Afterwards, discovering the word "Xiaoyao", and having a conversation with Linghe millet in the air, was completely out of Gao Qi's plan.

However, this had a better effect than he expected—communicating with foreign countries thousands of miles away, and even being able to transmit things. This kind of ability, I am afraid that no one in Terra can do it, and only Theresia is dying. It is a sigh that can be transmitted to the ears of every Sarkaz through the blood.

And such a miraculous phenomenon will definitely not be ignored by the inner guards—it is precisely because of this that more than ten inner guards have appeared beside Gao Qi.

According to the discussion with Kelsey, Ursas's inner guards are full of calculations, but only three to five hundred. There are a lot of restrictions on the craftsmanship of "making" them. And the product of mysticism, naturally there are not many.

If dozens of internal guards were sent over for an integrated movement that was destined to become a pawn, then the Sunset Canyon defense line would definitely not be able to hold on.

[In this case, there should not be too much pressure on the integration movement. Even if there are internal defenders, they will not go too much. Tallulah and the Patriots can solve it. 】

Sensing the churning, manic, and distorted power in the inner guard in front of him, Gao Qi narrowed his eyes.

There is no doubt that these internal guards have the power of demons in their bodies. Their bodies have been completely alienated under the pollution of demons. Only the medicine of ventilators can keep them calm and rational.

Just as the hunter uses the blood of the superior, Ursus also uses their power to fight against the demons, and the black weapon is no different from the power of the demons.

"Put away your 'country', don't test our patience, inner guard, I won't kill you, just because you are still useful—you should protect your own country at this moment, the country that belongs to human beings, if you still think yours is human words."

For these inner guards, Gao Qi has extremely complicated feelings. He knows that Ursus's technology is not as built on a large number of experiments as Yanan's blood therapy technology. Hunters using blood will lead to madness, mutation and curse. , not to mention the rude approach of the Ursas?

Gao Qi can be sure that under the erosion of demons, the superiors in the non-material world, the bodies of these inner guards may have been alienated into organizational structures different from those of humans, but there is no doubt that they are still proud, fighting for the sake of humans. Fighting warrior.

However, even Yanan's hunters are not all so kind, and among the inner guards, not all are monolithic.

At least the group of inner guards in front of them is not loyal to the current emperor.

"You can try to challenge me, inner guards, I may not kill you all, but Sunset Canyon is destined to lose this batch of important combat power, and I will also make the integration movement give up its plan to fight against the demons— Do you really want to confront me at the risk of national subjugation? Do you want to shame the country under the protection of the late emperor?"

As he said, pale moonlight shone in Gao Qi's eyes, intimidating the inner guards in front of him—not to mention anything else, he actually quite liked the windbreaker of the inner guards.

Even if Lilia needs to be protected, Gao Qi will not be disturbed. Now he is no longer what he used to be. When he first came to Terra, he was still thinking about how much he and the inner guard would have. But now, he has skipped this stage .

"Gao Qi... Forget it, I'll listen to you."

Lilia's eyelids couldn't help but twitch when she heard the word "subjugate the country", and she burrowed into Gao Qi's arms twice. She knew that she was extremely loyal to this group and dedicated herself to the continuation of Ursas and the will of the emperor. For all the inner guards, Gao Qi dared to say this, it was definitely a great provocation.

After Gao Qi finished what he just said, Lilia was ready to fight, and she even saw the captain of the inner guard tightly clenched the long knife at his waist.

However, at this moment, Lilia's confidence in Gao Qi is unprecedentedly high. Gao Qi, who is always smiling on weekdays, exudes such a power that she can't help but hold her breath. The gesture of the author made her heart beat wildly.

To Lilia's surprise, Gao Qi seemed a little...handsome?

[Absolutely, definitely because of being scared, yes, because of being scared! 】

However, the captain of the inner guard still didn't move rashly, but stood there like a wooden stake. After a few seconds, he slowly responded.

"As you wish, Mr. Gao Qi, your strength makes me unwilling to be your enemy..."

Holding the handle of the knife a few times, and then loosening it a few times, the captain of the inner guard felt the restlessness and fear of the power in his body. The fear that originated from the soul made him fundamentally unwilling to be an enemy of this man.

"That's right, inner guards, believe it or not, three hours later, the invasion of demons will begin, you can dare to go to Sunset Canyon earlier, step on the accelerator at full speed, maybe there is still time."

