However, in another sense, the continuous mountains have become the barrier of Ursus spiritually.

"Hoo-here, thank you for your hard work, Ms. Maria."

Wearing a white coat that was old but carefully cleaned, a film woman was dragging a small cart full of instruments to the somewhat shabby forest cabin.

After walking outside the wooden house, Lilia took a breath slowly, and nodded wearily to the empty air beside her.

Although she was only in her early thirties, she could barely be considered young, but the researcher had never lived a regular and healthy life, and Lilia's body was indeed in a sub-healthy state over the years.

She is a student of Kelsey, and she also has a wealth of medical knowledge. Such a weak body is really a bit sorry for the teacher's careful teaching—it is difficult for a doctor to heal himself

And soon, beside her, a blurry figure emerged. She had two swords on her waist, wearing a black tricorn hat and a burnt black cloak. She was a heroic, silent and cold huntress.

"You don't need to say thank you, Miss Maria, every scholar who studies the superiors is precious, no matter where they are, the sober ones will always be a minority."

Maria, a huntress who claims to be from Yharnan, Lilia has known her for several years.

Teacher Kelsey made Lilia understand the threats facing the world, as well as those inhuman secrets, and understood that they need to be vigilant, and also gave her a small reason to live after completing her revenge.

The appearance of Maria made Lilia realize the vastness of the world. Some people worship the gods, some fear the gods, some analyze the gods, and some fight against the gods. is really rare to talk about people who want to hunt gods.

But when she accidentally met this huntress who had traveled all over the world, and heard her claim that the purpose was to hunt the superiors who would threaten the continent of Terra—that is, the gods, Lilia’s first thought was, is this lady hunter? There's something wrong with my head.

After all, even her teacher, the near-omniscient Ms. Kelsey, never thought of hunting it as game, putting herself in the hunter's shoes.

However, during the time spent together afterwards, Maria easily proved that she was indeed capable of doing so. The so-called hunting did not have any exaggeration or arrogance, it was just a statement of facts.

After all, even the emperor's sharpest blade... was just an opponent worthy of her admiration in front of Maria.

"The number of wild beasts is increasing. During this trip, we were attacked by wild beasts three times. All the wild beasts have serious signs of infection. I can smell distortion and instability from them-I am afraid that there is not much time left."

Her complexion was as calm as usual. Maria often called herself a corpse. Although Gao Qi seriously refuted it every time, if you only look at her mood swings, Maria is indeed no different from a corpse.

"...Yeah, the unstable boundary of the material world is gradually approaching south, breaking through the defense line of reality. If the situation goes well, this time, no, I will collect the probe again next time, and I will be able to determine the time of the demon invasion. "

On both sides of the top of the head, the brown mongoose ears were attached to the brown hair. Lilia looked a little tired, but she turned her head and looked at the rolling mountains in the north, with a hint of disdain in her light yellow eyes.

"I'm afraid that even the current emperor may not be fully aware of what exists in the extreme north of Ursas, and why Ursas has survived for a hundred years."

In these rolling mountains, there are a huge amount of runes from different civilizations and cultures hidden, from the ancient machinery of the ancient Sarkaz Empire to the dark and terrifying runes of Nightmare Coward, as well as many modern Ursus sorcerer-fortified spell configuration.

The ancient temples are hidden in the mountains, exuding a realm called "reality" against the "nothingness" in the north.

These devices may have been guarding humans thousands of years ago, and there may be similar existences in the Foehn Land. No matter who the ruler of this place is, after the dynasty changes, the later rulers will still strengthen these defenses as soon as possible.

In history, the protection of the extreme north has been breached several times. These are all secrets without official historical records, but Lilia has a good teacher who "knows everything" and can clearly tell the results of each demonic attack. loss.

The latest demon invasion was the Battle of Sunset Canyon that Mr. Patriot from the Guerrilla Army experienced. The first and second armies suffered heavy losses, while the mighty Wendigo held on while losing its inner guard. The last front.

Lilia still remembers that the first time she heard this story from Teacher Kelsey, she was so excited by Ursus' tenacity, and even a little passionate. She hoped that her future research could continue to protect this country. make an effort.

