi, chatting on the bed is the same—we, didn't we design that the future integration movement should be equal to men and women, and gender discrimination should not be imagined. Since we are gay, It’s okay to sleep on the same bed!”

Sure enough, hearing that Gao Qi did not explicitly refuse, Tallulah immediately flicked the tail of the dragon behind her, and happily agreed, and at the same time quickly pushed Alina to sit on two chairs far away from the third one. , began to whisper.

"What are you doing, Alina, it's very difficult for Mr. Gao Qi to do such a embarrassing thing all of a sudden!"

Although there was unconcealable joy between her brows, Tallulah shook her head and complained to Alina.

And Alina didn't say much, just looked at the eldest girl she had raised for several years with meaningful eyes, and didn't intend to continue to hide anything from her.

"Talulah, tell the truth... You actually like Mr. Gao Qi, right?"

"Oh! No, it's not, it's just worship, respect, respect!"

Sure enough, but the moment Alina broke her feelings, Tallulah's face flushed red again, and she looked at Gao Qi who was drinking tea not far away, seeing that he didn't hear, she was relieved tone.

Due to her special status, Tallulah knew too much about love between men and women since she was a child, and she never thought about falling in love at all, but she still has the most basic liking—she is not a piece of wood.

A man unexpectedly appeared, suddenly entered her life, and gave her a lot of inspiration, taught a lot of things, and even changed the integration movement, and also changed Tallulah, a kind, tall and handsome man, anyway , are worthy of Tallulah's respect and love.

However, for Talula, who has never read romance novels since she was a child, at most, she has read her sister's martial arts novels, love is a bit too advanced and remote—of course, she still looks forward to the martial arts novels, so He is a handsome, intelligent, and able to play the protagonist image, and Gao Qi perfectly satisfies this point.

"Moreover, Mr. Gao Qi has Miss Skadi, they are very loving, how can I be a third party... This is absolutely forbidden by the integration movement!"

With her tail flicking back and forth, Tallulah never had a day—even the day Kosche was killed by her. She was as flustered as she is now. She was able to assassinate a duke and escape successfully. Things, she can't do it!

"Don't worry... it's not your turn, the mistress, I mean—it's not like you haven't heard how Mr. Gao Qi shows off the girls in his family. This is not a matter of cheating, but an early confession and early enjoyment." Regarding the problem, Miss Magellan has directly launched an offensive, and you have seen her happy appearance these days, and being with Mr. Gao Qi is good for both the integration movement and you."

As she spoke, Alina held Tallulah's hand and instructed her softly.

"Besides, I won't be with you for long, Tallulah, you need someone to take care of you after I'm gone, don't you?"

And hearing this sentence, Tallulah froze for a moment, the previous shyness disappeared, and her expression became a little flustered and scared.

Immediately, she pursed her lips in displeasure, and after glancing at Tallulah, she turned to look at Gao Qi.

"Mr. Gauchi, Alina said she wants to sleep with us—take her too."


Now, it was Alina's turn to be at a loss.


There seems to be a live broadcast tomorrow? Or is it a domestic live broadcast? I don't know what it's a preview of, it should be a preview of the Spring Festival activities, I hope there will be a few more sisters.

Pink hair? Who, I have never heard of it, I don’t know it!

49. The big quilt where the dragon and the deer sleep together?

When your lover goes out to work, you secretly sleep with a young and beautiful girl at home—this is immoral, incorrect, and very bad.

Especially when there are three souls residing in his head, and even a deposed god, this kind of embarrassment has risen to a certain level—super embarrassing.

But in any case, under the pretext of convenient discussion and rest, Gao Qi still lived in Tallulah's room—what can he do, if Gao Qi can refuse, he won't have so many girls in his family now!

Moreover, compared to the usual private conversation between the two, this time, another person joined them.

"Well, actually, I can lean against the bed, and you two can cover a quilt together."

Feeling the three decibels in the dream full of contempt, shortness of breath and shy eyes, and the two body temperatures beside him with a huge difference in temperature, although Gao Qi has adapted to sleeping with the girl at home, he is still embarrassed now.

Originally, he planned to continue discussing with Tallulah on the bed the deployment plan of the integration movement, as well as the next step after determining the location of the demon invasion.

However, under Tallulah's strong request, Alina was also pulled into the room inexplicably.

Facing the angry Tallulah with puffed cheeks, Alina, the little deer, couldn't resist the power of the dragon at all. She was carried on her shoulders and thrown into the bed. Finally, Gao Qi was also pushed onto the bed.

Tallulah's bed was not big, and it was a bit crowded for the three of them to sleep.

"It's not necessary, Mr. Gao Qi, since Alina wants you to take care of me so much, then we might as well be in bed together, the three of us."

Beside Gao Qi, Tallulah took off the handsome old Ursus military uniform, wore a thin white shirt, lay down in Gao Qi's bed, and put the dragon's tail between her hands.

Although her expression was still full of anger, her face turned even redder the moment her shoulder touched Gao Qi's body.

"Talulah, I just want to..."

On the side, Alina, who usually looks calm and extraordinarily elegant, is also full of embarrassment and embarrassment at this moment.

For this little deer who grew up in the countryside, whose parents passed away early, and who lived alone all year round, this kind of thing was really hard to accept.

"I don't have anything to think about. Anyway, Alina, you often chatted with me at night before. I've been a little busy recently, so I haven't had time to talk to you—today just happens to be an opportunity!"

There was a trace of anger in Tallulah's tone. Alina always said some annoying and frustrating words. Since she was thinking about who would take care of her after death every day, Tallulah wanted Alina to be punished too. People take care!

"Well, what... did you - have a fight?"

Sensing the somewhat stiff atmosphere in the conversation between the two, Gao Qi couldn't help but interrupted.

When living in Kazdale, there were more than a dozen girls in Gauchi’s family. They were completely different in character and life. There was an old guy like Warfarin who was playing tricks, and there was Kafka who emphasized that he was an adult every day. There are chaotic and neutral fun-loving people like W, and lawful and neutral diamond heads like Saria.

Although these girls can get along well, quarrels are always inevitable. As the male master of the family, Gao Qi is naturally responsible for mediating the relationship between everyone, and because of his unbeatable physique, he even allows everyone to directly attack and vent — being beaten Dynamite sticking to the face and scissors plugging are trivial matters.

Therefore, when Gao Qi noticed that there seemed to be some minor conflicts between Talula and Alina, Gao Qi immediately planned to mediate when he was surprised.

"Nothing is...I just want Tallulah—"

"It's no wonder if I don't, I talk about my own death every day, and I always want to find someone to take care of me instead of me. How can I not be angry—Mr. If you are frustrated, how can this be done!"

Before Alina could explain further, Tallulah turned around, pinched Gao Qi's arm, and looked at Alina angrily through her.

"Ah, I think I get it."

Tallulah didn't say much, but Gao Qi instantly understood the meaning of Tallulah's words.

Alina recognized herself and wanted to let Gao Qi take care of her after she died of ore disease.

"Okay, okay, calm down, Tallulah, this is normal, have you forgotten, I am not only a hunter, but also a member of the Tower of Babel - the infected people I have seen are probably more infected than the two of you I've seen a lot."

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