From the perspective of my own wives—let’s include Lilia first—the inner guards are undoubtedly the enemy, including the atrocities committed by the Future Integration Movement in Chernobog and the battle at Longmen. It happened when the Fourth Army and some of the internal guards were connected with the Black Snake.

However, from the standpoint of human beings, Gao Qi hopes that there will be more fighting power in the Sunset Canyon - he can't let him go there to fight against the demons himself, right? In that case, I'm afraid he will have to deal with Ursus's artillery immediately, and he doesn't like being caught between two sides.

"...I will consider your opinion, Mr. Gao Qi, we are loyal to the late emperor, and we will naturally protect his territory, but—someone wants to talk to you."

The inner guard nodded, but was stunned for a second, and replied to Gao Qi in a pleading tone.

Gao Qi glanced at him, as if he had noticed something.

"Ah... I know who it is, so it's not surprising. Well, let him 'come out'."

If we say that the inner guard has used the power of demons to transform his body into a carrier that can carry demons while maintaining his humanity.

So... Can the inner guard carry the power of other superiors?

"First meeting, Mr. Gao Qi, Kosche, I salute you—I don't know, how do you get along with my daughter?"

The next second, the captain of the inner guard suddenly changed his aura, bowed slightly to Gao Qi, and his hoarse tone added a gloomy and ruthless tone.

Even Lilia could tell that the existence in front of her seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation inside.

A wisp of the black snake's will resided in his body—the inner guard, which also became one of the snake's scales.

Compared with the black snake Tallulah who is no different from an ordinary little girl except for knowledge and experience, and almost no different from Tallulah, the person in front of more like that blacksnake.


Ethan is really the mvp of this event. Last time, the small sarcoid monster in Yuan Shichen’s operation seems to not eat the number of attacks. When the new mechanism came out this time, various high-frequency and low-injury characters suddenly rose up. Sure enough, there is no strongest character, only the most suitable environment!

However, the weight of the small decorations that exploded is also very low. The whole second skill Wendy is directly invincible, and the old carp is also very suitable... But the most important thing is that there are more single-entry levels, which is very convenient. Cool!

71. When a word disagrees, a war begins.

The undead black snake, the evil **** born in Ursas, although it can be said to be the weakest of all the superiors in terms of combat ability, but at the same time, it also has the most terrifying power.

He is called the Immortal Black Snake, and this immortality not only represents the dark will that has been passed down from generation to generation, but also represents His countless avatars that he can't even count.

Although the black snake Tallulah begged for mercy more than once last night, twisting her waist while uttering harsh words, but the little girl who is exactly like Tallulah is still far from the real black snake.

The current black snake Tallulah still has that innocence. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has many similarities with Tallulah. It will make the power of the black snake flourish in her heart, and finally break through the limit that made her lose control.

But now, as long as Gao Qi and Alina are watching, Tallulah's mental health will be guaranteed, so Tallulah the Black Snake is just a naive brat with no knowledge.

Gao Qi never thought that he could say that he had truly defeated Black Snake by slapping her to beg for mercy. After all, even Black Snake himself didn't know whether Kosche had any other "heirs" besides Tallulah. —Maybe Kelsey will have some clues, but Gao Qi doesn't think she will tell herself.

Moreover, in addition to the heirs, Black Snake also has a special unit called "Snake Scale", which is a group of puppets that have not been trained like Tallulah, but directly manipulated by obliterating their own emotions with Originium skills.

Tallulah is not very clear about this matter, only the black snake Tallulah has related memories.

Gao Qi defeated her, but not "Him". Although Kosiche was killed by Tallulah, his layout still lingered on this land.

And now, a "scale" belonging to the black snake came in front of Gao Qi.

"...You even controlled an inner guard. I have to admit, this surprised me. It seems that the cooperation between you is closer than I imagined."

Holding Lilia in his arms, Gao Qi looked at the captain of the inner guard. Although his appearance remained the same, at a certain moment, Gao Qi knew that a huge change had taken place inside him.

The aura that was as sharp as an unsheathed sword instantly turned into a cold gaze like a viper, and the manic demonic energy in the captain of the internal guards instantly quieted down.

It's like... being suppressed by a more powerful force.

Needless to say, this was quite a surprise.

Immediately afterwards, another voice came from the mouth of the captain of the inner guard, still hoarse, but it gave off a completely different feeling.