At that time, Kelsey shook her head and said nothing.

To this day, after just two years of marriage, Lilia experienced the pain of losing her father. Lilia, who has been more than ten years since then, has understood the reason why Kelsey shook her head at that time—Usas is not worth her doing

Lilia didn't have a photo of her deceased husband, and she had long forgotten what he looked like. Even the past events she had experienced had become completely disfigured in the continuous repairing of her memory.

Her daughter was fostered in her family, and the mother and daughter would not see each other for life.

Even Lilia's enemy, with the help of Kelsey, died in a not-so-pleasant lynching—of course Lilia knew that Chernobog's conspiracy would not have only one mastermind, but she was already powerless Going to take revenge one by one, killing a grand duke who is destined to die in a conspiracy and struggle is the only explanation for himself.

Now, the only reason to support Lilia to continue to face those terrifying demons is to protect the world where her daughter Luisa lives.

Still, that's enough.

Sighing lightly, Lilia stretched her waist, and the bones in her waist creaked.

"Ha... It seems that I am old too."

Ten years ago, Lilia could not use stimulants like Teacher Kelsey, and she could go through data for three or four days in the laboratory without a minute of sleep, but now she just goes out for a trip, and she is so sleepy that she wants to sleep .

Moreover, Lilia knew that it was not only her body that was no longer young, but also her mind.

"You are not old. In terms of the average life expectancy of a film, you are still considered the age of a young woman—Gao Qi is right, you need exercise and a good daily routine, Lilia, you are a warrior, even if you don't know how to use a sword, You still need a healthy body.”

As a hunter, Maria could easily see Lilia's posture and mood, and told the truth without hesitation.

"At this point, you should listen to him - he can give you a healthy living environment, but a healthy mentality is only up to you."

After taking a step forward, Maria stopped suddenly, her sharp eyes scanned the scenery in front of the wooden house, as if she had noticed something.

"Gao Qi's breath remains, he is back... What a procrastination, this guy who has no sense of urgency, I didn't teach him how to be a competent hunter after all."

After flicking the scabbard, Maria snorted coldly. Since she was in Yanan, she was not very satisfied with Gauchi's lazy and casual attitude, and after knowing that he came to Terra, the rest of the time was spent hunting. After they both fell in love, Maria's unhappiness increased significantly.

Suddenly, Maria seemed to think of something, and turned around to remind Lilia.

"Lilia, you have to be careful too, that guy has always been a meat-vegetarian, when he caught a woman in Yanan, he confessed to her, and Annalize and I don't know how many times we were proposed's kind of like a hunter."

Although the content seemed to be accusing something, Lilia knew that every time Maria talked about Gao Qi, her tone would become a little lighter.

"Not to mention here, she has been very close to the three girls from the integration movement recently, Alina, Tallulah, and Yelena...he has been taking care of you recently, you have to be careful, This guy might have his eye on you."

Picking up the instrument that had collected the data from the car, Maria walked behind Lilia. Although her strength was not as strong as Skadi's, she lifted a weight of one or two hundred catties as if walking on the ground.

In front of Lilia, Maria talked a lot more than usual. She has never been a cold person, but Gao Qi always made her angry, so she talked less

When Lilia heard this, she just shook her head in embarrassment.

"Don't make fun of me, Miss Maria, I'm a widow who is already widowed. Mr. Gao Qi has taken care of me a lot recently, but I think he is actually so kind to everyone—the same is true to you, Is not it?"

Looking at the clean clothes on her body and the delicate patches above, Lily smiled slightly, walked in front of Maria, and opened the door.

The "rescue" Mr. Gauchi moved by Maria and Magellan is indeed an extraordinary person.

Although what he usually does the most is still running around on the northern border to scout the movements of demons, but in his daily life, he is the one who takes care of everyone the most.

Whether it's his lover Miss Skadi, or Magellan, Maria, Simone, and several integration girls, they are all receiving his meticulous care.

He is very good at housework, helping everyone in a suitable way, even cooking is basically covered, and the taste meets everyone's requirements.