"Many names, because I promoted the establishment of the inner guard, and they also voluntarily joined my plan. Not many people know about it. I am surprised that you know about it, Mr. Gao Qi —It's an honor to meet you."

Stretching out his hand wrapped in military gloves, the Captain of the Internal Guard, or rather, the Black Snake Kosche, greeted Gauchi.

As for Gao Qi, he just raised his eyebrows silently and did not move.

"If you don't hold it, you think it's dirty, it's disgusting, and it's buried."

Although Gao Qi can't say he likes the black snake Tallulah too much, he doesn't dislike her either. She is just a child who has mastered extraordinary knowledge and theories, and the will of the black snake is only for the country of Ursus. That's all, it's not about good or bad.

For a "baby" that may lead to countless tragedies in the future, Gao Qi decided to let her be a good child—both educationally and physically.

At least for now, it is very successful in physics. Gao Qi plans to find more opportunities to rest with Tallulah in the coming days, and to consolidate her educational achievements with Black Snake. In the future, she may not become a good snake, but Sure to be a hungry snake.

But... the Black Snake Kosiche is different, he is also a Black Snake, and he is a complete Black Snake. The once enthusiastic and resolute Duke Kosiche has disappeared, replaced by this cruel conspirator.

Even Tallulah and the black snake Tallulah couldn't know all of Kosche's plots, how many people died in his plots, and how many plots remained even after his death.

What's more, the birth of the inner guard is the result of Cosche, no, it may be the result of several generations of black snakes planning and advancing behind the scenes. They use the power of demons to distort human beings, and then use medicine and technology to maintain their will. Become a sharp blade against all enemies.

This way... is even more cruel than the birth of blood therapy.

Gao Qi has been to the Church of Healing, he has also been to the Baergenworth and Mensis schools, and he has dealt with many experimental victims. He knows that in order to pursue the power of the gods, even if it is to fight against the superiors, the creation of creations , How many people need to be sacrificed and how many tragedies are caused.

And obviously, the crimes committed by the black snake can be said for ten days and a half months just by Tallulah. Gao Qi has been in Terra for so long, and he rarely sees such a pure villain.

Needless to say, whoever believes in the Black Snake is a real idiot, and Gao Qi doesn't even intend to say a word to him.

"Ah, why bother, Mr. Gao Qi, I am no different from you, we are all existences with a higher vision than ordinary people - I am just for Ursus, integrating all the forces that can be integrated, and seeking all the forces that can be integrated. seek help."

There was no expression under the inner guard's helmet, only the hoarse voice of the black snake came out.

"The demonic invasion is coming, Mr. Gao Qi, we are all their enemies, we have no conflict of interests, I don't know why we must be enemies to each other - isn't this the moment we need to work together?"

Stretching out his hand, the black snake controlled the inner guard, pointing to the foot of the mountain in the north.

As time goes by, no matter whether it's Gao Qi or the black snake—even if it's just a piece of snake scale, they can all feel the huge threat in it, where the greedy and pure evil is slowly moving towards the sunset canyon in the west .

"The invasion of demons will start soon, Mr. Gao Qi, with me, you can use a more convenient and legal identity to directly pass through the Sunset Canyon to fight against the demons—this will also make it easier for you to regain your own strength. That's why you came to Ursus, isn't it?"

For this, Gao Qi just smiled slightly.

Every superior has his own symbolic concept and his own reasons.

The Foehn Lord symbolizes burning, war and anger, the star **** represents the universe, exploration and discovery, the demon represents thought, control and devouring, and the black snake is very simple, he represents Ursus The strength and prosperity of the world—but to achieve all this, the nature of the thirst for power will not change.

However, obviously, if Gao Qi didn't say anything, Black Snake would not know what he was after.

"Ah, actually I'm not from Ursus."

"But you love this world, don't you? Although the rest of my snake scales have been completely removed from the integration movement by you during this time, I still have a little understanding of you."

Opening his arms, the black snake looked at Gao Qi indifferently, and a strange red light flickered in the inner guard's mask.

"...You yearn for power, Mr. Gao Qi, this is the nature of the superior who will never change, my proposal is beneficial to you, and you have never refused to cooperate with me—otherwise, why didn't you treat me What will the successor do? You know that she is destined to become the Black Snake."

As the echo of the black snake Kosche, the current one does not have the ability to make complicated preparations, he just faithfully executes the order of the dead black snake—Gao Qi who suddenly appeared is an exception, but Snake Scale still intends to treat the other Treat him the way the superiors treat him.