Opening the door of the cabin, what greets the eyes is the neat wooden floor, and two pots of transplanted green plants that decorate the room. The clothes that were originally stacked everywhere on the ground have been neatly folded into the closet, and the books that were randomly thrown away , are also classified into volumes and stuffed into the handmade bookshelf.

When Lilia was living alone, she no longer cared about her living conditions at all, and put all her focus on research. The whole family could be said to be messy and smelly. Even if Maria, Magellan and Simone were there, everyone Too busy to tidy up.

However, after Gao Qi arrived, he helped Lilia tidy up Lilia's home that had been chaotic for several years from a mess back to a tidy appearance. The tube of underwear really embarrassed Lilia for a while.

But, no matter what, Lilia's cabin has finally changed from a "nest" to a "residence". Who doesn't like a tidy home?

Staying here, Lilia's mood also improved a lot.

"I think, as for me, it's just to catch your attention. Gao Qi doesn't hide his affection for you at all, Miss Maria, you should seize the opportunity."

Although she knew that the Maria in front of her was much older than herself, but Lilia could see that she was still a little girl at heart—Gao Qi’s attack on her never weakened, even though it was indeed a big problem, But Lilia understood that only Gao Qi was worthy of Maria.

But when she heard Lilia, Maria seemed extremely calm, neither surprised nor clarified.

"Of course I know this. If I have to find a man who can be my spouse, then only Gao Qi - but I am not very interested in this aspect, unless there are no more high-ranking people who threaten human beings in the world, otherwise I will not It will be considered."

Nodding calmly, Maria quickly walked a few steps and entered the basement where there was a lot of noise.

For Ms. Maria in the Star Clock Tower, the relationship between her and Gao Qi has long been very clear, and the tacit understanding between the two does not even need to say anything.

When the last evil **** in the world falls and people no longer need hunters who hunt wild beasts, Maria will naturally turn back to that gentle woman who likes to take care of children—just like that Miss Alina.

Even if you marry someone with a big heart, it doesn't seem so bad.

But before that, Maria was still the hunter wielding Luoyang, and Gao Qi never suggested to her to let her take a rest and relax.

"…so good."

Sighing slightly, Lilia shook her head, and followed closely to the basement.

But soon, the little widow of Filin heard a sound like a pile driver tamping the ground.

Boom boom boom boom—

In the basement, a huntress with white hair and red eyes was standing in the room. In front of a black-haired man, she beat his chest with a pink fist, which obviously shattered the other's ribs.

"Well... I just, I just went out for a day, why did you turn Frost Star into a girlfriend! No, Gao Qi, there are too many girlfriends at home, no, no, I want to upgrade! Upgrade! We will soon become lovers It's been a year, and I'm going to become a wife, wife!"

In the room, Gao Qi was honestly enduring Skadi's excellent level of coquettishness, with a smile all over his face, while Frost Star was blushing, standing aside with Magellan, who was full of smirks, and did not intend to interfere in this matter at all .

Only a tall, white-haired Volper girl stood at a loss, thinking that some fierce conflict broke out here.

"So... fickleness is actually a big problem."

"makes sense."

Maria and Lilia looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Who would have thought that the person who staged this farce in the room would be the key to fighting this divine disaster?


Wow, the two new operators this time are both good at rouge!

Lao Li's fuel cost anti-control passive is really better than Lotus Shield and Lincoln. The stone man hits a stone and faints for a few seconds, which is a lot of fun!

Sister Ling really can do whatever she wants. Although Dalong occupies two positions, she is a perfect fit for the design that there are not enough people in the early stage like meat pigeons, and the later positions can also be bought.

Anyway, it's better than a guy who turns a summoned object into paper outside the attack range and needs to add a drop of blood!

63. Family, dependents and new tasks.

Coaxing Titi is the biggest technical job of Gao Qi's family.

Outside, Skadi is a ruthless deep-sea hunter. He can turn into a giant swordsman without hesitation when dealing with enemies, and cut the opponent into sausages with a three-block red knife. Any existence that is hostile to Gao Qi will bear all of Skadi's anger.

But at home, Skadi is the number one giant baby in the family, and is regarded as a big child like Ifrit and Rosemary by other girls at home—although she can do shameful things with Gao Qi up.

There is no other reason. Skadi has been ashore for more than a year. She has adapted to life on land and the food cooked by Gao Qi. Flush the toilet.

But one year is enough for an undersea resident to adapt to life on land, but it is not enough for a simple deep-sea hunter to understand the complex communication methods of people on land and the intrigue between them.

After W tried to satirize Skadi with her sharp teeth for the first time, and only received a pair of ignorant big eyes and a cute tilted head, she gave up trying to argue with Skadi and turned to bullying Mudstone went.

Skadi's character is as pure as a child's. Even though she has experienced more tragic battles than everyone in the family, and has also lost relatives and comrades-in-arms, she still retains her original innocence.

With Gao Qi around, Skadi obviously won't become that indifferent bounty hunter. She even likes to act like a baby more than when they first met.

Of course, she has all the advantages of a child, and naturally like a child, she likes to make trouble.

Moreover, Titi's awkwardness is different from ordinary people. Although her weight can be as light as a feather, and she can even stand on the tip of a sword raised by others without any problem, once she doesn't deliberately control it, she will instantly become heavier than Mount Tai.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this kind of out-of-control situation can only occur when Skadi and Gauchi share the same bed. Even if it is made of high-strength alloy, the bed in Gauchi's room has already been seated several times. Deep dents.

As for the other girls in Gao Qi's family, although they can't stand Gao Qi alone, they welcome other people to open Gao Qi's copy, but every time Titi wants to sit on Gao Qi's body , They will definitely go to stop it as soon as possible.

There was no other reason—it was a little frightening to see Gao Qi's pelvis shattered and blood splattered all over his body.

And even if it's not about being in love with Gao Qi, but just acting coquettishly and being awkward, the damage caused by Skadi is extremely terrifying.

At this time, everyone in the family will immediately look at Gao Qi, urging him to coax Skadi quickly.

As for Gao Qi... he is particularly good at this.

"Really, I like Frost Star very much, but if this happens, our bed will be crowded again—we need to change to a bigger bed, and I also want to upgrade, upgrade! The level of lovers is no longer enough!"

"Yes, yes, get married when you go back—but Kazdel doesn't even have an official government now, and the Civil Affairs Bureau certainly doesn't exist. It's impossible to get a certificate!"

"I don't need any certificates, I want to wear that wedding dress, the white one! Yan Guo's red one is also good, what is it called Feng—"

"That's called a phoenix cloak—no problem, as long as you want, we can do all the ceremonies of all races on the continent."

Lilia's residence, in the corner of the basement filled with research instruments, is now occupied by a newly added bed, and the two of them lived here temporarily for half of this month.

Gao Qi was sitting on the bed, holding the awkward Skadi in his arms, and stroking the little killer whale just like comforting a child.

And Skadi sat on his lap facing each other, her big rose red eyes blinked flickeringly, and a pair of pink hands clenched into fists, beating Gao Qi's chest lightly.

Of course, in Gao Qi's eyes, this is "lightly beating", but the sharp sonic boom, the heavy impact, and the crackling bones made the bystanders around them unable to bear it. Take a few steps back.

Just now, as usual, Gao Qi reported the changes in his relationship with Frost Star very honestly.

Just like in the past, Titi, the "main palace", would always have a quarrel, and then everything would go on as usual, but this time, she had some other requirements.

During the past few days, Gao Qi and Lilia and the others were researching the problem of demons, and at the same time dealing with Tallulah's path to the integration movement, so he was very busy.

However, there was no need to fight, Titi was free again, and Gao Qi took her to find something to do in the integration movement, helping hunt wild animals, or come here to help protect Lilia.

However, just a few days ago, Skadi participated in an internal wedding of the integration movement. Two fighters in the integration movement tied the knot and held a simple Ursus-style wedding inside. Even Tallulah They were invited to speak a few words.

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