Gao Qi understood this, and couldn't help laughing because of his vigilance just now, and then began to feel a little regretful.

"Honestly, I'm a bit sorry, if I were actually facing Kosche, maybe there would have been a good debate today, but alas, you're nothing more than a shadow—actually, I long for Nako, or rather, love?"

Showing a playful smile, Gao Qi looked at the inner guard Shelin in front of him, and Lilia in his arms also quietly covered his chest - Mr. Gao Qi wanted this so!

"I don't know how many snake scales are left in the corners of this world. Maybe you are the biggest one. It is used to ensure the progress of your plan before the new black snake awakens. I don't know how many people there are. Working with you guys, but…"

Thinking of this, Gao Qi took out his mobile terminal and played a recording with ease.

"I just want to tell you that from now on, there won't be any black snakes in this world, but there may be a little snake in my house that is not so easy to deal with~~"

In the next second, there was a blushing cry from Gao Qi's mobile terminal.

[Huh, ha, wait, wait, I'm already out of strength, don't be—well, I was wrong, I was wrong, sorry, I'm not a black snake, okay, stop—I'm just a little devil, I'm It's Master Gao Qi's dog, ah! Not at the tail! 】

Although it was in a dream, with Gao Qi’s ability to turn dreams into reality, the embarrassing voice of the black snake Tallulah was recorded—after she dared to rebel, Gao Qi threw the recording to Tallulah, and guaranteed Lula was so happy that she didn't want to be blackened!

According to common sense, Gao Qi would definitely not play this recording to others, but in a sense, the inner guards in front of him are all the scales of the Black Snake, and the voice in the recording is also the Black Snake's. —Rounding up and down counts as He himself listens?

That's weird.


Hearing the voice full of obsequiousness and obviously doing that kind of thing, Lilia immediately closed her furry ears, and even forgot to be afraid of the inner guard—he didn't know who Gao Qi had done to him, but in It's not surprising that anything happened to him.

And Snakescale... Gao Qi couldn't see his expression, but his face must be very dark.

The **** who gave all to the greatness of Ursus will exist, but the undead black snake will no longer exist.

Although she is still unconvinced now, Gao Qi is confident that Tallulah will show a path that will make Ursus more powerful in the future—not just for nobles and imperial power, but for everyone Yes, at that time, Black Snake Tallulah will make the right choice.

"Okay, why bother to play this kind of word game, you didn't intend to really convince me from the very beginning when you met me, didn't you—come on, let me see your backhand, the echo of the black snake."

He beckoned to the black snake, and Gao Qi stretched his neck.

"You have to understand that I really want to hurry up now. Compared to you, I want to kill some demons and see what they are capable of. However, you are no different from them."

As he spoke, Gao Qi silently raised the holy sword of Ludwig in his hand, and the patterns on the holy sword were covered with pale moonlight.


The next second, before Lilia in his arms could react, she was surprised to find that the tall inner guard had already been cut into two by his side, and was easily cut off in the middle. The long knife in his hand even Didn't have time to pull it out—it was almost like bumping into it.

Immediately afterwards, the inner guard shriveled up quickly, and the section of his body was wriggling black, as if it were some kind of invisible cargo. The dark mist also surged out from their bodies, exactly the same as the mist when demons descended. —That is the existence called "Kingdom".

"Then, my goal has also been achieved. Mr. Gao Qi, I came here this time just to determine whether our conflict is as big as imagined, and whether you are a real threat to us."

No matter how quickly his body shriveled, the voice of the black snake in the inner guard's mouth became louder and louder.

"Now it looks... yes, and you are more terrifying than we imagined, and the threat is real. One of my heirs has even given up his great mission under your power. It is really sad—then , the integration movement has also lost its meaning of existence, after resolving these matters, we will deal with this little pawn."

In the next second, all the remaining inner guards pulled out the long knives in their hands, and from their mouths, they also uttered the words belonging to the black snake in unison-they would not care about their own life or death.

And in the sky in the distance, bright, dazzling fires flashed across the sky at this moment.

"Ursas' largest caliber artillery, with a regiment and ten inner guards, can it cause you... a little trouble? I'm curious."

The army that came near the integration movement was much more than Tallulah and the others had expected. The beyond-visual-range strike allowed them to bombard here from a distance of more than ten kilometers, far beyond the limit of the integration movement's reconnaissance.

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